Dragon ball human Reborn

Chapter 27: Mellon's family

"Finally I am here " Alex said as walked through the city he had arrived at Orange City where Mellon and her family lives it is a city that will be named after Hercule Satan after the cell saga

Alex went into the city while searching for Mellon's place he was stopped by a police officer

"Hey hey stop right there "The police officer looked liked a middle age man with a mustache and glasses as he stopped Alex and he looked at Alex's Appearance he had worn his tattered GI and his long wild hair it's been a long time since he is been in a city so he looked out of place

"yes what is it officer " Alex said as stopped in his tracks

"you who are you tell me your name and your purpose for coming here looking at your appearance you don't look like from around you know "The officer said as he walked in front of him and continued before Alex could say anything "we've got strict order to keep an eye on anything suspicious seeing as the criminal activities has been increasing lately just following the protocol that's all "

"It's Alright there is no need explain yourself anyway I am Alex and I am here to see my friend named Mellon she's kind of rich you might have heard of her "

"Mellon you say let's see " The officer said as he took a device as he typed something in it

"There are two people named Mellon here which one is your friend " the officer said as he showed the display with picture and their information

"yep that's her " Alex said as he pointed at the picture of Mellon

"Y-you mean the Granddaughter of the owner of the Alba corporation Mr. Bryon Alba you're friends with his granddaughter "

After coming out of the shock officer offered him to take him there on his bike which Alex accepted

Soon after few minutes they reached a huge dome shaped building as the officer dropped him off and said "look that's the Headquarter of Alba Corp. where Mr Alba and his family lives now don't cause any trouble and if you do I don't know you okay I am out"

Then the officer left the place Alex on the other hand went in front of the gates it wasn't the biggest building he has seen but it was Big enough and was bit similar to capsule corp just as he was about to press the bell someone opened the door of building from inside and come out

"Aah Alex" It was Mellon the Moment she saw she started running towards him and jumped at him and hugged his head while Alex caught her and then put her down gently "I am so glad you came I was so bored at home I swear if you hadn't come I would have left to find you "

"Anyways let's go inside I am sure everyone would be excited to meet you " Mellon said as she took hold of his arm and lead him into the building

Then she took him to her Mother who was exactly like her but just a bit old and Mature with long blonde hair ever since Mellon and her dad returned her Mother seems to have overcome her addictions and has been living healthy

"I am Mellon's mother you can call me Ivy " Ivy Mellon's mother's said with a tray in hand as she brought a glass of juice " and I am very grateful that you kept Mellon safe and also for bringing back my husband "

"It wasn't much I just did what was right " Alex said as he took the glass after that Mellon started show him around

He also met her father who was also very glad to see him again and then Mellon took him to the highest floor where her Grandfather's office is located

"Grandpa look who's here" Mellon said as she opened the door to the office and walked in with Alex behind her

"who is it Mellon look if it isn't someone important tell them to wait outside I am bit busy here " said an old man sitting behind his desk while looking at the files in his hands

"it's Alex I told you about him did you forgot he was the one who helped me bring dad back" Mellon said cheerfully as she introduced Alex

The moment Mellon finished her sentence there was glint in the old man eyes for a moment as he kept the file on the desk

"Is he the one" the old man said as he looked at Alex then at Mellon and said solemnly " Mellon I would like to have talk with this young man can you wait outside"

"b-but- " Mellon tried to say something but was interrupted by the the old man "no buts I said wait outside"

"ok but only five minutes" Mellon said as she pouts and leaves the room and closes the door behind

Alex on the other hand had no idea what was going on

as soon as the door closed behind him the old man opens a drawer on his desk and pulls out a gun and places it on the desk

"Now let's talk" the old man said menacingly.

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