Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 27: Ch. 27 The Demon war of Clover Kingdom

Outside Magnus and Galileo stand on the roof of the building looking into the pitch-black morning sky. Taking to the skies for a better view, they look to the north and see an enormous cloud flying towards the capital. At a closer look, the cloud turns out to be a horde of demons of all colors with a handful of elites at the front. Everything in their path was trampled by the massive Albion trailing behind. Citizens caught off guard by their sudden appearance could only run inside the city walls guided by the magic knights. Having no hope of competing in this fight, many could only watch from within the walls.

"They brought a lot..."

"You sound worried Gali. Hmm?" Magnus looks over to see Galileo trembling excitedly with a big grin on his face.

"Nah, I'm excited… I got a lot of steam to blow off."

"What could you be mad about this time?"

"You wouldn't get it."

"True I don't get second place, Hahaha! Let's go greet our guests." Magnus advances towards the edge of town to confront the horde.

"Screw you!" Galileo follows after him, flipping a double bird.

"Brother, two people are coming to meet us."

"Yeah, seems like our welcome wagon is here. And what do you know? They present the darkness to me on a platter." The two groups stop several dozen meters apart. "The sword and dragon of clover…we meet at last."

"Can't say it's a pleasure to meet you, Meliodas prince of demons, but welcome to Clover. I see you've come to settle this in one go."

"Prince? How dare you swordsman! Meliodas is the one true king of the demon clan!"

"No need to get so worked up Zel, I'm technically not the king until I deal with these two."

"Bwahahaha! I guess you'll never wear the crown, since you beating us is impossible. After I take those commandments from your boys I'll be even stronger!"

"It seems you don't understand your situation. This is clover's last day standing. We're going to turn this place into a desolate wasteland, and your grave markers will be ashes. Then when it's all said and done, we'll feast on your bones dragon."

"That so? Try it." Being told he was going to be food pissed Galileo off more than most other threats. How dare someone look at his monstrous existence, the evil void chaos dragon as food? Unforgivable! "I'll grind you all to dust!"

"Heh, hit a nerve did I? The baby dragon mad?"

Galileo let his temper get the best of him and charged, but he went nowhere. He was completely paralyzed. "What's this? I can't move!"

"Dumbass, you fell for his taunts that easily…" Magnus could only shake his head at Galileo. "Remember who our opponents are." With untraceable speed he appeared before Fraudrin and stabbed him seven times before severing his head, and he was back next to Galileo before anyone realized what happened.


"He got all seven of his hearts in an instant!"

"How was he able to do that with our commandments in play? He had the commandment of love, no one with hate in their hearts should be able to move!"

"And he's unbothered by Greyroad's commandment of pacifism! Anyone who kills in it's presence should have their time stolen from them." The demons were stupefied at how Magnus was so easily able to kill a commandment. They all watched in shock as the massive demon's body fell to the earth.

"DAMMIT I got so careless already!" Galileo was even more furious with himself for having to be helped again.

Down below those who saw what happened were amazed. He slew that powerful demon effortlessly, even with their strange commandments. To bypass both the commandments of love meant he had no hatred in his heart, and to still be alive after pacifism? For such a feat Magnus seemed godlike to the spectators. Galileo who reasoned it must be because of his grace, caught a cold glare from Magnus and a message through the system "(Don't you say anything at all, let them think whatever they want.)" Galileo laughed to himself at how much of a perpetrator Magnus was, before getting ready to fight again. "That's all the help you get from me Gali." He produced his outdoor throne from his ring and took a seat. He looked around like he was disgusted by his surroundings "It's too dark here…" He flicks his sleeves like an old master and a ray of sunshine illuminates him like his own personal spotlight. "Much better. Now I'm done for today Gali."


"They came here for you and your darkness. Since they were chosen based on your demon powers, they're your bad guys." Magnus casually reclined in his seat "don't you have steam to blow off anyways?"

"Don't think you can just kill one of ours and get away with it! You're going to die next!" Two more of the commandments lunge at Magnus. One with the appearance of a muscular bearded old man and the other of a doll. Because of what happened next, they stopped in their tracks with terror.

Galileo outstretched his hand towards the fallen Fraudrin "Do not resist convergence, love." Out of the corpse of Fraudrin a small black orb of condensed demon energy bearing a strange symbol on it flew straight towards him. "Bwahahahaha! I too can command the commandments!"

"(So your brain does work…)"

"WE WON'T LET YOU!" Calamadios a titanic horned demon with grey skin and six arms, plus the two who charged Magnus, changed their course for Galileo. He was preoccupied with receiving his first commandment, so he paid them no mind. Their darkness almost completely ripped off their bodies as some unknown force pulled them all away from Galileo and after travelling a short distance a roc made of golden winds crashed down from the clouds, and a blazing black dragon rose from below trapping them in a storm of heavenly wind and hellfire.

"We won't let you touch him!" Lumiette, Leopold and Yuno appear around Galileo battle ready.

Asta, Noelle, and Kirsch assembled around Magnus' airborne throne, Asta carried Morgiana on his back.

