Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 30: Ch. 30 A battle among Uchiha

"Damn one of them turned into an indura? Gali! Don't let it run amok, and then hurry and go after them!"

"Stop telling me what to do! You go deal with Madara! Executives go and stop them from doing damage to nearby villages! I'll catch up in a few." The four of them speed off, with a vengeful Derieri leading the pack.

Magnus joins Galileo in the sky, with his spotlight fading as he no longer has need of it. Leo and Yuno didn't need to be told to engage the indura. They attack it with full force like spears of red and gold. It's clear that Yuno was more effective. He held the demon's attention, while still dealing more damage and evading effortlessly. Though Leopold wasn't messing up he knew was in Yuno's way, the power gap between them was just too big.

"So you finally learned Universal Phenomenon Galileo?"

"Universal what?"

"I was right, you could only use it because of your atavism."

"Ata- what? I just remembered how to do it. (It was more like some old guy showed me in my head though.)"

"That must be the work of the dragon god, you have an atavism linking your soul to his. In other words, you have access to his abilities, that was most likely your first time awakening it. Similar principle to your mazoku bloodline."

"So that's what that was…well thanks to him I got an idea for a move of my own, but it looks like I won't get a chance try it out now." Pointing to the Indura, they watch as Yuno allows his killing intent to spread and everyone on the battlefield felt a deep chill in their bones. It becomes so vast and thin that no one can even sense it anymore or Yuno who suddenly vanished into thin air. With a cool breeze of wind, the demon is cut to tiny pieces.

"That was cool breeze swordsmanship Yuno just used. And very skillfully done…"

"He's grows at a crazy rate. He's a real deal genius alright."

Seeing how that was so quickly settled, Magnus and Galileo set their sights on Madara. "Have fun with your little family reunion" Galileo reclines on a golden cloud.

"I plan to. Shouldn't you be heading off after them?"

"I'm watching the show first" he says motioning for Magnus to go towards Madara.

The two meet in the air staring eye to eye. Down below everyone tired from killing demon's wonders how Clover would fare against a second of the six threats. Madara may have been the most likely to cooperate but that guaranteed no safety in this moment.

"Magnus Pendragon I presume?"

"Yes, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Hmm, straight to the point I see. How very Uchiha-like of you. I want to test the worth of the one carrying my heritage, nothing more."

"That's it?"

"Yes, show me the power you've seen with those eyes of yours."

"Very well, I accept your challenge."

Down below everyone watched anxiously as another big battle was about to occur, Galileo's fight could have been likened to a natural disaster. Now his rival was going to fight another foe of that caliber immediately after. It was enough to have some on their knees praying for clover's survival from their shelters. Little did they know the battle had already started.

"His eyes aren't half bad."

"I agree but I can't see them being better than sensei's."

The witch queen couldn't tell by what criteria Madara's disciples rated their eyes, but her magic could let her see the energy focused in their eyes. She wasn't sure what was happening but she could tell some sort of exchange was taking place.

"Why are they just staring? Is something going to happen?" Lumiette was among many who's nerves were only made worse by the suspense they created by standing there staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"They already started. This is a battle of the eyes." Galileo appeared with a purple flash and rested his head in her lap, while the cloud supported his body. His sudden appearance nearly gave her a heart attack. "Looking like it's gonna be a good old-fashioned ninja battle."

"Gali! Don't just pop up like that! You scared me!"

"I wanted to watch the fight with my lady. Nothing wrong with that, right?" Galileo's playful smile relaxed her slightly. "I like your new move by the way."

"Likewise my love, but what did you mean by 'battle of the eyes'?"

"That's how sharingan user's usually start their fights, a contest of illusions. Or genjutsu to be specific."

"So right now, they're fighting with just their eyes?" Even with Galileo's confirmation it sounded hard to believe. The two of them were standing there with straight faces not moving at all. No way that could be called a battle!

"Gah! Damn you old man." Suddenly Magnus breaks the staring contest and covers his eyes with one hand. Seeing him cringe out of the blue startled spectators. No one saw Madara even make a move why was Magnus in pain?

"Your genjutsu is subpar."

"I prefer more direct fighting."

"Is that so?"

"Next comes taijutsu." Galileo narrated.

Madara and Magnus flew into each other both deflecting the other's initial punch with their opposite forearms. The two began fighting midair trading blows that got faster and faster with each strike. Barely anyone could keep up with their high speed movements, even the other sharingan users had to use their full focus to even see their movements. Like everyone else Galileo couldn't even see them at times, he had to listen for solid hits to know what happened a feat only possible to his extremely heightened senses. Neither Madara nor Magnus missed a beat dodging, deflecting, and countering with expert skill and precision. The clang of kunai and shuriken could be heard as they fought through the clouds. Madara plants his foot in Magnus chest and sent him flying back several steps.

