Chapter 61: Chapter 61: One Thing Leads to Another [Bonus Chapter]
When Asia saw Tia's wings, she was quite surprised.
"Are you an Angel?" she asked, surprised.
"Yes, I am Tia of the Angel race. It's a pleasure to meet you, Asia." Tia smiled beautifully.
With an angelic smile, Asia responded, "Likewise."
"By the way, Rurushi, I noticed that you seem to have become stronger." Tia appeared surprised by this fact, asking, "What exactly happened to you?"
Making a pair of Devil wings appear, she responded, "Fufu. I'm a Devil now, just like my Darling Husband~"
"I see..." Tia seemed interested. "Is this similar to the ritual to become a Vampire?"
"Almost, but different." Rurushi didn't explain much.
"Oh, you became a Devil too, Rurushi-san?" Now it was Asia's turn to be surprised.
"Yes, besides me, Ria also became one," she replied. "I'm just like you, Asia, a Bishop."
"I see..." Asia lowered her head. It was hard to tell what she was thinking.
Smiling a little, Rurushi approached Asia's ear and whispered, "Actually, Asia, my Darling Husband is apparently very good in bed, and I don't mind him having more wives. I particularly like you, so don't worry."
"Wahh, whhhh..." Hearing this, Asia turned completely red, and Rurushi laughed heartily.
"Rurushi, what did you say to make her like this?" Tia asked.
When she repeated the words in Tia's ear... it was her turn to turn red...
Meanwhile, Zaydas finished feeding the pigs and chickens.
His vegetable harvest had already come in handy.
For now, the fish had the plantation he made in the water. Although in the near future, he planned to create his own feed for the fish. Not just for them, but for all the animals.
'Should I try using Modeling and Programming to create a Feed Farm?'
It wasn't impossible. It was something similar to the Bread Farm, etc., that he made in Minecraft.
And it wasn't limited to just feed—he could try making an Auto-Farm to produce golden wine and other things.
'Well, this kind of thing requires time and planning.' Although he didn't discard the idea, he didn't want to occupy himself with it right now.
Tia and the elves met Rurushi.
After exchanging greetings, Rurushi gave Tia a golden fruit to try. As soon as she tasted it, her eyes sparkled.
"Rurushi, how can such a delicious fruit exist?" she asked.
"I have no idea, ask my Darling Husband~"
"..." Tia didn't seem eager to do that.
"By the way, Tia." Rurushi smiled, and with a smug look, she said, "These golden fruits are used to make golden wine. Since you're my longtime friend, I won't be stingy with you, but I'll share only one glass."
Saying that, she brought a glass goblet and poured the wine into it.
When Tia smelled it, she was immediately drawn in.
"What a delicious scent..." she said dreamily.
The elves started drooling.
Even Asia looked at the wine with desire.
But she wasn't like the others who drank uncontrollably and then 'attacked' Zaydas afterward.
Hearing Tia's sexy moan, everyone laughed while their faces practically said, "Hahaha, I knew this would happen."
"Rurushi, this is simply amazing! It's the most delicious wine I've ever tasted!" Tia's golden eyes shone. "By the way, Rurushi, about what we talked about earlier..."
"Haha, are you interested?"
"W-Well, he's very handsome, and although a little scary before, he was quite chivalrous and kind... Urghh... Damn it, whatever, I just want to, okay?" She ran her fingers through her blonde hair.
"Hahaha, I get you." Rurushi said, "Then go ahead, I won't stop you. And I'll even help you move into our house."
"Rurushi...!" Tia was touched.
Zaydas did the calculations and thought about staying just three more days before returning to TSSDK.
This time, he intended to take Rurushi, Ria and her sisters, Asia, and the infernal wolves.
Well, there were still three days left; some things could change.
'By the way, did I overdo it before?' He thought about how he had threatened Tia.
He regretted it a little, feeling that he had been a bit childish, but that was because he knew the storyline. However, he couldn't just act according to his knowledge, or else his reaction might make it seem like he didn't care about Rurushi...
'Forget it~' He told himself. 'What's done is done.'
It wasn't like he had actually attacked her, he had just scared her a little...
'By the way, did Rurushi say that I'm her husband?' Unintentionally, he ended up overhearing. Blame his super hearing for being a Devil.
Recapping, he saw where this misunderstanding happened. It was when they first met, and the way he spoke must have been misinterpreted by her.
'I knew she was interested in me and that it had grown over the past few days, but to think she believed we were a couple...' The fact that he didn't hide his relationship with the elves and yet Rurushi still thought that way...
Later that day.
"So, you want her to live with us?" Zaydas asked.
Under his gaze, Tia fidgeted nervously.
"Yes," Rurushi confirmed.
"Alright," Zaydas agreed.
"Alright? Just like that?" Tia seemed surprised.
