Chapter 17: Ch. 17 Returning to the capital
"You've felt them too haven't you Magnus? The energy in this land is warping in an odd way." Magnus sits on a golden throne in a large room with seemingly endless walls and passageways. Most of the walls' surfaces are stuck with swords, each one different from the last. Instead of a floor water supports him. Before him is a massive prison cell, with it's door wide open. A giant fox with blood red eyes and nine tails sits talking to Magnus. Oddly enough, even the nine tailed fox sips from a giant teacup. "This is really good stuff…Maybe the best brew you've ever brought me."
"I know right! It's a special blend of leaves we've just started producing in Hodge. We're going to begin selling our own teas and wines. I'd have brought the wine but well…I'm twelve." As the nine tails jinchuriki since birth, Magnus had spent considerable time trying to foster a good relationship with his 'tenant' instead of simply controlling him via the sharingan. The two conversate regularly over current events.
"Hahaha no problem this tea is delicious. I see you've been coming up with a lot more business ventures lately."
" I'm trying to think of more ways to improve Hodge village's overall capacities before 'they' will be able to make their moves. The first seal will be broken soon after my upcoming thirteenth birthday so, I need everyone including myself as strong as possible before then. I have been pouring everything into developing Hodge's military prowess, which is pretty expensive."
"I see. It is likely we face danger first as we're the closest region of Clover to the neutral zone. "
"That is a strong possibility… and I definitely must be capable of dealing with whomever comes. It's the reason I pressed so hard to learn everything Tensa Zangetsu could teach me as soon as possible."
"Then they randomly faded away…it's been quiet with them gone." Kurama had found a fair sparring partner in the hollowfied quincy spirit of Magnus.
"Aww you guys were friends? Do you miss them?"
"S-shut up! I have no need for friends!" The fox turns his nose up embarrassed.
"Hahaha it's like I'm surrounded by tsunderes. I'll talk to you later Kurama." He vanishes from the room awakening to the sound of Asta yelling.
"Asta do you have to be so loud? We are all right here."
"Yes, I would still like to be able to hear by the end of the trip."
"It's only natural for him to be excited about seeing the capital. After all he's the only one of us who hasn't been." Magnus defends Asta from Noelle and Kirsch as the four of them ride in a carriage to the capital from Hodge Village. "Besides it's been four years since we've left, I'm a little excited myself."
"If not to see my family, I would have preferred to stay in Hodge." During his time spent in Hodge Village Kirsch has come to find beauty almost solely in the sword, and there is no better place to find quality swordsmanship than in Hodge Village.
"But I hear the capital has everything. Why wouldn't you want to go?"
"Trust us Asta" Noelle cuts in "Hodge has everything the capital has except for stuck up nobles."
"We have you guys don't we?"
Noelle fights the urge to strangle Asta. "(Remember Noelle you're above this…) What's really impressive is how far the entire Pendragon territory has developed in only four years."
"I must say Magnus your handiwork is truly beautiful."
"No not at all. Hodge was a success because of everyone's hard work."
"What do you mean big bro, you literally built Hodge! If anyone should be getting credit it's you! Even when you kept saying you'd make Father do all the work." Back when the Pendragon/Silva caravan had arrived at Hodge Village four years ago, they were greeted by the sight of a humble homes and farmland. At the church Asta, Lily and the Father greeted them as they disembarked from the carriages.
"Magnus! You're back!" Asta comes flying at Magnus with a hug, grabbing a log instead. "You're as fast as ever Magnus!"
With a poof Magnus is in front of Father Orsi and sister Lily. "I've returned."
"Welcome home Magnus!" Sister Lily greets him with a big smile.
"Back so soon? Aren't you supposed to be starting a business in the capital?"
"I did, and business is booming." Magnus produces a small but weighty bag and hands it to Father Orsi. "Here's everything you lent me plus a little interest."
Orsi opens the bag to see it filled with gold coins when he only left with a few coppers. "How'd you make so much so fast?"
"Well my products sold for so much the money practically made itself. Some people even paid more than what I asked of their own accord."
"Magnus you didn't cast illusions on the citizens to make them spend with you did you?"
"I would never do such a thing! The quality of my work speaks for itself. (It may have helped me get the proper permits though…)"
"(That sly look makes me want to believe you less, but it seems you did well for yourself.) I see you brought quite a few guests with you." The expensive looking noble carriages caught Orsi's attention. "Who are these people?"
"Those are my in-laws. Meet my fiancé Noelle Pendragon. Noelle this is Father Orsi, Sister Lily and my little brother Asta Pendragon."
"FIANCE!!!" Both Lily and Orsi were almost spitting blood.
"Nice to meet you all." Noelle curtsies.
"Magnus do realize you are eight? Starting your own shop was one thing but isn't it-"
"Do not try and talk me out of it Father, this is what I want. Noelle is going to be my Empress in the future, end of story."
