Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 26: Ch. 26 Strategy meeting

All eight captains, Julius, Meraleona, Magnus, Galileo, and their disciples were all gathered in a meeting room at the capital headquarters. Yuno sat apart from Leopold and Lumiette, an unconscious fear caused them to tremble uncontrollably whenever he was too close like with Galileo. After everyone got seated Julius began the meeting. "I'm sorry to call you all on such late notice, I know some of you are just getting past hangovers, but Clover may be in grave danger."

"You mean any more than these two have caused? Random storms of madness and giant monster's appearing over the kingdom isn't exactly what I'd call safe." The captain of the Purple Orca's Gueldre, a fat man wearing a small mask cuts in.

"Shut up fatty unless you wanna burn. Haven't roasted pork in a while." Galileo gives him a cold glare from the side.

Yami was cracking up out loud "Hahahaha you got told off by a kid fat ham!"

"Whoa… he kinda does look like a boar from the farm." Asta tried being discreet whispering to Kirsch, but Yami heard it and only laughed louder.

"This guy gets it! Hahahaha! Fat ham!"

"I-I don't look like a damned ham!" Gueldre tried to look to one of the other captains for help, but they all found interesting spots on the wall at that moment "You're all bastards."

"Ahem! Are you done?" Magnus got the meeting back on track. "I'm the one who called for this meeting. My shinobi have been scouting the neighboring areas outside of clover. We've found several potential threats who, given the right opportunity, could attack the kingdom in the near future. Several of them have set up in various parts of the neutral zone, a few others have taken up residence in the Spade and Diamond kingdoms."

"What about the Heart?"- Charlotte

"Currently I have no word on it. Gali."

"I'll be heading there in the next week or so to negotiate with the queen about setting up a guild hall there. I'll be able to get a good sense of Heart kingdom's affiliation and report back afterwards."

"Can we trust you to not burn any bridges we have with them? You don't exactly have the best reputation or temperament…" -Charlotte

"Sending a child for diplomatic work doesn't seem like the best idea. If one has to go, I'd feel better if it was Magnus." -Nozel

"Agreed. Your reckless nature is worrisome Galileo." -Vangence

"I'll be fine." The lack of confidence was clearly upsetting but lashing out would only prove their point more. "(I'll show all of you, I can do politics. Just wait and see!)"

"Gali can be trusted to make the right calls. If not, he wouldn't be at this table." Fuegoleon was the one to speak up for him.

"Thanks bro."

"The only thanks you need give is proving me right."

"Right. I'll take care of it." The look in his eyes told the others that he was dead serious, and they all looked forward to seeing his report.

"Who are these new enemies of ours?" -Meraleona

"And what makes us all of their targets?"- Nozel

Magnus passes out several files that are passed around the table. "All of these foes are highly dangerous, all more so than Lykan by far no comparison. Though they have different motivations I can guarantee that they'll come to Clover sooner or later. As of now there are six names that we have to be most wary of:

In the Diamond kingdom, a Demigod by the name of Gilgamesh has taken up residence and the throne. His noble phantasm 'Gates of Babylon' gives him access to countless magic weapons of every variety. He believes himself to be the greatest king that ever lived also he is truly the very first king and will by no means share the title of king with any others. His pride will definitely force him to make a move, especially being situated in the smallest and least prosperous kingdom.

A second of the six is in Diamond as well. Having little interest in our political affairs, Gilgamesh has allowed this man, Sosuke Aizen to take residence in his borders. He possesses the signature abilities of a top tier Shinigami: kido, immense spiritual pressure and a zanpakuto capable of bankai. His Zanpakuto, Kyokasuigetsu, possesses the terrifiying ability to completely control all of the senses of anyone who sees him activate it."

"What all five senses!? How do you even fight that?"- Yami

"You can defeat him before he releases it or if you're unlucky enough to get caught, grab his sword to dispel the effects. Knocking him out works too." Though Magnus said it so casually no one dared believe it would be that simple to do. "It's unlikely we'll see him in the battlefield much, as he spends more time conducting research on human weapons and the like, strengthening Gilgamesh's army. The best of his creations should be assumed to be near captain level themselves." The people in that room were already feeling heavy pressure from these larger than life figures and Magnus wasn't even halfway through.