"What's going on?"

"I saw Magnus go backwards, so does that mean Madara is winning?"

"They're so fast it's hard to tell."

"Is that the extent of your taijutsu?"

"I never took you for a man to ask stupid questions Madara" Magnus crossed his arms and chakra exploded out of him as his skin turned slightly redder and his muscles got a little bigger. "Gate of life open!" Magnus takes off even faster striking Madara with an combo so fast the sound of his strikes sounded like one continuous roar of thunder. It takes a second for his eyes to adjust to it but Magnus leaves no opening until a burst of chakra from Madara blows him back.

"Was this how you did it?" Madara's skin was also red and his hair flowed wildly with the immense chakra he radiated. The two clash again, this time all anyone could see was the shockwaves of their impacts. Stray shuriken flew like meteors as the two fought at such speeds that the air tore apart creating vacuums. At this point everyone around had taken shelter within the city, leaving little more audience than the captains. When the two became visible again they saw Magnus kicking Madara in his chin sending him higher in the sky.

Magnus floated gently above Madara, clenching both fists at his waist "Dawn Roc!" One twisting punch smashed through Madara's armor and sent him spiraling down so fast it started a tornado, and on impact with the ground it combusted into a huge explosion. Everyone was surprised to see the fight end so quickly. Truly something only a fool would believe, Magnus stayed on guard scanning his surroundings.

"And third is ninjutsu."

"Fire style: godly inferno" from the smoke where Madara was, a great column of fire rose straight at Magnus. It was easily as hot as the hellblaze the demons used.

"Water style: Kunpeng's reign!" Magnus quickly did his hand signs and all of the moisture in the air converge on him before raining down in the form of a massive winged fish creature. The clash threw up an entire column of steam once again blinding the spectators, but the fight still continued inside. The names of multiple jutsu could be heard being called out on both sides as explosions of different natures piled up within the smokescreen. Lightning style: unstoppable impulse! Earth style: adamant spears! Wind style: deathly tempest! Explosion style: violent erasure! Crystal style: lustrous sword! Lava style: Burning tsunami! Gale style: heavenly storm! Even kekkei genkai and tota were trivial for the two ninja gods. High tier ninjutsu clashed from all angles, remolding the environment over and over. The citizens thought the world was ending for the millionth time this morning. Neither shinobi showed any signs of slowing down as if they had limitless reserves of chakra.

"Is this the power of ninjutsu?"

"You mean to tell me Hodge is training up these kinds of monsters!?"

After today's battle many would travel to Hodge to learn ninjutsu, and Hodge's hidden sword ninja became revered across Clover.

"How about this?" Madara and his Susanoo's torso cast hand signs. His jutsu calls down a massive meteor big enough to shadow the entire capital. "Great Planetary devastation!"

Unlike the rest of the capital who was panicking with fear at the next coming calamity, Galileo was on the edge of his seat. This meteor was the biggest meteor he'd ever seen in any series. Bigger than the one Kenpachi smashed, bigger than the one Saitama smashed, even bigger than the two Gaara and Ohnoki tried to catch combined. How would the ever so perfect Magnus save the day this time? Even if he smashed the meteor there was the almost guaranteed possibility of the shards crushing everything below. "Lumiette! Look at that! Look at that! The meteor is fucking huuuge!" He was so excited the coming destruction didn't matter to him. Oppositely the captains all readied their grimoires to stop the meteor together if Magnus couldn't

"It dwarfs the whole capital! Even if Magnus could destroy it the collateral damage would still be devastating. We-we have to do something! Get up!"

"Didn't you use up most of your energy? Chill, Magnus can handle it." He shifted his weight back on her, making it impossible for her to get up. "What's he gonna do? Let's find out!"

Looking as smug as ever Magnus' golden Susanoo appeared with each of its three sets of arms weaving the same signs in unison. "Joint ninja art, particle style: nation stealer!" The entire meteor is encompassed in an enormous silver cube and with one more sign, disintegrated.

"WOAH that was too cool! Ninja battles are cool as hell!" Galileo felt like he was watching the most epic, well designed anime battle ever. With front row seats no less, he was loving every second of it.

Lumiette was speechless, she definitely saw that meteor. You probably could have seen it from spade kingdom! It was truly the end of Clover yet someway, somehow, the kingdom remained untouched. Whatever jutsu Magnus used completely erased the meteor from the sky.

"Bwahahaha! He really did it perfectly! Not a single pebble touched the capital!"

"Let's see if you can handle this! The special kekkei tota created in the hidden sword village. Sword style-"

"Sword style? Intriguing…" Madara readied himself.