"Hang on, since when was my name Pendragon?"
"Ooops…I spoiled the surprise. After recent events in the capital I've been given a noble status, and this is now the territory of house Pendragon. As my brother you're now a noble too."
"You've started as successful business, become a noble, and you're getting married? I'm so proud of you! Congratulations!" Sister Lily congratulates the young couple with a big hug. "Welcome to Hodge Village Noelle, I hope everything continues to go well for you."
"Thank you miss Lily."
"So cute and refined!" Sister Lily can't help but hug the adorable girl tighter.
"Also everyone meet Kirsch Vermillion. He's Noelle's cousin who is going to be training under me here as well."
"Hello house Pendragon."
"Yo what's up!"
"Nice to meet you Kirsch."
"Welcome to our humble church."
"Now that the formalities are out of the way, there is something important I'd like to discuss with you Father."
"What about?"
"Very soon I intend to cultivate this territory into a noteworthy city. A critical element to any thriving civilization is education. So, I plan to start a school to teach children academics and ninjutsu as well. When it's all set up, I'd like you to oversee it. You're a very skilled ninja as well as a sensible and trustworthy person. I think you'd be excellent for the position and could offer a lot of wisdom to the youths. We can build from the church so that way you don't have to move, and it can also remain as a sanctuary for orphans." As if on cue a servant comes with a chest of gold. "This should cover the startup costs. Here are some plans I've drawn up" handing a scroll to Orsi, and a separate scroll to Lily. "Also sister Lily I would like you on as head of the medical staff. We will definitely need your talents, as you know the life of a ninja isn't an easy one."
"(These plans are very well thought out, budgeting, curriculums, I can kind of understand the floorplans… It's clear he's put in a lot of effort.) Magnus these plans are impeccable. Construction will take some time for a building as big as this plan suggests though." He closes the scroll and shakes Magnus' hand "I would be proud to be a part of this institution."
"I would also be honored to help."
"I'm glad everyone is on board!" Magnus beams brightly.
"So this is Hodge. How quaint."
"Where is everything? Is this really it? Little Noelle can't live in this squalor."
"You shouldn't have expected much from bumpkins in the forsaken lands."
Several Silva nobles survey the area with critical eyes.
"It seems our assistance in cultivating the land was indeed necessary. We shall build the Silva estate over on that hill… If that is ok with you Lord Pendragon?" Even though he addressed Magnus properly, everyone could hear the sarcasm plain as day.
"Sure that's fine. Noelle any requests for our place?"
"Nothing in particular but a water feature would look good."
"Alright noted. Everyone stand back. WOOD STYLE! DEEP FOREST EMERGENCE!" Magnus clasps his hands together and then all of Hodge and the surrounding wilderness experience a massive overgrowth of trees. "now, Wood style! Mass Arrangement!" With several more signs, the newly grown vegetation neatly molds itself into a full scale city no smaller than the capital. Homes, markets, and many other buildings were built before their eyes. It was primarily styled like the hidden leaf but some adjustments were made to fit Magnus' personal aesthetic. Even the tiny church behind them had become a great institution. The village of Hodge was now a first rate city only lacking more people to bring it to life. The one single place completely untouched was the hill house Silva planned to put their estate on. "I wonder what advanced building techniques the wise Silva's will teach us ignorant youngsters. Let us know when you guys are ready. Hey everyone else, want to go see our new home?" He leads a merry crowd away from the slack jawed old Silva's and into the new city. "…Asta how long are you going to hold onto that log?"
""The looks on their faces that day was priceless! It took almost a month before the Silva manor looked anywhere near a house!"
"The Pendragon Manor on the other hand was truly a work of art. One I never get tired of seeing."
"Thank you, I'm glad I could share it with you all."
"Yeah! It's been way more fun with everyone together, though it feels kind of weird without Yuno…but I'll see him soon enough and then we'll see whose been training harder!"
"Volume Asta."
"Sorry about that. I'm so pumped for this trip though."
"As am I, I hear a lot has changed. Julius is wizard king now with a division to research non magic based energies and new captains have been appointed. The magic knights as a whole have set a new standard for its members. Also, Galileo's adventurer's guild is supposed to be off to a good start. I think it was called Dragon Tail."
"Will they really be alright under him? Galileo isn't exactly a person I'd put in charge of a large group of people. I can tell he's close to you in terms of strength, but he's nothing like you in terms of professionalism. It's common knowledge that he's far more destructive than constructive."
"Unfortunately, I share Noelle's concerns. I know my cousin and he isn't the type to put himself in a position of responsibility…ever."
"I guess we'll see if Galileo has changed soon enough, but I like to think he has. He knows he can't keep acting like a spoiled brat forever. Especially If he enjoys being rich."
"Greed sounds like good enough incentive for him. Improving his temperament might just be possible."
"That I'd like to see. I wonder how Lumiette is doing. If the blue flowers from that night were anything like ours, maybe they're getting along better right?"