"Oh? Do you want me to make things difficult?" Zaydas licked his lips with a predatory smile. "Well, you are very beautiful, so if you wish... Kufufu..."
"Moohh, Zaydas, you're scaring her!" Rurushi playfully scolded him.
But contrary to what Rurushi said, Tia seemed to have hearts in her eyes as she stared at Zaydas with an obvious blush.
"Tia, snap out of it!" Rurushi shook her. "He was joking!"
"Ahh, yes, I accept! I mean, he was joking... I see..." She got flustered, turning completely red and... was she a little disappointed?
Everyone exchanged glances and started laughing.
"Alright, to celebrate the new member of our family, I will allow the opening of five bottles of golden wine tonight!"
As soon as Zaydas' words fell, the elves were the first to celebrate.
Even Asia's eyes sparkled upon hearing that.
Well, it was hard to resist the taste of golden wine after trying it once.
And in Zaydas' words, even Jesus drank wine.
"Zaydas-san, Zaydas-san," Asia called him. "Did you know that Tia is an angel?"
Zaydas said telepathically: {She really is of the angel race, but unlike our dimension where angels serve God, she is simply of the angel species, just like Ria and the rest are of the elf race, understand?}
Asia nodded.
{But, well, the Angels on this planet were once worshiped as divine beings.} Zaydas added.
She nodded again in understanding.
It was understandable why they would be. After all, angels were basically a symbol of worship.
Zaydas made five bottles of golden wine appear through a magic circle.
That day, the night's banquet would be butterflied fish: three 100 cm fish, exuding a wonderful aroma with the blend of spices, and to complement it, the delicious scent of golden wine.
"A-Am I in heaven?" Rizu said dramatically.
"Wipe your drool first," Ria said.
"You too~"
Well, everyone was drooling and just waiting for Asia to finish praying.
As soon as Asia said "Amen!", they could hardly wait to eat.
"Thanks for the food!"
Confused by them putting their hands together and saying those words, Tia still imitated them.
"We should have invited Rafa, Hiraku, and the others..." Rita commented.
"We did, but Hiraku had already prepared something for them to eat," Ria replied.
"I see..."
With that, they didn't mind anymore and started eating.
"I know I might sound selfish, but… Save my wine for us." Riri said, and the rest playfully scolded her.
It was undeniable that when it came to golden wine, they became a bit selfish. It was the kind of thing that, even when offered, you subconsciously think: I hope they don't accept, I hope they don't accept…
"Wow, this is delicious~!" Tia placed a hand in front of her mouth as she tasted the fish.
"Isn't it?" Rurushi said. "These fish were raised by Zaydas. Actually, practically everything was made by him, and we helped a little."
"Yes, yes!" Asia and the rest agreed.
Tia looked more attentively at Zaydas.
Feeling her gaze, Zaydas smiled as he asked, "Is there something on my face?"
"Nothing at all." She turned her face away.
'She's shyer than I thought~'
Chuckling a little, Zaydas tasted the fish as well and took a sip of golden wine right afterward.
The flavor of the fish was excellent, but drinking the wine afterward… it was as if the two were made for each other, harmonizing the lingering taste of the fish in his mouth with the golden wine. Simply sublime.
Between cheerful conversations and laughter, the night deepened.
Even when the food was gone, Zaydas was generous and took out two more bottles, earning applause.
Asia was the weakest, already resting her head on the table with a flushed, drunken face…
Smiling a little, Zaydas picked her up in his arms, teleported to her room, and placed her on the bed.
When he returned, he saw that some elves were pretending to sleep just like Asia.
Laughing a little, he didn't mind giving them the same treatment.
In the end, only Zaydas, Tia, Ria, Rize, and Rurushi remained.
Yawning, Ria said, "The conversation is nice, but I'm really sleepy… I'm going to bed. Let's go, Rize?"
A look of understanding flashed in Rize's eyes, and she nodded. "Yes, let's go."
Before leaving, Ria winked at Rurushi, whose face was already red, turning an even deeper shade when she understood the insinuation.
Tia looked at the two, and although she had drunk quite a bit, she quickly understood the situation.
"Rurushi, I'm taking my leave as well. See you later~" Saying that, she left, leaving the two alone.
Now alone, Rurushi felt incredibly nervous.
When she saw him smiling in that sexy way of his, she felt those strange emotions she had never felt before.
"Can I… call you Zay?" she asked.
"As you wish." He nodded.
It was rare for them to be alone like this, and seeing him smile just for her, she inevitably couldn't help but think about things…
He asked next, "Are you having a good night?"
"Yes, very much." She replied.
Chuckling a little, he made another bottle of wine appear and poured some for both of them.
Rurushi thanked him, took a sip of the wine, and stretched her legs under the table, shivering slightly when she felt Zaydas' leg brush against her bare thigh.
She looked at him and bit her lower lip. She knew he had felt it too.