Dragon ball human Reborn

Chapter 16: Palace in the Dessert

Next day

Alex and Mellon both left the land of korrin as they said their goodbyes to Bora and his tribe

"Hey Alex what's your plan for the future" Mellon asked she looked at Alex who walking on his hands with turtle shell on his back and a log tied with one end of rope and the other to his gut "well I *Huff*I haven't really thought about it *huff* I am gonna... I am gonna "

"You alright Alex how about we rest a bit after all it's been few hours since we have been walking even I am tired " Mellon said as she looked at Alex who was breathing heavily "you're right *huff* we should rest "

*plop* Alex fell on his back as he had worn turtle shell he was struggling to get up then he gives up as he layed there resting " you need help "

"Nah I am fine anyway where was I oh yeah I want to travel the world but more than that I want I want fight with people who can challenge me and not one hit KOs me anyway what about you Don't you any plans" Alex asked to Mellon who went and sat on a rock nearby "I don't have any plans guess I'll just follow you around"

"Huh but what about your family won't they get worried "Alex asked with concern but Mellon brushed it off " don't worry about it like I said yesterday my mom addicted to gambling and my grandpa's more or less a workaholic he doesn't think much anything besides his work so even if I went home I am always alone"

"Well I don't know what to say to that anyway

hmm a place where I can fight and don't have to worry about getting overpowered and gain some fighting experience aha " Alex said as he came out of his thoughts and tried to get up as struggled Mellon started laughing " hahaha you look just like a turtle flipped on its back"

" I think I know where we are going next " Alex said as he got after resting for an hour they left the place

Few weeks later

*Thump*"ouch " Alex tripped again it was his almost tenth time falling Mellon looked at him " I don't understand why do you insist on putting the blindfold on and walking on your hands in the desert "

"I told you I am trying to develop my ki sense and since we rely on our eyes so much it's easier with blindfold on besides I am just so close to sensing your ki anyway are we there yet "

"I don't know I feel like I am seeing something but if it's real or just in my head " Mellon said as she squinted her eyes looking at something

"Wait let me see "Alex said as he got up and took off his blindfold and looked at where Mellon was pointing at there he saw a palace in the desert and black clouds to his right "we're there c'mon let's go "

"I can't I am tired and thirsty " Mellon said as she took out bottle to drink but it was empty " and we don't even have water you have to carry me "

"*sigh* Alright come here we'll fly there " Alex said as he princess carried her and started flying After few minutes they were in front of the palace

"Tell me why didn't we bought a vehicle capsule yet " Mellon asked as they were flying

"Well I don't know why you didn't bought any I on the other hand don't need it in fact it would get in the way of my training "

"Look we are finally here " Alex said as they landed before a palace on a Lake

"Is this the place you were talking about "Mellon said as she looked at the sight

Just as Alex was about to explain a few people come out of the palace all bandaged and limping followed by a pink ghost with a hat "hehehe heal quickly and came back soon"

As they pass by Alex and Mellon

"Strange why do they look all banged up I have bad feeling about this " Mellon said as she stood behind Alex

"Welcome now get in line quickly! " the ghost said as he arrived in front of them " formation before information as I always say "

"Ok are you two together "

"Yes we are " Alex answered then the ghost started giggling " hehehe good good marvelous "

" Follow me please " the ghost said

"Wait what happened to those people " Mellon asked as she pointed towards the group that just left

Instead of answering the ghost started giggling again and went in " hehehe let's go "

"He's creepy anyway you didn't tell me what's this place is about " Mellon asked as as they followed the ghost through the dome shaped room " don't worry you'll find out soon"

"Hurry now don't dawdle " as they went after the ghost they crossed the bridge just as they reached a bigger dome shaped room the ghost spoke "behold the fortuneteller baba "

Just as they enter the room it was dark but soon bright green orb started coming down from the sealing Mellon got scared as she hid behind Alex

The orb stopped at their eye level and the glow faded an old woman wearing black robe and a black hat was sitting on the floating orb as she came in the view "good you've brought me a couple this time "

"Are you the fortuneteller baba " Alex asked since it was their first time meeting

"Yes I am " Baba said as examined him

"Can you help me find something I am looking for ? " Alex asked another question

"Certainly what is lost I can find " Baba said with a smile

"Hey Alex you didn't tell me you lost something and are you sure she can find whatever you are looking for I mean what if she's a scammer " Mellon whispered to Alex " don't worry she has very good reputation "

"Of course there's a small fee for my service " baba said as she looked at Alex

"And how much is that " Alex asked

"Before taxes and with our coupon... it will run you roughly around 10 million zeni " baba said with a well practiced manner even Mellon was baffled by amount " what?! 10 million zeni even I don't have that much money "

"What if we don't have that much money surely there must be another way " Alex asked knowing the answer full well

"We do have an alternate method of payment Come along follow baba " baba said as she chuckled both Alex and Mellon followed

behind her they were on another bridge there was ring in the middle of the bridge

"C'mon Alex spill the beans I won't tell anyone" Mellon said as she started whispering

"Huh what are you talking about " Alex asked with confused look

"Tell me what is it that you're looking for knowing you surely it must be something amazing is it... is it some kind of ancient treasure that'll make you richest in the world or...or some kind of magical lamp that will grant your or maybe Some kind of legendary weapon that'll make invincible " Mellon said as she more and more excited by the possibilities

"Mellon are you even listening to yourself your imagination is running way wilder than even an eighth grader besides I haven't really thought about anything yet " Alex said as he walked ahead soon they reached the Arena

"Here's how it works your group will do battle with my fighters one on one " baba said looking at them as she continued " if your team member wins they will move on to the next match "

"If they lose another in your team will resume the battle this will continue until one side wins if you defeat all of my five fighters I will tell your fortune for free "

After listening to the rules Mellon released a sigh of relief "*phew* and I thought it would be something serious "

"You don't know who you are dealing with old lady Alex here is practically a fighting expert your fighters don't even stand a chance " Mellon said as she stood in front of baba

"Guess I am in the presence of greatness. I shall strive to make this challenge worthy of your skills hehehe " baba said as she chuckles

To be continued

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