Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 18: Ch. 18 Emperor and Dragon meet again

Can you feel that ominous presence?" As they neared the capital a powerful dark force washed over them all and only grew stronger as they got closer. They felt Galileo's dragonic aura still but now it was as if it was steeped in something evil. Kirsch and Noelle began to feel uneasy, however to Asta it felt inviting. "It seems the welcome wagon is here." A group including Galileo and his disciples, Julius, Nozel and several other nobles are waiting to receive them.

"Looks like they've finally made it!" All the way at the city Galileo is the first to see the tiny dot on the horizon.

"Oh I see them!"

"They're here!"

"Let's give them a proper welcome." Purple lightning cackles in Galileo's hand as storm clouds form over the carriage. Magnus' prepares to trace a blade as green lights glow in hand.

"WE'RE AT THE CAPITAL! FREEDOOOOOOM! YUNOOO I"M HERE!" Asta bursts out of the carriage flies towards the city full speed.

"Hmmm, I see you haven't changed Asta." Yuno points a finger towards the distance and a mass of spiritual and magical energy is pulled to his fingertip with a vacuum of air. "Tempest gun." He fires off a massive spirit gun propelled by a torrent of air.

"Nice Move! Lightning blade Zero!" Asta coats his blade in lightning as a black cero forms at the tip. With a thrust of his sword, Asta fires a piercing beam of black lightning. The blasts clash creating a huge explosion visible from dozens of kilometers around. Some even thought the capital was under attack by a vengeful god as the typhoon of black and white stirs violently in the distance before subsiding several seconds later.

"(Those face stealing brats!)"

"(Who do they think they are?)"

Asta and Yuno meet halfway flying high above everyone else.

"Long time no see Yuno! That was freakin' awesome! Looks like you've been hard at work!"

"Likewise, Asta. I'd be disappointed if you got weaker, when you were with Magnus the whole time."

"So this is the capital? Hmm…I think it's smaller than Hodge."

"Really? What about the church?"

"When Magnus came back he used a wood style and turned the whole area into a giant city. People from other villages moved in, so we've been able to improve it a lot more since then. The church is now Hodge Village's ninja academy, Father Orsi is even the headmaster. You really have to see house Pendragon it's got everything you could ever need!"

Shortly after disembarking and saying their greetings, everyone goes their separate ways. Asta and Yuno go to explore the capital. Kirsch goes with Leopold and Lumiette to see Mimosa and the rest of his family at house Vermillion. Nozel and Noelle leave for the Silva estate with the elders. Julius is called away for wizard king business much to his dismay. Being left alone Magnus, and Galileo ascend to a rooftop overlooking the capital to discuss its future.

"Magnus you're not going to believe this shit but-"

"Madara is here on this continent."

"Wait, wait how'd you know that? Is your third power something with mind reading?"

"No, I used the system, which I see you still haven't started doing." It was clear that while he has made some improvements Galileo, no Samuel wasn't fully applying himself to his duties. "What's, up with you Galileo? I don't remember Samuel being this dumb. We've been given an opportunity people dream of and you're just playing house. The capital should be farther than this with you here. And this tiny terror nonsense? You act like the pig-headed nobles we made fun of. Had you refrained from bringing big changes to the world to avoid some backlash I would understand, but you do whatever you want anyways!"

Galileo recalls countless of his 'noble' moments "…Being an OP super rich noble is a pretty fun lifestyle, but I guess I got a little carried away with it."

"You guess?"

"Alright I did get carried away, but you've changed too. Troy was never this stiff. You used to be fun, now all you do is scheme and train. Who scolds their best friend for a greeting after four years? Sure your plans are going well and you have a city now, but you see them all as pawns more than companions. Have you ever even taken Noelle out on a date? Do you ever stop enjoy the quality of the life you have now? We get a do over as actual royalty, live a little!"

"You do realize I am the first noble of my house? Samuel it is time to step your game up. Like it or not people depend on you. We'll be magic knights in two more years. Asta and Yuno's journey begins in four. The time for games is coming to an end, a lot of uncertainties lie ahead, and we have to be ready. Learn to use your damn system too."

"Alright I get the point…Something else important has been on my mind though."


"What do you plan to do about the king? Even though I don't plan to compete with you over the throne, I doubt you wanna wait around for him to kick the bucket. I still don't have any interest in opposing that, but I can't let you try and have my father in law 'removed'. No matter how crappy of a leader he is, he's Lumiette's father."

"Oh I didn't know you cared about her feelings."

"That's my lady, and I promised her she'd never hurt again. That's why even though I'll back you up I can't let you do anything too excessive."

"No need to be so serious, I won't do anything like that. In fact I never intended to sit on 'that' throne. My real goal is to build the empire of Camelot with the four kingdoms as my provinces. If possible, I'd like to make him into a competent king so he could manage the area for me and help me implement better policies for the kingdom."

"You really think of everything."

"A ruler has to."

"Ok commoner king, no commoner emperor…So what was the deal with Madara?"

"We were told that our births would cause anomalies if we disrupted the flow of the world too much. So to avoid that we chose to come here…unfortunately the powers and changes we've made have caused to great an influence on the world."

