Dragon ball human Reborn

Chapter 13: The Tribe

Two days later

"hah " Alex jumped after korrin swinging his arms trying to catch him and korrin was dodging trying to to escape but Alex was always behind him

Korrin was getting desperate and accidentally jumped outside the tower Alex also jumped towards korrin korrin and caught him with both of his arms "gotcha "

" yo-you why did you jumped after me now we'll both fall aaah" Alex who had caught korrin was looking at him amusingly after few seconds korrin finally realized they aren't falling down

" wh-why aren't we falling down " korrin said as he looked down at clouds below " I mean of course I knew you could fly I was just testing you haha"

Alex then landed inside the tower with korrin and then swiftly took the staff out of korrins hand

"Finally I got it" Alex said as he looked towards korrin " can I drink it now "

"Drink up you earned it " korrin said while deep in his thoughts ' hmm impressive being able to this much within such short time specially with the additional weight '

Alex opened the bottle and started gulping down after drinking all the water he looked at arms "strange I don't feel like I gotten any stronger korrin "

"That's natural you feel exactly like you should feel after drinking the tap water" korrin said as if it's nothing

"What tap water but I thought it was sacred water " Alex said trying to act surprised

" Hahaha yeah well not really see you gained strength by working hard to get that bottle climbing up and down the tower increased your endurance learning to anticipate my action sharpen your mind and taking the bottle away from me increased your speed so see you've tripled your strength since you arrived all by yourself "

" Really " Alex said as he looked at him arms then started swinging around punching and kicking the air "yeah I feel a bit stronger than before"

"Hmm very good Alex you've learned all the things I had to teach you " korrin said as he was playing with his moustache

"Thank you master korrin I'll be leaving then see ya "Alex said as he jumped out of tower and started falling down just in few seconds he could see the ground as he slowed down and landed

"hmm there seems to be crowd here well I should look for melon " Alex said as he went towards the capsule House but it was empty then he looked looked towards the crowd they were people of bora's tribe just then he spotted upa who was helping with whatever they were doing

"Hey upa " Alex shouted as he went towards them upa turned as he looked excited

"ah Alex you are just in time we were just preparing for the tonight's feast "

"A feast huh anyway do you know where melon is I am looking for her I looked into the capsule House but it's empty " Alex asked as he looked around at the people working

"If you're looking for your friend you don't have to worry look there she is " Upa pointed towards the group of women who were preparing the vegetables and meat for the feast there he saw a woman with blonde hair and fair skin adorn the dress of tribal women and feather on the head half white half red she almost looked like a goddess

Alex was in dazed as he looked at her just then she looks up then she started running towards him and stopped in front " hey Alex look look what I am wearing does it look good on me "

Alex finally came to himself

"yo-you *gulp*you look beautiful "he said as he felt his throat drying

"I know right I asked bora's wife to lend some clothes" melon said as she was showing off the dress " you alright hehe don't tell me you fell for my beauty too "

"huh don't be ridiculous " Alex said getting embarrassed as he tried to look somewhere else " And how do you even know that aren't you supposed to be an airhead"

" I am not Airhead besides bora's wife told me that all the men were looking at me when I came out wearing this dress " Melon said as her voice started lowering " she said they were in dazed because of how beautiful I am that's why I knew it when you looked like that too"

" well you do look beautiful" Alex said nonchalantly

"you mean it ?"

"of course I mean it why would I lie " Alex said as he looked back at melon who looked so excited as she jumped at him and hugged him "yay now you can't take that back alright "

Just then the crowd started to split and a young man with build almost as big as Bora came towards Alex as he pointed spear in his hand at Alex" you there I heard you climbed the korrin "

"yes I did " Alex said as he looked at the young man confused

" Fight me "

power level

Alex : 120 (weighted)

korrin : 190

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