Chapter 26: Piccolo
Three years later
Age: 760
For the last three years Alex travelled all over world in order to train and gain experience. currently he was walking through A forest as he felt an eerie silence in the Air
Just as he walked out of the forest on a cliff he saw a green figure meditating Adorn a white turban with a blue top and a white cape
Seeing the person before him Alex stopped in his tracks and tried to leave the place as quietly as possible but it was futile just as Alex took a step back piccolo opened his eyes
"Who are you get lost before I get angry" piccolo said as he looked at Alex then looked at his uniform and said "wait you must be that old man's disciple "
"Yes I am master Roshi's disciple " seeing as he wasn't able to get away in time Alex answered
"Perfect I changed my mind you're not going anywhere I will start my world domination plan from you " piccolo smirked and said he got up to his feet
"Really I mean sure you can beat me but do you really think you could defeat Gok-" Alex could finish his sentence piccolo appeared before him and punch him and sends him flying through the forest "Do not mention his name "
Alex went through trees as he stopped at a trunk of tree
"D-damn it I didn't thought that through " Alex said as he was about to get up but piccolo stretched his arm and caught him by his ankle started pulling Alex towards him
Seeing as he couldn't get out of the grip Alex faced his palm at piccolo and fired a ki blast *boom* and was able to pull himself out his grip as he jumped back and stood there as he watched the dust clears off and Piccolo was standing there as if nothing happened
"Hmm I am impressed you are strong for a human at least" piccolo said with a smirk and continued "but if that's all you got you may as well surrender before it gets too ugly "
"Not really I was just warming up " Alex said then he started taking off his weighted clothes as he removed his undershirt his arm bands and shoes as cracked his neck " yeah that feels so much better "
"hmph so what you removed your weighted clothes if you think that's gonna make any difference now you're sorely mistaken" piccolo said as he looked at Alex
"We'll see " Alex said as he flew at piccolo who wasn't impressed by his speed as he prepared to block but just as Alex reached near piccolo he burst into a speed that caught him by surprise and punched him in the face as he sends piccolo flying into the air who tried stabilizing himself
"How dare you this insolence will not be TOLERATED " piccolo shouted as he started firing ki blast at Alex who on other hand started running around as he created multiple afterimages of himself
Seeing piccolo Attacking blindly at his afterimages Alex appeared behind him as he hammered at him but just as he thought he connected piccolo disappeared Alex and just as he turned to look around he felt a knee to his guts as he flew back a bit and stopped himself midair then he rushed back at piccolo
Piccolo also didn't Stop and rushed towards him as they both started attacking each other in a flurries of punches and as they both chased each other flying through the forest causing destruction everywhere whenever they clash
Although at first it seems they were equal but as the time goes by the difference in their prowess were shown as piccolo started dominating with every punches and kicks but Alex was being Tenacious enough that piccolo couldn't finish him off
Piccolo was getting annoyed with every exchange as every time they clash Alex would come back for more they both rushed at each other once again as their fists connected and both were sent flying back
"ENOUGH I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE" piccolo shouted as he couldn't believe there was someone other than Goku who can push him so far even though he wasn't using his full power it still made him furious
"Well I wasn't the one who insisted on fighting... but that doesn't mean I will back down I can do this all day" Alex said while breathing heavily with bruises all over his body as he thought 'Although I said that I don't know how long I can last, have to think of a way to get out of this alive '
"Hmph play time's over it's about time you die" piccolo said as he he took off his Cape and turban as he cracked his neck and fingers then he looked at Alex as he disappeared from his place and before Alex could do anything piccolo was already before him with his fist lodged into Alex's guts
As Alex hunched down while clutching his guts piccolo hammered him over his head and sends him hurling into the ground *BOOM*
Alex was lying there on the ground as he tried to stand up piccolo had already appeared before him as he caught Alex by his throat and started flying up and stopped in the midair "Any last words before I send you to hell "
"Now DIE " piccolo shouted and just as he was about to stab through Alex with his hand Alex surprised him as he shouted "Solar FLAAARE"
"AAAH MY EYES " Surprised with a blinding light Alex takes Advantage of and kicks piccolo to his chin and sends him flying back through the Air as he stops himself mid-air
"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS HUMAN " Piccolo shouted as he was rubbing his eyes and soon he was able to see again as he looked around but Alex was nowhere to be seen
"Where did he go AAAAH" Piccolo shouted as couldn't see Alex anywhere then he looked down at forest that was half destroyed during the fight "Great now I have to find a new spot"
Soon piccolo left the place after few minutes of waiting Alex came out of the Rock he was hiding behind while breathing heavily and Ate the only senzu bean he had left
"Wow I feel so powerful but it's still not enough" Alex said as looked at his hands then soon he finds his weighted clothes and wore them as he left the place
Power level
Alex:(weighted) 221
Alex : 301
Piccolo : (weighted) 317
Piccolo : 403
Alex (zenkai): 381