"Since when was there sword style ninjutsu? What's this Magnus?" Galileo thought aloud.

"Sword roc's reign!" Magnus waves his arms like wings and a massive metal roc comes flying at Madara. Upon a closer look the entire creature is made up of swords screaming with sword intent.

"Not bad boy but I've developed a few new techniques of my own! Phantasmal style:god shadow." Suddenly the roc stops midflight as if it's being held in place. Invisible to everyone but Madara and Magnus are two giant clones of Madara holding the Roc's wings. "Looks like that's all you've got."

"You haven't won yet." Magnus does another hand sign and the swords that make the Roc shoot off slicing the shadows to pieces and continue at Madara. He's almost hit but then using the rinnegan he absorbed the jutsu.

"Huh how'd he do that? The sword's just vanished!"-Vangence

"He absorbed it?"-Nozel

"We'll let it stop there. I was hoping for a decent fight since you have those eyes, but this was beyond my wildest expectations! Hahahahahah! You pass!"

"That's it?"

"I came here to check your abilities and I was thoroughly impressed. I see you carry on the ninja way with skill and dignity. I'd expect no less of my kinsmen. Strange you're the splitting image of Maki."

"(That's the same name Morgiana used.) Who is Maki?"

"My daughter. She went missing around your age, never to return…Before I thought she died at the hands of enemy ninja. Now having come to this world and learning of you someone who carries my blood, my daughter's blood. I reason that her circumstances were similar to mine, if you're truly her child then that can only mean she grew up in a distant time. Separated from her family having to find her own way through life's hardships, I hope she lived well." He seemed to be lost in thought more than holding a conversation, the idea of his daughter cold and alone in a foreign place pained him. "Tell me what was she like?"

"I… didn't really know her, I my circumstances may also be similar to yours from what I understand (He's already pieced this much together? How much investigation has he done on world travel?)"

"I see." Madara appeared before Morgiana, she was so startled she jumped back and drew her sword. "You too, you look just like Maki."


"Grandpa? I don't feel like I'm old enough for that yet…call me uncle. Yes, Uncle Madara sounds much better."

"Gran- I mean Uncle, are you really here? How is this possible Mother used to tell me stories about you, but you were supposed to be far away...and shouldn't you at least be an old man?"

"You were with her? What became of Maki?" Madara squeezed her shoulders tightly. "Where is my daughter!"

"Demons attacked the castle and she and father didn't make it…"

"…" His grip loosened.


"Sensei!" Magnus and Fuegoleon are the first to arrive.

"Oh right, you were from Clover Fuegoleon." Madara doesn't look too surprised to see him, more annoyed that he was interrupted from learning about his family. "How have you been?"

"What do you mean 'How have you been'! You can't just show up here and destroy everything and then act like nothing happened!" Even to someone as horrifying as Madara Fuegoleon had the same righteous attitude.

"Good to see you too. No one in the village was hurt? No? Wood style: deep forest emergence!" When he clasped his hands together, he rebuilt the terrain more scenic than it ever was before. Beautiful flowers of all colors, lush shrubbery, tall trees(some bore different fruits), a clear sparkling lake with small waterfalls and cesspools. The Capital's new look would have even made the fairy king jealous! "I believe that should satisfy your complaints. Now-" He paused for a second.


"Morgiana, tell me about your mother and father."

Galileo could see enough to know Madara is no longer an issue so he relaxed, Lumiette did as well. Of all today's fighting very few were seriously injured but they had all already been treated and there were no death's. With nothing left to do they enjoyed the new view of the capital's surroundings from the wall. He drifted off to sleep with Lumiette playing in his hair while singing. It was especially convenient that all the demon corpses got blown away by Magnus' and Madara's fight. Wait? Demons…Then he suddenly sprang up to his feet.

" What's wrong my love?"

"I forgot about the executives!" He vanishes.

"Oh no! I forgot too!" She takes off after him.

Near Clover's northern border white lightning strikes where Galileo and Lumiette appear together. The ground is littered with the corpses hundreds of demons, including another indura.

"Oh my what happened here?" Lumiette gazes at the pieces of demon that used to be Cusack.

"I guess they caught them. Look." Standing on the corpse of a giant red demon the four executives are talking.

Tsuchigumo is the first to see Galileo. "Took ya long enough to get here Gali! We got another Commandment!"

"Good work you guys, looks like you got them." Galileo says jumping on top of the demon.

"They were nothing before my awesome might HAHAHA!" Tsuchigumo laughs flexing his top arms.

"However, Meliodas alone was able to make it out of Clover." Says Yomi upset they didn't get one hundred percent of their mission complete.