"Magnus why are you sitting on your ass? Are you going to let Galileo do all the work?" Noelle was the first to call him out.

"Precisely, this is a battle between the demons of spade kingdom and the demons of Clover kingdom. I was interested to see how it plays out."

"Ugh, I can't believe you."

"They'll be fine, just enjoy the show."

"Is it really ok to just leave them be?" Asta was getting antsy watching.

"The captains aren't far behind, if we cooperate we'll win this fight beautifully." Despite preaching teamwork Kirsch was just as excited to rush into the crowd of demons hacking and slashing.

"Big brother we should help them, there's only four against all of them."

"Can we go Magnus? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Magnus was getting irritated with everyone pestering him during his show "Wait a minute! You nor the captains can fight until I give the signal so just be patient."

"What kind of signal are we waiting for?"

"You see that blob of faces? Only Galileo can kill him and no one else can kill anything before he's dead."

"Oh, I see."

"Leave the commandments to Galileo's group. Morgiana today you start training with the sword. Get strength and then you can decide who you can help. Understood?"

"Understood!"-Team Magnus

He teleported his team down to the wall with the arriving magic knights to fill them in. So now all eyes are on the Galileo. "Galileo! Hurry up and get Greyroad!"

"Don't rush me, I already know!" Galileo turns to his disciples "I got this under control you guys, but I'll give you style points for your entrance." Storm clouds gather and a wave of purple lightning reduces them to nothing, giving Galileo the kills. If they were to kill the demons not having commandments, their time would have been stolen "and then there were six…"

"Why'd you do that? We already beat them." Yuno was most upset having his kills stolen, it reminded him of his first ninja mission.

"Who said you could butt in to begin with? You three get out of the way until I say so!"

"We're fighting too." Yuno stated it plainly and coolly that they would not back down.

"He's right we're not leaving you alone Gali. Can't let you have all the fun." Leopold backed him up.

"We also brought the executives." Behind Lumiette four more figures appear. The first is the dragon slaying witch 'Irene Belserion'. Second was a young woman with wild blonde hair, almost completely nude except for darkness covering her right leg, left arm and her lady parts. Third was a man with seven horns, and six ears poking out from under long sleek black hair, his eyes were permanently closed. Fourth was a six-armed man much taller than the others with long red hair and a face like a demon mask.

"Was it necessary to bring all of them?"

"They wanted to help just as much, how could I say no to those faces?"

"Taking it from the ass, you don't wanna share the fighting Gali." The blonde woman, Derieri spoke while eying her former comrades. "Pretty selfish."

The six armed man, Tsuchigumo, slapped Galileo on the back with half of his heavy hands, almost knocking hm down "Hahaha! Don't be greedy boss man! We wanna cut loose too!"

"Indeed, it seems only your peerage is participating against Meliodas' and his commandments. It would be more efficient to even the odds some." The blind man, Yomi observed. "Derieri, will this be a problem for you?"

"It Won't."

"Regardless of our previous affiliations we are now the executives of Galileo's Adventurers guild. No need to question her loyalties."

"Well said Irene! Before anyone or anything can be killed we gotta take out Greyroad, he's got an annoying power to that automatically steals the time of anyone who kills before him. Now I want-"

"Graaaah! DAMN YOU BRATS! You killed Anarak and Zeno!" Calamadios roars and swings his six great weapons dispersing the flaming thunderstorm. He was covered in burns but still had plenty of power to spare. Next to him were two black orbs as the other two did perish. "I'm gonna rip you all to pieces!"

"Hoh this one has six arms too?" Despite the vast difference in size Tsuchigumo was thrilled to fight another brutish six armed demon. "I'm your opponent giant!" The earth spider yokai rushes Calamadios with a barrage from all six arms. The big demon swings a blade but Tsuchigumo catches one and shatters it. An enraged Calamadios throws down his other weapons which smashed demons below and the two trade blows furiously.

"I will deal with the pest problem."

"You gotta win quickly then. Use this." Galileo gave Irene one of the two fresh commandments he's acquired. "That should keep you safe from the effects of the other commandments."

"Ah this is quite an impressive ability." Her eyes already blackened, Irene let the darkness dance along her staff. With this maybe I could…"

"You think you fools can do whatever you want?" Zeldoris appears in front of them preparing to go for a critical slash on the two dragons only to be stopped by the only swordsman of Galileo's team. Zeldoris' cold glare is met by Yuno's, aloof and unimpressed. "Yuno Pendragon, you really think you can stand before me?"


"So no answer huh. Well die in silence!" The two of them exchanged hundreds of slashes in the blink of an eye. As their blades kept moving faster and faster traces of darkness created currents in the air going multiple directions "Dark nebula!" Yuno felt himself be pulled in and out at the same time distorting his swordsmanship. However golden winds danced throughout the black storm creating air currents to counter them. Soon the two blades were dancing amid a torrent of black and gold. Yuno barely misses a critical strike at Zeldoris' throat and the demon jumps back putting several meters in between the two.