"Across the neutral zone in the spade kingdom, a new regime of devil magic users had taken over." The captains were slightly startled to hear this. People making contracts with devils? Whatever Galileo did was already bad enough but, now a whole country of demon magic users? "They handed the leading role over to a demon, from three thousand years ago, by the name of Meliodas. In exchange, he gave them the ability to become demons themselves. His goal is to become the true demon king and make the continent demon country. Of course, he can't do that without the other half of the demon king's darkness."

"Darkness what is that?"- Vangence

"A technique that many demons use as weapons, shields and even appendages, it's literally moldable darkness that bends to their will. The higher the class of demon the higher the capabilities of it. So naturally the demon king's would be the greatest version of it."

"How would you know Galileo?"- Jack

"I do have demon powers, that should be common knowledge by now." He doesn't move as his eyes turn solid black and black tattoos appear on his face and arms in the form of black scale outlines. Even though Galileo was perfectly calm, the darkness gave off an evil despotic aura that flowed rampantly threatening them all with endless madness and total destruction. It was enough to put the others on guard and even woke up Dorothy. Just as suddenly as it came the darkness disappeared from his body along with the evil aura.

"That is the demonic magic, darkness? It's potential must be vast. Actually, now that I think about it, it's kind of similar to your magic Yami."- Julius

"Same attribute that's it." Yami didn't particularly care to be compared to the demons.

"Still we have to find this other half of the demon king's darkness to keep it out of Meliodas' hands."- Charlotte.

"Finding it is no problem at all, we already have it."-Magnus

"Where?"- All captains

Magnus waves a hand at Galileo "You just saw it." They all realize that this means that Meliodas is likely to have already prioritized Clover kingdom on his hit list. Or these problems could be brought to Heart kingdom if Galileo goes there.

"Wouldn't that mean he should stay here so we can protect him from the demons, as well as not bringing extra conflict to the one kingdom not bent on our destruction?" - Julius

"Not necessarily, while Gali shouldn't be unattended at the moment. The demons know he's strong enough to hold a part of the demon king's darkness so they can't come halfheartedly, still the threat from diamond and Heart kingdoms is real to them too."

"In other words, each country has enough power to pose a reasonable threat, so no one can move carelessly right now."- Fuegoleon

"Exactly. That's why this is the perfect time for us to quickly make our moves before anyone else can mobilize (It'll definitely take time for them to realize the barrier is dropping, giving us at least a little more time). Heart should have noticed some of this too, I expect the queen doesn't want to be alone in the oncoming struggle. If we wait too long and lose them, we'll be at a severe disadvantage in numbers."

"You make a strong point Magnus. I propose we send some extra manpower with Galileo to the Heart kingdom just in case they face any problems."- Julius

All but Galileo agreed. He hated the idea of being babysat but he was in no position to debate. Any slip ups on his part would result in him costing them an alliance, the key to halting the demons advance and/or a potential place to set up a guild branch, so he stayed quiet. It was decided that Fuegoleon one of the most diligent and intelligent captains would accompany him along with his disciples and two of the executives in Dragon tale. Meraleona would take over the Crimson Lion king's in his absence.

With that out of the way Magnus continued on with his explanations. "Zeref the one known as the 'Black Wizard' or his other alias 'Emperor Spriggan' is by far the most formidable mage of the list. Cursed with, immortality over four hundred years ago he has mastered countless different magics and created many more. Spells, magic artifacts and even demons are among his creations. Also, he employs twelve powerful mages known as the 'Spriggan Twelve'."

"Shouldn't there be eleven?"

"He replaced her with Acnologia."

"Replaced the first with the strongest…that's gonna be fun."

"Acnologia?"- Fuegoleon

"A dragon bent on killing everything that moves. Also, he can eat about any magic. I'm pretty sure his range is higher than mine in that respect. Why he's serving Zeref is a mystery though."


"As far as his intentions go, he has been building a territory in the Neutral zone southwest of spade, but they stay separate from each other. From his territory the New Alvarez empire, he set his sights on bringing a new era to this land as it's ruler. If we want our freedom war will be imminent."

"One more thing Magnus. His most lethal weapon is the second half of his immortal curse. Ankhseram's black arts give him the ability to uses death magic, as the name suggests its death on contact. So keep your distance at all times." This was by far the most absurd of the noted foes. An immortal wielding the largest known arsenal of magic including death magic, an army of demons and more powerful mages, and to top it off a dragon who could devour all forms of magic? They are MAGIC knights, how could they fight foes who rendered magic virtually useless. The room was dead silent as everyone let the information sink in, trying to think of some countermeasure.

