Dragon ball human Reborn

Chapter 12: korrin

"Welcome I've been waiting for you " korrin said as soon as Alex arrived in front of him

"you were waiting for me "Alex asked out of curiosity

"yes you see it's been awhile since last time someone climbed the korrin tower " korrin said as he started brushing his whiskers like a cat " so what is it that you want "

"I am here to get th- " just as Alex started talking he was interrupted

"wait let me " korrin said as he stood still as if concentrating on something "What are you doing"

"don't talk let me concentrate this usually doesn't take so long hmm ha gotcha *sigh* " korrin said as he sighed "hmm interesting you're fourth person from your turtle school to reach here "

"wait how do you know I am from turtle school " Alex said then he started to panic as he remembered korrin could read mind 'shit shit shit I didn't think it through before coming here ok just calm down and assess the situation first'

"hmm I've got to admit you've got a strong mind but I got enough to understand your situation " korrin said as he started rubbing his face with his own paws like a cat

"w-what do you understand *gulp*"Alex said nervously gulping "you are pursuing martial art so if the events like King piccolo happened again you would be ready"

"right and" Alex said getting a little impatient "and like I said you've got strong mind and it's a bit difficult reading your mind but I got enough to understand that your intention aren't evil"

"really *sigh*" Alex said finally releasing the breath he was holding without even knowing

"Anyway it's getting rather boring so if you want to drink sacred water go ahead " korrin said pointing toward pedestal with jar filled with water was on it "just like that ?"

"yup just like that "

"well if you say so "Alex said as he walked towards the pedestal just as he was about reached out for the jar

*whoosh* Alex ducked just as korrin swinged his staff over his head then Alex jumped back creating a distance "Hey whats the big idea "

"No don't mind me you can drink as much water as you want " korrin said as if nothing happened

Alex didn't say anything and just jumped towards the bottle but got kicked by korrin *bash* *thump* Alex crashed on the floor

Alex quickly got up and looked towards korrin who hooked up the bottle to the staff in his hand " here here come and get it"

"y-you I'll get you "Alex said as he chased after korrin all over the tower yajirobi on the other hand was bored out of his mind and was sleeping nearby without any care in the world

after hours of recklessly chasing Alex was dead tired he couldn't lift a finger as he laid on the floor still trying to catch his breath "you're *huff* you're too fast "

"At this rate you could spend your whole life and still wouldn't be able to catch me " korrin said standing beside him " you aren't reading my moves at all you're just being reckless"

"read your moves you say but how " Alex said as he tried to get up but fell on his butt "woah the the room is spinning "

"you feel light-headed and weak at this altitude the air is much thinner than you are used to so all that wasted energy you're throwing around is bringing you back down " korrin said as he went downstairs with Alex tagging along with him while korrin continued to explain "see you should move like you speak with purpose and clear direction commit your mind and focus distraction is a root of all failure "

" anyway what's this " korrin said as he looked at capsule in his hand

" huh hey that's my-"just Alex about say he was interrupted

"meh I don't need it " korrin interrupted as he tosses the capsule out of korrin tower "hey why did you do that it was my capsule with my turtle shell in it what if the capsule get's damaged "

"well if I was in your position I would hurry up and go look for it then " korrin said calmly as he stroke his mustache

" you- *sigh* you're right I'll be going then " Alex said as he jumped down from one of the hole and started climbing down the tower after few hours of climbing down Alex finally reached down

"where is it " Alex said as he started searching for the the capsule after searching for a while Alex found something "aha found it just as I thought the capsule broke "

Alex took the turtle shell and wore it on his back and then started climbing up furiously after few hours hours of climbing Alex once again reached the top of the tower

korrin was reading some scrolls Alex sneak behind him and tried to get the staff on korrins shoulder just as he thought he had the staff moved Alex tried again but still the staff moved as if korrin had eyes on his back " concentrate anticipate my movement know my thoughts by reading my breath "

" reading your breath huh " again the chase started with additional weight of turtle shell Alex speed was bit slower soon the night fell

korrin was sleeping on his bed Alex on the other hand couldn't sleep as he sat cross-legged and going through the thought of what he learned 'anticipate the movement by reading breath but how '

Alex then started observing korrin and his movements based on how he breath Alex sat all night studying korrins movements

Next day

Alex was once again chasing korrin but this time with focus 'concentrate move with clear direction there'

Alex jumped towards one of the many copies of korrin running around and swinged both of his arms towards korrin just as he thought he caught up with korrin but was kicked to side of his face as he crashed on the floor "wha-how I almost caught you what happened"

"what happened is even though your brain was able to deduce my movements but your body is still slower you could have caught me if you had taken off the turtle shell of yours " korrin said as he rubbed his face with his paws

"oh so that's what happened don't worry I will soon used to the weight I mean I am used to the weight but I am still struggling to move at the speed I want to" Alex said trying to best come up with answers

" well you better get used to move faster with the weight" korrin said as he looked at Alex seriously

"don't worry I'll definitely catch you I promise " Alex said with confidence

power level

korrin : 180

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