Yuno gives no letup "Heavenly roc's divine breath!" He breathed in deep and exhaled a golden rush of razor sharp winds.

"Shit!" Zeldoris defended with his darkness, and was pushed him into the crowd of lesser demons. Any caught in the storm were cut to shreds. "That's not enough to beat me boy!" Charging up a wave of darkness he fired a slash that tore through the dwindling winds.

Yuno responded by holding his sword high above him. Wind converged around the blade pulling in the magic particles in the air to him. Zeldoris could feel nothing but disdain for all below as the boy holding his sword up looked down on him "Heavenly rift." He swung his sword down and the golden slash moved at blinding speeds barely losing momentum after overtaking Zeldoris' attack. Four more dark slashes stopped it Just short of Zeldoris. Yuno raised his sword again, and when he swung his foe looked a lot more composed this time.

"Full counter!" With a bat of his sword the Heavenly rift was sent right back at Yuno with double the power.

"What roc fears wind?" Yuno holds out his sword and the attack coils around his blade as if returning to his aide once more. "Since you can throw magic back, I'll just split you in two with my sword."

"Oh yea! Try it!"

Leopold tried to pick the toughest looking one left, and chose the spear wielding suit of armor. He lunged but was met with a bird made of black and red blazes, Monspeet's hellfire bird. Leopold devoured it in front of a startled Monspeet "Thanks for the meal! Now let's see if you burn!" To Monspeet's further shock Leopold's hands burst into blazing hellfire shaped like claws. The two faced off for a second before someone placed a hand on Leopold's shoulder. "Hmm? Derieri? What's up?"

"Let me handle him."

"Ok. Easy win!" He went to fight Galand

"D-Derieri! It's really you? Why are you with them?"

"Taking it from the ass we both died, then I woke up here."

"You died? How? Who killed you?"

"Estaro- no Mael."

"The archangel?"

"You don't remember? He killed you first…"

Leopold was originally unsure if he should let them be, it didn't seem like they were going to fight. Derieri was trustworthy she knew what needed to be done, he told himself as he fought with Galand. The tall demon swung his spear ferociously, but Leo's sensory haki and kami-e combo was too efficient. Leopold's hands coated in haki were like steel claws. They deflected every slash that came too close to landing, after clashing several times his claws erupted into hellfire again and he went on the offensive. Galand felt himself being overwhelmed slightly "I'll crush you!" He swung down with great force and Leopold blocked it, but the force still sent him flying.

Composing himself midair Leo fired off like a rocket propelled by hellfire bursting from his feet. He darted around Galand slashing and punching from all angles. Each hit dented in the armor and some places started to melt.

"Back off you little shit! Bunzaradan!" Galand rotated his spear overhead creating a violent tornado that threatened to pull everything in. Trees, boulders and lesser demons all fell to pieces and became debris in the storm.

Sure enough the attack put distance between the two, but Leopold didn't let up just like Galileo taught him "Eat this! Hell's burning wheel!" Leopold made a circular motion with his hands and red magic circle with black inscriptions appears under Galand's feet. Everything in that circle is reduced to ash as a column of hellfire rose high into the sky and down to the earth below. The smoking Galand however, was still standing.

"Hahahaha! That all you got? Your weak flames are no match for I, Galand of the truth!"

"I'm just getting warmed up tin man. I have a lot more in store."

"Heh, I see you're not lying as my commandment turns all who lie before me, even myself, to stone!"

"That's sounds like it could backfire."

"(I gotta wrap this up, this kid is pretty strong.) If you're as strong as you think you are let's play a game to test our strength. I call it the Galand Game!"

"Sounds dumb, but I'll play along."

"The rules are simple, we take turns hitting each other until one of us drops dead. No dodging or magic. Whoever forfeits, goes back on their word and turns to stone. Simple right? I should warn you I never lose HAHAHAHA!"

"Well since it's your game I believe you should go first."

"Hahahaha! Fool I'll end it on the first round! CRITICAL OVER!" Galand's entire body begins to swell like muscles were bulging out of the suit of armor. The dents buffed themselves out and his spikes grew larger. This physical change was accompanied by the doubling of his strength. "NOW YOU READY BOY!?"


"DIE! BASSARI!" Galand's spear comes at Leopold's heart full force.

"Dragon armor!" Leopold coats uses a combination of his scales, armament haki, and tekkai gou to block the attack. When the spear touches him Leopold is pushed back a step then he flexes harder and the blade shatters, leaving no more than a dot on the young dragon's chest. "Hahaha! Out of everyone Gali has trained, my defense is by far the highest!"

"What the? No way…"

"MY TURN!" For a second, Leopold looked more devilish than his brother the way he grinned with nothing but destruction in his eyes. Leopold clenched his still hardened fist, and pulled back as far as he could.

All Galand could think was that he was about to die. The terror he felt from Leopold's killing intent was unbearable, it was like he was a baby before an evil god. "No wait! I- I'm not rea-" Turning to run Galand turned to stone for violating his own rule.

"Aww really? Just when I was getting into this."

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