"They can be killed you guys. We just gotta beat Acnologia down like any other big lizard. He can't eat everything we throw at him. And we just gotta blast Zeref hard enough to completely destroy him ( I think that'll work, it's not like he has fairy heart.) He's no god." Galileo's simple solutions almost made some of them laugh at how crazy he sounded, still they were magic knight captains. The people here were the ones who'd have to find a way to get the job done in the end. These young boys were already doing a lot of the heavy lifting though, they knew they had to work harder too.

"What of the last two? You said there were six right?"- Charlotte

"The fifth is a swordsman by the name of Dracule 'Hawk eyes' Mihawk. He was regarded as the strongest swordsmen of his homeland, from what I understand this claim was undisputed. He himself isn't much to worry about as he usually acts alone and doesn't have any goals aside from improving his skill. Actually, I hear he's quite honorable."

"Then why are we talking about him?" Even Galileo wasn't worried to much as his base power was far below the others, aside from unparalleled swordsmanship (hard to say with Magnus right there), his only known skill was haki.

"You should never look down on the sword Gali, I thought you knew that of all people. He may not be that big a threat by nature, but with his colleagues the other seven Warlords they've formed a large underground criminal organization. He'll definitely fight if his enterprise is threatened. Their networks run between all four kingdoms, the main base may be somewhere in the neutral zone. They've done a good job keeping their important facilities hidden, every time I destroy one two more pop up. Some of you may have dealt with their lackey's already."

"So on top of world ending monsters, we have a pest problem too." -Nozel

"A big one. Sounds like a lot of slicing." -Jack

"This is way too much… We have to figure a way to whittle down their numbers, or we'll find ourselves overwhelmed. Perhaps we sow discord among them so they focus on each other first?" -Gueldre

"I doubt that would work if these armies are as well put together as these reports suggest. They each seem to have a firm hold on their areas, and it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume they are all aware of one another's situations by now." -Charlotte

"But for some of their goals to be achieved they will have to eliminate the others along with us, So I wouldn't say it's impossible. It may actually be our best chance considering how much of a disadvantage we'd be at if they join together." -Julius

"Us from the future is really going to have our work cut out for us." -Yami

"Right? These guys are super unrealistic! Who's number six Magnus?"- Dorothy

Galileo looked at Magnus curiously, he was interested to see how he answered the question of Madara.

"Madara Uchiha, one of the most powerful shinobi to ever live."

Fuegoleon shot Galileo a startled look but before he spoke up the small girl next to Magnus stood up. "Grandpa is a bad guy?"

"Grandpa?" -Fuegoleon

"What do you know about him Fuego?"- Meraleona

"Madara is my master, he taught me ninjutsu over the past four years."- Fuegoleon

"Second question why is Madara's granddaughter here?"- Meraleona

"Because I'm his grandson. This is my younger sister Morgiana Pendragon."

"WAIT LITTLE SISTER?! Since when!?" -Galileo

"Since she was born…we've just recently been reunited."-Magnus

"She looks dead on you." -Yami

"You ain't kidding." -Jack

"(So cute…she's like a little doll)"- Charlotte

"Where were you all this time sweetie?"- Dorothy

"I was in Camelot with Mother and Father. I was sent away to find Magnus when the kingdom fell."-Morgiana

"Oh I'm sorry to bring that up…"- Dorothy

"It's ok. I'm sad about it but, I'm glad I am able to be with big brother again. "- Morgiana

"Well you couldn't be in better hands with Magnus! I'm sure he's an excellent big brother."-Dorothy

"While it is a pleasure to meet you Morgiana, we have to get back to the task at hand. Could you tell us about Madara?"- Julius

"I only heard stories from mother, but he led the Uchiha clan in a time where ninja clans were at war. With him they were among the most powerful in their homeland, but he wasn't a bad person like these other guys. His daughter was my mother, who came to Camelot when she was young."

"Ninja? Aren't you the head of all of shinobi Magnus?"- Nozel

"Only in Clover. Ninjutsu is an art much older than me. I won't go into a full history lesson on shinobi, but to sum him up his sharingan made him one of the most feared across the nations. However, what he's doing here is a mystery to me, you said you trained under him recently Fuegoleon? What did you think?"