"So even though we picked a world with a high energy quality we still have to deal with the backlash?"

"Seems to be the case."

"Well that's some bull…that reincarnation agent played us."

"I don't think he saw some of our changes coming any more than we did. Maybe he made our systems a little too efficient."

"I think he set us up for a good laugh. That guy looked like he just wanted something good to watch."

"I guess it would be naïve to put it past him… Back to the point, apparently the world has been making preparations to get rid of us and so it has brought over it's own champions to go against us. Madara is just one of them. Mihawk, Zeref, Meliodas, Aizen and Gilgamesh among other names have all been brought here and given gifts from the world as well. To give us time to prepare the system placed a seal to keep them from invading Clover but it's coming down around our thirteenth birthday. Which is in a few days. Apparently other countermeasures will come in to play against us at that time too. We will likely face truly life-threatening battles very soon, so I hope you've been using these last four years wisely."

"Of course I have! I've already mastered my power as a mazoku and developed all kinds of new lethal techniques with them."

"You're a Mazoku?"

"Well my uhh…species, is an azure demon dragon, but basically I got Yusuke Urameshi's move set as my third. I've gone pretty far past being human."

"Mine is Ichigo's I may or may not have transcended humanity myself."

"So that means those are-"

"Yup." The two unequally sized swords hanging on Magnus's hips resembled Zangetsu but Galileo wasn't sure as they were now solid gold with magic circuit like veins running through them.

"Pretty cool…"

"Oh Galileo, I just thought of something funny."

"What is it?"

"Dragon tale, hahaha! What couldn't think of a more original one? You even used the wrong 'tail'."

"Shut up! I did that on purpose. I told my members to be like legends, go out give people a reason to tell their tales."

"I feel like you just came up with that on the spot." wiping a tear from his eye. "From what I hear about Dragon Tale it's pretty removed from the political affairs."

"Yeah, the guild is basically cut off outside of economics and some threats to the kingdom. It would be fair to say it's not a part of clover's fighting force since members come from other kingdoms too. Dragon Tale one the other hand is a separate organization. They're more of a private group directly under me. After people started getting powers like mine, the people with more monstrous qualities were having harder times finding their places so I helped them out a bit."

"Whose idea was that? I doubt you'd think to do all that for them."

"I do have a brain you know"

"Sometimes I forget."

"What are we doing about the anomalies though?"

"We'll have to play it by ear, depending on how they act it may not have to end in all-out war. But I do have a few ideas just in case."

At the Silva estate Nozel and Noelle arrive to be greeted by a large group of the manor's residents.

"Welcome back young lady Noelle!"

"Noelle! It's good to see you! You've grown so much!"

"Well well well if it isn't the queen of the commoners." Noelle's seemingly pleasant return was cut short by her sister Nebra going to insult her.

"It's been so long we almost forgot about you" Solid joins in without a second thought.

"Stop you two, I don't care for your nonsense." Noelle now being stronger than everyone present, save maybe Nozel, doesn't bother herself with the opinions of lesser people. "I just want to get my stuff and go."

"Tch! You little snot don't think you can just come back and act like you're better than anyone."

Before Nebra can even move Noelle appears behind her sheathing her sword as she enters the manor.

"Hah! You missed! Looks like that sword is just for show! Hahaha!"

"N-Nebra." Solid stares at her in shock pointing at her shirt.

"What are you pointing…" She loses her voice as she realizes the wings on her eagle pin had been clipped by Noelle's sword. If her baby sister wanted to do so she could have killed her a number of ways.

Inside Noelle is walking alone to her room. She goes to open the door but stops. "What do you want?"

"You've become considerably powerful." Nozel is posted against the wall behind her. "Good job."

Noelle was caught completely off guard. It was the first time he had praised her for her abilities, and she wasn't sure how to feel. "T-thank you brother."

"Continue to grow stronger, Mother would be proud."

"I intend to."

"You know you are always welcome here."

"I would rather stay at the Pendragon estate with Magnus."

"I see…remember even if you change your name to Pendragon this is always your home, as your blood will always be Silva." He leaves her with those words. She is touched to know her brother has respect for her but again her sister comes to ruin another touching moment.

"Noelle you little punk who can't even control your magic! How dare you cut my pin!" She opens her grimoire but before she can cast a spell she feels a sharp sting on her cheek, as a butterfly tattoo appears in that spot.

"SOIFON NO!" A petite woman with long black hair tied in two braids almost longer than her body, holds a golden one fingered claw to Nebra's face.

"My task is to eliminate all threats to my lady."

"You can't kill my sister! I'll deal with her just stand down."

"Very well. But understand I report to Magnus, and by no means are you allowed to come to harm. Any threats" glaring at the trembling Nebra "must be dealt with." Then she vanishes along with the tattoo on Nebra's face.

"No-Noelle I-I"

"Save it Nebra. You and Solid picking on me ends today. I'm not weak or useless, so don't treat me as such. I want the respect I am due or do not speak to me at all!"

"Y-yes of course!"

"Now get out of my sight while I'm feeling gracious." Nebra sprints off full speed leaving Noelle alone again. "That felt pretty good." She goes into her room to pack

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