"That makes sense. I think they'll be fine." Having never been to the capital nor met anyone mentioned the clueless Asta went with the conversation, but he changed the subject before anyone called him on it. "So what does the adventurers guild do?"
"It's kind of like a magic knight's squad but the missions come from anyone who leaves a request . They have a wider range of jobs and employ more people than either our Heavenly sword sect, or all of the Magic knights' squads combined."
"Quantity over quality I see. You and Galileo are indeed opposite characters Magnus. Though you have a service for the more…trivial affairs you have left it to the youths at the academy. The handpicked elites of Heavenly sword sect only handle matters in which lives are at stake. I wonder if you two intended to create competing organizations with opposite natures on purpose?"
"Who knows…but speaking of my handpicked elites, my swords could be sharper. Kirsch your wood style is subpar, not to mention you've done terrible work controlling your spiritual pressure. I applaud your swordplay, you've even learned your zanpakuto's name at such an early age, but you've abandoned almost everything else in place of it."
"The beauty of the sword can be a bit overwhelming…"
"Noelle, you on the other hand need a lot more work in your swordsmanship. Compared to your energy control and magic power your swordplay is abysmal. We are the Heavenly SWORD sect after all."
"(Wait why am I getting criticized? I thought my swordplay was improving.) Ok I'll work harder…"
"And Asta you need to take it easy. You're learning everything at a fairly balanced rate but all of those powers may be too much for your body especially since you're so young. Relax and just practice the basics."
"Right! I'll double my- err half my special training?"
"Maybe not something so drastic but we will work it out. You guys are doing ok, but we have to do our best to eliminate any flaws as soon as possible. As long as you are all willing to put in the effort, I'll continue to take you to new heights. If nothing else, this I promise you."
They talk a bit more about improving their training regimens, before a shout from the driver disrupts them. "BANDITS TO OUR LEFT! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" A swarm of about twenty or so bandits on magic brooms suddenly emerge from a nearby group of trees. Brandishing grimoires and a few have melee weapons they charge the carriage full force.
"Finally some action! I've been going crazy cramped up in this little box!" Asta swings the door openp to leap out, ready to be the first into action.
"There's no need for that Asta." Noelle looks out the other window completely unbothered by the oncoming marauders. "They aren't worth our efforts."
"She's right, have you forgotten about them?" Two blurs move swiftly through the crowd jumping from mage to mage. In seconds the entire swarm is dead with slit throats or kunai knives stuck in their vital points. "My shadows are very reliable."
"Oh right…" Even though he was impressed, he was more depressed he'd lost his excuse to disembark. "The king's shadows are fierce."
"Do you mind closing the door? It's not like you're going anywhere anytime soon."
Asta closes the door and sits back down "I didn't even get one…"
"You would not have found challenge in any of them, it's better you didn't waste your time. Besides what good would personal guards be if we did their job?"
"To think such incredible talents would come to serve you by chance. Itachi and Soifon was it? "
"Yes. The two of them make a most excellent team. (Who would have thought that the system's summon feature would bring such high level characters. Even if it was random, they suit my style and purposes so well. Akame and Iori were great additions too…just adding the four of them has increased Hodge's power by multiples. What's more is I'll have another four very soon. At this rate I could be sitting on the throne before I have my grimoire.) Ha-"
"Magnus please don't do that villainous laugh out of the blue again, it's very creepy. Thank you dear." Her kind smile completely contradicts her cutting tone.
"Hahaha! Even without Yuno here you can't laugh in peace!"
"Care to share your brilliant plan with us." Kirsch doesn't look up from the mirror he had been occupying himself with the last few kilometers.
"What plan?"
"We all know the random laugh happens when you're plotting, you do it a lot."
"It is your biggest tell."
"Yeah bro, spill the beans! What's our move?"
"I can't believe you all think of me as a lowly schemer, I'm a little hurt. We're just going to enjoy our stay in the capital…"
"That sounded like you're scheming Magnus."
"I'm serious, I just want to see how the capital is doing!"
"Knowing him, he's scheming on how to up his status again. Probably watching the throne."
"Watch out, he might get us all arrested for treason! Hahaha." Normally it wouldn't be very funny to joke about something like treason, but Clover already dances in Magnus' palm. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume Magnus had already considered taking a few more short steps up a ladder he had already climbed so quickly. It was really only a matter of time and they all knew it (especially Magnus). Plus, he'd be much more suited to ruling than the current joke of a king. More so because the next in line didn't even want the throne.
"This really isn't that funny you guys…"
Their laughter was interrupted by the call of the driver "We are approaching the capital!"
"We've already arrived?" Noelle looks ahead to see the high rising buildings coming into view.
"So it seems. Now that we're here, I don't want to hear any more talk of treachery towards the king." His demeanor darkens slightly to show he means it. "Am I clear?"