Chapter 20: fifth match
"Ready... Begin! "
Alex started running towards the old man and punched left then right both missed then he tried kicking him in the mid section *swish* as old man jumped back as he dodged the incoming kick
"Not bad but... you're gonna need to do better than that to get me going " Jackie said as he took his stance
"Well I was just testing the waters but now I am serious " Alex said with a smirk then he rushed towards the old but much faster than the last time as he punched Jackie didn't have much time to dodge as blocked the punch *BAM* with his left arm as he gritted his teeth ' this boy how did he became so strong in such short time just give him few years and he might even catch up to others '
"Well you're pretty good for making me block that one" Jackie said as they both stood stalemate then both jumped back at same time
'Fuck I had punched him with all I had and he didn't even budged ' Alex thought as he took his stance just as he blinked Jackie was on him as they started making flurries of attacks running all over the arena as neither one was getting any solid hits they both soon separated as they both landed in middle of the Arena as they both stared at each other
"See if you can handle this boy " Jackie said then rushes towards Alex with his multiple Afterimage technique He creates eight versions of himself that rapidly spin around Alex in an attempt to confuse him.
'Which one's real think Alex think there must be something I can do ' Alex thought confused but before he could do anything Jackie's circle closes in and Assault him with punches and kicks from all around him Alex couldn't do anything other than try and hold on and soon All the Jackie's moves out into a wider circle
Again Jackie's closes in for another attack but this time Alex jumps High up in the air Jackie not wanting to let go jumps after him
'This is it he can't fly I can't miss this opportunity ' Alex thought as he cupped his hands "KAMEHAMEHA HAAA"
Alex fired a blue energy wave at Jackie who was shocked
'H-how w- when did he learn that now's not time to get amazed snap out of it roshi ' as he thought to himself as he quickly fires his own kamehameha *BOOOM* since Jackie was too close to the blast he was blown away just as he was about to crash into the ring he does a backflip as lands safely but before he could look up Alex was Already on him and was hammered to the ground with both hands and jumps back and landed
Jackie struggled a bit as he finally got up on his feet as he said " you're really something it seems I'll have get serious "
Jackie started removing his shirt and he throws it away as started to swing his hands in a strange way and then stopped as he powered up and buffed a bit as he took his stance
"Here I come " Alex said rushing towards Jackie as he couldn't wait any longer and punched at him but Jackie dodges it and punched back at Alex
Just as Alex fell on back he did a kip up and punched back Jackie and soon both started punching each other as bruises started to appear on both of them and finally their fists collided with each others face as both of them collapsed Soon both of them got up to their feet as they took their stance
"C'mon Alex you can't let that old man win get up " Mellon shouted from the ringside
"They're fools just standing their and taking hits Jackie you better win this " Baba also shouted
"This ends here boy " Jackie said then he started to acting weird as if he was drunk *hick* "hehehe what"
"H-hey are you Alright " Alex said as he got worried thinking he might have been a bit too hard on the old man as he got closer but just as he got closer he got punched out of nowhere and then Jackie kicked him in on his shin "Och what the.. wait a minute is that his drunken style technique and I totally fell for it "
"Why you little I'll show " Alex said as he tried to punch him but Jackie easily dodged and punched back at his face
Then Jackie started dancing in a weird way and started attacking Alex punching and kicking but Alex couldn't dodged any of them and Jackie started singing " clap clap it feels so good doesn't it doesn't it "
"There must be a way aha I got it" Alex said as he jumped back as he creates a distance between them
"Heh you think you can get away" Jackie said as he followed Alex just as he tried to Attack Alex he disappeared
"you think you can beat with an afterimage technique " Jackie said as he punched behind him as he thought it was Alex but it was also an afterimage
"Your relying your drunken styles unpredictable nature and surprise attacks that makes your opponents confuse and predictable and also need its opponent approachable " Alex said as he Appeared few feet away from Jackie Then he started creating afterimages all over the arena
"Heh so what you know my drunken style that doesn't change anything " Jackie said as started to attacking every time he thinks he is attacking Alex he disappears Jackie starts getting as he stops using drunken style and started attacking at full speed this time Alex's Afterimages couldn't keep up with Jackie
So instead of making anymore afterimages both started fighting each other at full speed as with each collision they were creating shockwaves all over the arena
Both Mellon and Baba were shocked and in awe as their eye's couldn't keep up with the action
*bang* a shockwaves was created as their fist collided in middle of arena as they jumped back and separated
Alex breathing heavily as this was the first he ever fought someone so strong Jackie chun on other hand was in much better condition as they both stood in their stance ' I guess it can't be helped I'll have to to use that technique it's risky but seeing his his current strength he shouldn't die '
"This is the end I will win " Jackie Chun said as he stood up and continued "They were only two people I used this technique upon first my student Son Gohan and second also my student Son Goku and both times I was the winner "
Soon Jackie raised both of his hands and joined them in front of his face as he started concentrating as the electricity started gathering on his palms as he points them at Alex
Power level
Alex : 145
Jackie chun : 139
Jackie chun (powered up ) : 180