Dragon ball human Reborn

Chapter 19: Devil Man and the fifth mysterious fighter

"Alright I am ready for my next opponent "

"Let next match begin spike come forth " soon spike the devil man walked into the room he had two horns and two Black wings and a tail with arrow like shape at the end "ready set go"

the devil man jumped up and started flying as he looked down upon Alex and said "I always give my opponents the chance to surrender what do you say "

"No thanks "as soon as Alex said that spike started flying at him as he attacked with his razor sharp nails as he swung his hands at Alex

Alex dodged the claws as he is jumped back and again jumped as dodged a leg sweep and *pah* kicked the devil to the side of his face as he fell down just as was about to drop in the acidic water he desperately flapped his wings as flew and landed on the tongue

"*huff* lucky shot that's all it was "

"Really I think I've been getting lucky shot on all of my matches now " Alex said in a sarcastic way as he smirked Devil man got mad "why you little... you think you can beat me "

"Not to put pressure on you but YOU BETTER WIN" Baba said to the devil man then he smiled as he said " well unfortunately for him, his luck is about to run out for no one can survive the power of my devil mite beams "

The devil man flaps his wings then he joins his hands then makes a triangle with his thumb and fingers as he looked at Alex" the most destructive force in the world is the negativity it is a true power "

"Negative energy exist in all living things it's created from emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, jealousy and aggression I can manipulate this energy and convert it into beams of destructive Power and right now I have you square in my sights"

Then the devil man points index and middle fingers of his both hands to his forehead as concentrate then Baba shouted "stop what are you doing this is going to far "

"Well then I'll just have make sure to dodge it " Alex said as he prepared then the devil man started laughing as he said " hahaha there's nowhere to dodge on this narrow tongue "

"Is that so we'll see " then the devil man fired the Devilmite beam but Alex jumped and dodged the beam as he cupped his hands "kame... hame.."

"Hahaha now you're just a sitting duck " spike fired another devilmite beam as it went through Alex as he disappeared "wha... where... where is he "

"Haaaa" Alex fired as he appeared behind the devil man who was sent flying through the ceiling " noo aaah- " *boom*

"*sigh* guess I used a bit too much energy on that one sorry about your ceiling Baba " Alex said as he looked at Baba who had her mouth wide open Mellon on the other hand started cheering again "yay go Alex ! one more fight and we win "

"He's... he's just like that boy " Baba muttered then floated near Mellon " your boastful antics won't get you anywhere hehehe I can't wait till you witness my fifth fighter "

"No.5 your match is at hand " Baba shouted and then someone walked into the room

'what the... what is he doing here' Alex thought as he looked at the old man with black clothes, white mustache and beard and gray hair as he introduced himself "hello there my name is Jackie chun"

"Hmm how about we go outside for our match some fresh air would certainly do us some good "Jackie suggested and Baba also agreed on that " certainly let's bring this out of day where everyone can see your victory hahaha "

Soon everyone walked out of the dome shaped building while Baba and Jackie walked ahead followed by Alex and Mellon " judging by the looks of it that old man has no chance "

"you're wrong Mellon don't be fooled by his appearance he is one of the strongest martial artist in the world " Alex told Mellon as they walked but Mellon couldn't believe it and said "huh really but he looks like he'll blow away with the wind at any minute now "

On the other hand Jackie and Baba were a having their own conversation

"This is the last time I am doing you a favor, you better win " Baba said to Jackie as they reached arena

"Don't worry I'll try my best but these matches are unpredictable so no guarantee " Jackie said as he laughed it off

"Hahaha exactly it's the unpredictable nature that attracts me and some money "

Soon both Alex and Jackie stood in the ring while Baba started laughing "hahaha how exciting "

"Can we start fighting now baba " Alex said as took off his turtle shell with one hand throws it outside of the ring *bang* as shell lands he started to warm up *crack* sounds of bones cracking could be heard "yup

I am ready"

"You won't hold back will ya " Jackie chun said with a a smile

"Nope holding back against you would be a mistake I can't afford specially when I am fighting the former world champion " Alex replied as he smiled and looked at Jackie

"And that's what I want from you it would be a shame if you loose too quickly hehe " Roshi said with a smirk

"NOW... Get ready! the last match is about to begin! it goes on till one you surrender " baba said then she looked towards Alex with a smirk " In the unlikely event if Alex manages to win this match I will disclose him the location for the thing he desired to be located"

"Go Alex knock the socks out of that old coot he doesn't stand a chance " Mellon started cheering him from outside of the ring

"Ready... Begin! "

Power level

Alex :(weight) 125

Jackie chun : 139

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