Chapter 17: Vampire and the invisible man
"So let me get this straight if I defeat your five fighters in one on one matches and I win you will tell us our fortune for free " Alex asked baba as she nodded " that's right you are correct "
"Well looks like I'll be fighting all five of your fighters then " Alex said as he looked at baba
"Oh you brave soul think you could take on my five fighters alone hahaha " Baba said as she laughed then continued
"But I warn you think this through carefully you are young and alone and these are no ordinary fighters " baba said with a serious face " I think I can handle myself very well I am prepared for your challenge "
"Rules are very simple we'll continue until one person is either thrown into the lake or gives up " Baba said then she floated a bit high
"Simple enough" Alex said with a nod
"Well what a fine spirit are you ready "
"Yes I am" Alex said and then Mellon went and stood out of the ring "good luck Alex I wanna see five wet fighters before you leave the ring"
"Fang the vampire come forth " baba said as she looked back at the dome shaped room behind her soon a bat came flying above the ring then *boom* the bat transform into a blue humanoid figure with sharp teeth and gloves
"Hahaha " fang started laughing then he started doing a weird dance just as he was done then baba said " now let the match begin"
Both Alex and fang took their position then baba spoke again "ready set go "
Just as Alex was running towards his opponent fang started dancing again Alex stopped and stood still just then fang kicked *thump* but it was blocked by Alex" you didn't think I would drop my guard did you"
Then fang punched with his left then right but both were dodged before he could jump back *BAM* Alex punched him in the face he flew back as he crashed and slides until he came to stop at the corner of the ring
"Is... is he alright " Mellon said as she looked at fallen vampire then he shook as he slowly got up then he looked at Alex
"That hurts " fang said with while holding his face
"Well I did held back didn't wanna kill you "Alex said with a smirk
"Why you... I'll make you pay" fang said as he clenched his fist with anger*boom* fang transformed into a bat again and started fluttering around Alex. Alex tried punching him but all he did was punching the empty air it's not that he was faster but the way he was flying unpredictable
"Hahaha " Then fang flew high as he dived at Alex who dodged as he jumped sideways 'focus Alex remember what master korrin said concentrate and anticipate his movements ' Alex thought as he observed fang
Fang dived again Alex dodged sideways again as he observed fang who went up in the air just as he turned around 'now' Alex thought as he jumped behind fang " huh where did he go"
"He's behind you " Baba shouted but before fang could do anything *chop* *clash* Alex had chopped him as he crashed into the ring *boom* he transformed back to his human form
Alex then landed as he waited for fang to get up soon he got up again then he started running towards Alex and jumped with his mouth wide open ready to bite
Alex also jumped as he *pow* kicked him in the gut as he landed back in the ring. *splash* fang on the other hand had fallen in the lake and Mellon started cheering for Alex "Yes I knew it hahaha beat 'em all you can do it go Alex ! go Alex ! "
"Hahaha impressive then now that the warm up match is over. let's how you fare against my real fighters " baba said as she laughed
"I am ready bring out your next fighter "Alex as he looked at her
"Eager are we but do not fret pay attention your opponent is already here. " baba said gravely as she looked at Alex. Mellon who couldn't see anyone
"Hey is this a joke or what seeing your age I wouldn't blame you if gone senile or something " she muttered last part under her breath
"Do I look like I am capable of humor ? the reason you can't see him is because he's invisible " baba said with a straight face
"Well I don't need to see him to beat him " Alex said as he closed his eyes trying to sense his enemy
"Oh such a bold claim we'll see if you are telling the truth soon enough Helene "baba said as she chuckled " now let the match begin "
"Hahaha guess which one my hand is behind me is it left... " *Pow* as something punched Alex " ...or is right " *pow* he was punched again as he staggered back a little
'I can sense his location but I can't sense his exact movements ' Alex thought
"Is that all I am disappointed for someone with such a special Abilities you sure are weak Although thanks for the warm up " Alex smirked and said as he stood as if nothing happened
"You... I'll show how weak I am " invisible man shouted
"But to answer your question I guess neither of your hands are behind you- *pow* Invisible man punched again but this time instead of staggering back Alex gritted his teeth and stood his ground as he opened his eyes before invisible man could do anything Alex caught his wrist and *BAM* he was knee'd him to the mid section
"You idiot he baited you " Baba shouted at the invisible man
"I am not done yet " Alex said as he turned around and *Slammed* him over his head invisible man who was now lying down spoke "p-please I can't take it anymore I... I quit "
"Yay we won take that you cheater go Alex! go Alex! "Mellon started cheering and dancing
"You are clever but that won't save you from my remaining forces hahaha " Baba laughed then she looked Alex and said " now for our third match we're going to need change of scenery follow me "
Power levels
Invisible man : 30
fang : 85
Alex :(weights) 125