"He was seemed like a noble man to me. I never saw him commit any dishonorable acts, and he treated his subordinates with the respect one would show family. However, his power and prowess in combat are definitely fitting for this list, these rumors of him being feared far and wide aren't baseless. Now having met you Magnus, I can imagine he'd be interested in your Sharingan, it is very different from the original."-Fuegoleon

"Doesn't sound like an enemy to me." -Yami

"At least more reasonable than the others. He'd make for a fearsome ally."-Julius

"Then could we negotiate with him? It'd be a considerable weight off of our shoulders to have to fight one less of these guys. More so if he fought alongside us."- Gueldre

"That would be a best-case scenario… How many disciples does he have aside from you Fuegoleon? I'd still like to have as much information on him as possible."- Magnus

"He moves around a lot and often sends them to other locations, so it was hard to keep track of how many. But I know he directly trained four boys under me, three developed the sharingan somehow and the fourth learned sage arts." - Fuegoleon

That answer elicited an irritated sigh from Magnus. "I knew it…"

"Knew what?"- Fuegoleon

"Bring them in Iori." One of Magnus' swordsmen who had been reading a blacksmith catalogue with a little too much interest in the corner of the room, looked up from his book and nodded before exiting the room. A short moment later he came back with the two boys captured at the birthday party. Both in shackles.

"Hanzo? Sasuke?"- Fuegoleon

"Senior brother Fuegoleon! Why are you here?"- Hanzo

"I should be asking the same of you two."-Fuegoleon

"You know them Fuego?"- Meraleona

"Yes, these are two of the four boys I just spoke of. They are Madara's latest disciples Hanzo and Sasuke."-Fuegoleon

"I can explain why they're here. The two of them broke into my house during my birthday party…Iori here captured them."-Magnus

"That's why you left me up there mid-toast?"-Galileo

"You should have waited Magnus, you know Gali doesn't do well at public speaking." -Meraleona

"Yeah you played him Magnus."-Yami

"Indeed. It wasn't good at all." -Charlotte

"(All I said was 'let's party', how was it that bad?) Hey, aren't we getting off track again?" -Galileo

"What were you two doing in Magnus home?"-Fuegoleon

"Sensei sent us to find information on Magnus."-Hanzo

"We'd have gotten in and out smoothly if it wasn't for that shitty sword perv. Yeah I see how you look at those swords!"-Sasuke

Everyone just thought he couldn't be more wrong about infiltrating the Pendragon estate successfully. Almost everyone there would give them the fight of their lives, if not kill them. The sword perv part got Iori a few weird looks, but he didn't seem to care at all.

"So what are we going to do with them?"-Iori

"If Fuegoleon is willing to vouch for them I'll look after them, but they can't roam freely until we're sure of our terms with Madara. Also, I'm interested in their versions of the sharingan. Any objections?" Magnus and Fuegoleon had both ok'd them so no one had anything more to say. "You two can stay with me, until we meet with Madara again. Don't worry I won't do anything cruel." Magnus' sly smile didn't put them at ease in the slightest. "You can escort them back Iori. Feel free to come see them anytime Fuegoleon."

"I will take you up on that."-Fuegoleon

Now that they had gone over the profiles, Magnus presents several more files he produced from his ring. "I've prepared a few contingency plans for each of them. Please take a look…"

As the meeting progressed, they planned strategies until it was night outside. Outside there was a dark moonless night looming over the capital.

"Huh? Have we been here that long?"-Jack

"Aww man I had plans for today! This meeting went way longer than normal."- Yami

"I don't think we've been here more than an hour or two."-Julius

"But the sun IS down."- Dorothy

"How can that be? The sun only came up a few short hours ago."- Charlotte

"(Hey Magnus, this ain't what I think it is. Is it?)" Galileo spoke to Magnus through the system.

"(I can't think of another explanation. Jenny how can the demons be here in Clover already? The barrier should still be standing.) "-Magnus

"(The barrier is definitely still there, but it seems they found a way to bypass it as it's weakening.)"-Jenny

"(Damn! It was foolish to believe they wouldn't act quickly, but before the barrier completely dropped?)"-Magnus

"(This must be Melascula's magic.)"-Galileo

"What's with you two?"-Meraleona

"Demons are here. This fake night is definitely their handywork."-Magnus

"They want us to know they're here…"-Galileo

Magnus and Galileo vanish from the room after dropping the bomb on them.

"Shit! Now? Everybody outside immediately! Demons are in the capital! Let's show those bastards why they shouldn't fuck with Clover kingdom!"-Meraleona

"YEAH!" -Everyone

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