Chapter 25: Goku
"Oh Man it seems I am bit too late"
"Hmm Goku what are you doing here" Alex questioned as he looked back at the man that just Arrived of course he knew who was standing in front him he could recognize him anywhere with his spiky hair and Orange GI.
"Huh how did you know my name? I am confused have we met before," Goku asked as he pointed at himself.
"W-well we met before long time ago you must've forgotten, you visited my village when you were travelling around the world," Alex said as came up with the same excuse he told bulma.
"I don't remember I am sorry I must have forgotten about you hehehe" Goku said as he scratched his head then he looked at Alex and "Hey you got same uniform as me "
"Hmm I got these after training with master Roshi" Alex said as he looked down at his clothes
"you trained with master Roshi, you must be strong I can't wait see it" Goku said as he got excited "c'mon you have to fight me now "
"Sure just what I wanted " Alex said as he took his stance
"Awesome come at me with everything you got " Just as Goku said Alex was already rushing at him and punched at him Goku blocks it with his arms crossed as he slides back
"Amazing " Goku said as he blocked and then punched Alex to his face and sends him flying back Alex touches the ground with his hands and used it as a leverage to backflip and lands and raised both of his hands to his forehead as he shouted at the incoming Goku " Solar flare "
"My eyes damn it my eyes " Goku shouted as he stopped midair as he covered his eyes Alex on the other cupped his hands to his waist "KAME HAME "
"HAAA " Alex shouted as fired the energy wave at the blinded Goku who crossed his arms as blocked the wave and started pressing through the energy wave as he recovered his vision
"HAAA " *BOOM* The energy wave exploded just as Goku was before him engulfing Goku in the smoke
Alex was breathing heavily but before he could do anything *PAh* Goku had already appeared beside Alex with his fist buried in Alex's guts who fell face down while clutching his guts
"A-a-are you alright I just got little too excited and end up using bit more strength than I intended hehehe " Goku said laughing nervously as he watched Alex getting up
"Nah It's Alright besides I think you weren't using your full strength " Alex said as he got up to his feet and asked " Anyways you haven't told me yet why you're here "
"Well I was sort of looking for Dragon Balls " Goku said with his hands behind his head
"Oh you mean these " Alex said as he revealed the Dragon Balls now turned into stones as he took out the box from the capsule and showed him
"That's the Dragon Balls alright, can I have them please I am begging you" Goku said as he joined his hands in front of his face
"Why do you want them it's not like you can use them anytime soon " Alex asked
"I only want the four star Dragon Ball it's very important to me when I have it with me it feels like grandpa is still watching over me that's why "
"*sigh* Alright you can have them " Alex sighed and said while Goku got excited as he tried to get the box but Alex dodged him "Hey what was that for you said you give them to me didn't you"
"I said I'll give them to you but I didn't said for free" Alex said
"So What do you want then if you're looking for money I don't have it " Goku said as he looked at Alex
"Let me think" Alex said while thinking what can he get ' he isn't the type to care for a favor Power pole is out of the Question and nimbus would be useless to me I think '
"Ha I know I want those" Alex said while pointing at Goku who looked down at himself "what! you want me"
"Off course not you fool, your clothes more specifically your weighted clothes "
"Oh you mean these if that's all you can have them I can get myself another pair from Kami" Goku said as he took out his weighted clothes two armband boots and a blue T-shirt and gave them Alex who struggled to hold and took the box containing Dragon Balls and left saying goodbye"see next time"
As soon as Goku left Alex tried wearing the weighed clothing as he struggled to even put them on but after putting them on he stood still as he couldn't even move as he felt That if he moved even a little bit he'll faint
After few minutes which felt like forever he could finally move but very slowly but he was getting adjusted to the weight as he tried walking it was like when Goku first landed on king Kai's planet
Alex started his training after about few weeks he was able adapt to the weight as he left the place to train around the world
For next three years Alex went all around the world training and challenging all kinds fighters and martial artists in order to gain experience as he felt that now is the best time to gain experience since after the saiyan saga there's not much martial arts but just brute force and if he ever want to achieve the ultra instinct or even the roshi's version of it martial art would be the way for it
Power level
Alex : 170
Goku :(Suppressed) 190
Goku :(weighted) 316
Goku :396
Alex : (weighted)90