Chapter 15: The Tribe 3
*sniff* " you stink you are not going like this " Mellon said as she tried take off the turtle shell of his back but just as she took the shell off *bam* it fell down on the floor " woah it's so heavy how can you even walk in that no wonder you're so strong "
"Now go and take the shower you're not going to the feast smelling like that " Mellon said as she pushed Alex into the bathroom and closed the door " and don't wear that Orange GI I'll bring your change of clothes so take your time"
Alex went in and took the shower Mellon had brought clothes from Bora for Alex to wear there wasn't much just a brown trousers a headband and shoes
"Now you look the part let's go the feast to begin " Alex and Mellon both joined Bora and his in their feast everyone had a seat surrounding the fire with a dinosaurs on it as the food was being prepared
As the night fell everyone was enjoying the feast Alex was given a glass with some kind of juice "what's this smells weird "
"Don't be silly Alex it's a good drink it might be the contain some Alcohol in it too " Mellon beside him said as she leaned her head on his shoulder with her hands hooked up to his arm " Mellon are Alright are you sure can handle the liquor "
"When I was at home grandpa would sometimes take me to parties where most of the people are from rich family so having drinks isn't new to me " Mellon said as she took sip from her glass " in fact I feel a bit calmer whenever I am drunk"
"Well I am curious what kind of business does your grandfather do " Alex said as he sipped the soup he was given
"Oh didn't I told you my grandpa's business mostly deals with tech business we also have side business but I don't know much about it"
"That's good I guess what about your mother what does she do " Alex asked casually as he finished eating his food
"She gambles after my father passed away she got depressed and got into the habit of gambling grandpa also didn't tried to stop her because he felt that she would recover after few days but..." Mellon said as she trailed off after the last word
"Well now that's depressing I lost my memories about a year ago so I don't remember anything before that " Alex said as he couldn't see her sad face anymore then Mellon lifted her face as she looked at him
"But then what about your parents I am sure they're still searching for you "
"Well don't know about that but the best thing about losing memories is I don't have to worry about anyone anyway it's about time let's go " Alex said as he stood up and went towards Bora
"About time for what Alex wait " Mellon said as she ran behind him
"Hey Bora I was thinking how about I take some food and drink to korrin" Alex said as he looked at Bora who was excited by the idea
"Can you do that if you can take food and gave it to korrin-sama it would our greatest honour" bora said as he couldn't contain hie excitement
Bora prepared a big pot and a jug full of liquor as he gave it to Alex who held the pot in one hand and jug in another then Alex looked at Mellon " I think you'd have stay here I'll be back in a minute "
"No need I am coming with you I have to see this korrin guy" Mellon said as she climbed on his back she raised one hand said " let's go "
"Well hold tight don't blame me if you fall " Alex said as he started flying with Mellon on his back soon in just few minutes and they were near the top
Just as they landed inside the temple korrin was standing there as if waiting for them
"Oh hey korrin were waiting for us ?" Alex said as looked at korrin
"Of course why do you think I am standing here in the middle of the night so what brings you here at this time" korrin said as he stroke his mustache but before Alex could say anything Mellon interrupted them as she said "Hey Alex is that korrin you were talking about I thought he would some kind of old geezer but he's just a cat "
"C'mon Mellon don't be rude korrin might not look like it be he's a deity you should be respectful anyway here korrin there was a feast going on so I bought you something's "Alex said as he put down the pot and the jug
"That's great thanks it's been while since I had a meal " korrin said a as he accepted the present
soon yajirobi also woke up from the smell of the food he tried eating all of it but korrin was faster as he already took a piece of meat before yajirobi and after that they drank the liquor
"Korrin I wanted ask you if I can somehow meet kami " Alex said as he looked at korrin who was using toothpick
"It's impossible you can't meet kami not unless kami himself wants to meet you " Korrin said without missing a beat
"But why " Alex asked with a frown
"Well as good as you are you are not worthy not yet only chosen few can have personal meeting with kami " Korrin explained
"Worthy but how I can become worthy enough " Alex asked
"Well the last person to meet kami had to defeat King piccolo "
"You're talking about Goku aren't you " Alex said as he folded his arms as he leaned back to a pillar " so you do know Goku "
"To be honest I never met him I've only heard about him " Alex said as he prepared to leave but stopped by Mellon as she said "hey wait you can't be serious about the whole Kami thing c'mon Alex he's just make belief "
"Whether you believe it or not young lady kami is real" korrin said then he looked at Alex and asked " what do you even want to do by meeting kami you are not after his position are you "
"Of course not why would I wanna cooped up in one place I just heard that kami also teaches martial arts that's all anyway since I can't meet him then there's nothing to do here let's go Mellon " Alex said as he held Mellon but stopped " before I go do you have any senzu beans korrin it could be a lifesaver "
"Wait let me check " korrin said as he took out a pouch and looked inside
"I've only got three on me right now " korrin said as he threw the pouch at Alex
"Three is enough see you later master korrin " Alex took Mellon and started flying down the korrin tower soon Mellon started questioning him about everything they were talking him and Alex answered since he thought it was only way to stop her from pesteringhim and soon they reached their capsule House and went to sleep
to be continue