"Damn… He's the main one I wanted dead. He has the demon king's powers."

"Taking it from the ass they'll all be back stronger next time."

"Exactly. He won't make the mistake of taking us lightly twice in a row. This was probably only the opening battle of our demon war. When we get back make preparations to mobilize dragon tale, we'll have to add some missions worth getting those lazy S classes in the guild off their asses too."

"Look at you, acting like a leader when Yomi and I will be doing all the work." Irene teased Galileo playfully, but serious at the same time.

"Hahahahahaaa you don't do anything Boss!"

"Neither do you Tsuchigumo! You're the worst executive, never doing any work and only showing up to fight!"

"Hahahahahaa what a good gig it is! And I get plenty of time to go drinking!"

"I wonder why that is…"

"You must be the one called the tiny terror."

"Yeah I am, who are you?" Galileo hadn't noticed the man standing there with them in a decadent suit of armor, wielding a heavy broadsword and a thick shield with a dragon for it's coat of arms. He had long flowing hair, with light stubble, and strong features. He had a regal but rugged air about him, and he was very handsome. Galileo pinched Lumiette when he saw how she was looking at him.

"I am the last Knight of Camelot. Siegfried. I seek the one called Magnus Pendragon."

"Like THE immortal Siegfried with the dragon blood and stuff?"

"Aye, that is me."

"What business do you have with Magnus."

"I swore an oath to protect he and Morgiana in place of their late parents many years ago."

"(Magnus never said anything about having him as a summon…I wonder if he knows about this guy?) Why are you just now looking for him?"

"A barrier kept me out of the country until a short while ago."

"Good enough answer…I'll take you to him."

They returned to the capital to find Magnus' group with Madara and Fuegoleon still on the wall. Siegfried being unable to fly rode upon Galileo's golden clouds.

"Doesn't the capital look different?" Derieri was starting to think they were lost.

"Ninja battle" Was all the answer Galileo gave, with the group in sight he sped up. "Yo Magnus look who I found!"

"Sig-san!" Morgiana is the first to notice the new addition to the group. She leaps onto the descending cloud and hugs the knight.

"I'm Glad to see you are well Morgiana."

"Yes, it looks like you're still in one piece too. Come meet brother, and grandpa, I mean uncle Madara. He doesn't want to feel old, so he asked us to call him Uncle" she whispers that last part. On the ground Morgiana is happy to introduce him. "Everyone meet Siegfried! He is one of the knights who fought alongside father and my first teacher in swordplay."

"(Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't he from a completely different legend?)"

"(Just go with it, this stuff is new for me too. Apparently my mother Maki Uchiha, is Madara's long lost daughter who somehow world travelled to Camelot and grew up there. She married King Arthur and gave birth to me and Morgiana.)"

"(King Arthur's son? Madara's grandson? How come you get to be related to a bunch of legendary warriors?)"

"(You know you're a born royal right? Galileo VERMILLION, of one of the houses descended from the first wizard king. Not to mention the stolen elf power.)"

"(I don't care you have asura blood, the system broke time and space to make your bloodline!)"

"(So petty…)"

"Lord Pendragon" Siegfried kneels to Magnus "allow me to serve you once again as a knight of house Pendragon!"

"Rise up Siegfried, you always will have a place as a knight of house Pendragon, as you've always had.. I'm glad to have you with us. Actually, we have a question you may be able to shed some light on."

"Speak it and I shall do my best to answer."

"What do you know of how we came here from Camelot?"

"You and Morgiana are of the distant past. Long ago before the realm of man was made separate from the other magical creatures, Arthur Pendragon reigned as king and your mother the blood eyed sorceress, Maki Uchiha was his wife and queen. After learning of a prophecy about Camelot's fall at the hands of demon hordes, they decided the two of you should be sent away to not share the kingdom's fate. To ensure that your blood couldn't fall into the wrong hands you were sent to another time entirely. Maki being a master of space-time magic created the spell to send you through time, as well as erect a barrier around this nation to protect you from those of other worlds until your fifteenth birthday. As the eldest you went first Magnus and Morgiana arrived ten years later, because that's how long it took to recharge the spell."

"(So Clover was Camelot…) How come you're the only one who was kept out of Clover by the barrier?"

"That I do not know. I doubt it was Maki's intention, however she was extra careful to guard out any powerful monsters of our time. It may have been an unfortunate side effect. I've was unable to reenter Clover after the barrier arose, I assume that was around the time of your arrival in this era Magnus."

"You've been wandering the lands since?"

"Yes I have watched the rise and fall of many kingdoms awaiting your return."

"Well let me be the first to welcome you home Siegfried." Says Magnus with a warm smile.

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