Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 29: Ch. 29 I just remembered something

"That hurt a little bit, but only a bit." Says Galileo as he jumps out of the crater. He ascends back into the sky to be eye level with Meliodas. "You got that crick outta my neck, it's been bothering me for weeks." He acts nonchalant even though there's blood leaking down his face.

Meliodas puts his sword arm out and then darkness converges from all over the battlefield onto his blade forming a blade of darkness that reeked of evil, a sinister malicious aura was emanated from this blade startling everyone present. The various captains and magic knights all stop what they are doing to look over. As Meliodas continues to absorb the negative energy all around, even the bad emotions of the clover citizens built to this evil sword.

"Boy look alive! That blade can actually take your life, it attacks your very life force." Veldora shows surprising concern.

"What an evil sword technique. He is definitely the son of a demon king, one of the top 100 races" says Ddraig squinting to get a better look. The technique has been formed at this point as Meliodas stands amidst the darkness that has taken on the image of giant evil Demon with horns on his bull like head, a body with no symmetry, and four legs. On his horse like legs a dark fire began to burn.

"So Meliodas knows about the phenomenon as well? I'd hardly call that Heavenly though. I was naïve to think that it would be only for good beings, hmm… so from this day forth I'll call it Universal Phenomenon. But the better question is how Gali will deal with this? He doesn't have a one attack that is this strong, I know his dragon pride won't let him avoid clashing with it… maybe 'it' will wake up now hehe". Magnus says with a smirk on his face as he watches the fight completely undaunted. Like none of this has anything to do with him, like he can handle it easily, so some people start to calm down. Those that know him know that's the truth, but the people forget one thing. Magnus is arrogant and insufferably so. If he calls Galileo his equal he's not bored watching because he can handle it, he's bored because he knows Galileo can as well, this is called the " Faith of the Mighty".

"Bwahahahaha That's some nice demon energy you got flowing there Meliodas." Galileo says as he really panics inside "(how am I gonna blast this crazy move, world breaker? No not enough attack duration. Should I eat it?" He looks again, "nope I have no idea what kind of energy that even is. Hmm should I use void? No, I can't muster up enough yet. Damn, Damn! Hmm?") he looks around with his heightened senses to see everyone looking down, some looking scared, some looking worried, but a general consensus was that none had faith he can handle it. He then spreads his awareness and see Magnus looking straight at him in his eyes there is not the slightest doubt he's just mouthing something he focuses harder to read 'let go Gali.' "(Let go? Let go of what?)" He hears an ages old voice from the depths of his soul, sounding so divine and holy saying one word 'Restraints'. ("Hmm? what was that?") then all of sudden Galileo let his dragon energy flow out without reserve. It was like he had a sudden inspiration, no it was more like a memory. It was an old man standing in the empty space and thousands of stars were falling around him, he just drew his hand back in a strange stance. He casually waved his palm but when it was released the whole space shook and a giant dragon leapt from his palm and devoured every incoming star.

"Bwahaha I get it now! Get ready Meliodas! Even I don't know how strong this is gonna be!" Galileo falls into a new stance. His legs slightly more than shoulder width apart, his right arm clenched into a fist pulled back at his waist almost like a traditional karate stance, but his left palm was all the way out. Then it happened as he pulled his left arm back the image of a black and azure dragon wrapped around his arm and was getting bigger and stronger as he drew back his arm. The energy of this dragon was so pure and divine, but its prideful nature could be seen in the way it barely looked at this demon god in front of it.

Magnus abruptly stands with stern look on his face, then he breaks into a hearty laugh, a laugh none of his family have heard in ages. "(You finally woke up huh, great)" he thinks. He is not the only one shocked, everyone friend or foe alike are completely astounded.

"So what if you can do it too? DEMON GODS WRATHFUL STAMPEDE" Meliodas roars as the giant demon image rushes at Galileo, who looks on calmly as he continues to draw his arm back slowly and finally completes it.

"You are so dead, but I have to thank you for this. COILING DRAGON STRIKES AND DEVOURS THE HEAVENS!" He then strikes slowly with his palm at the incoming demon, but the attack is anything but slow the dragon rushes off his arm releasing a horrifying roar and a terrifying display happens next. The dragon that's over one thousand feet long devours the whole upper body of the demon god which then dissipates, the dragon continues and flies straight through the clouds and beyond. Meliodas throws up a mouthful of blood from the backlash of his attack being broken and looks at Galileo with a mix of hatred and awe. "(The dragons I knew of were weak giant lizards. Even their king was food for us, but what the hell is this? Why is he so strong? And all of his subordinates too! What kind of dragons are these? Why is this realm so different! Even that human girl has pure asura blood that's not possible! Asura don't have children they spawn into existence, but I definitely feel asura and human blood from her! And then that sword brat, he's not normal in the slightest. I can't feel the depths his energy, it feels deep like an abyss And now this fake demon king is starting to feel the same, Damn it!)".

"That looks like it hurts. Let me put you out of your misery, maybe Elizabeth is waiting for you somewhere else" Galileo held up a hand and golden storm clouds gathered above Meliodas. "See ya."

"No you won't." Meliodas responded confidently as if he wasn't the one about to be erased. Before Galileo could launch his attack a ball of darkness surrounded him. "Nice timing Melascula."

"All of his senses have been completely cut off inside my 'dark cocoon'. He can't attack blindly, or he might end up destroying the kingdom. I'll bring you his soul and darkness momentarily."

"Be quick about it."

Inside the darkness the petite demon found her target. "It was a good thing Meliodas told me to hang back and watch you. You've been causing us a lot of problems today, you even killed a few of my comrades. Thanks to the power of the demon king they'll revive stronger, but you won't Tiny Terror… once I take your soul it's all over."

"Hey stupid what kinda trap are you in now?"

"You were just starting to look cool and you got caught in this weak magic?"

"(Shut up stupid lizards, this is gonna make me look cooler.) Conqueror's nightmare." Galileo unleashes a wave of his haki and immediately overwhelming Melascula's will. She felt the chaos assault her mind and show her countless scenes of her dying gruesome death's and going through unimaginable tortures, each more real to her than the last. Not only was her mind shattered but she felt her blood being suppressed on both ends as a demon Galileo's blood was of much higher class, and what snake could ever raise its head before a true dragon? When the cocoon vanished Melascula was groveling on her knees barely able to breathe, trembling violently with tears and snot streaming down her face, offering up her commandment to Galileo.

"P-please spare me! I'll serve you until I die!"

Galileo took the commandment "killing someone kneeling to me doesn't sound too honorable…" she feels a twinge of hope "but I don't care for snakes either..." Her fears are realized when Galileo pulls his fist back "I gotta punish you for trying to eat me" his heavy punch plants her in the ground, leaving just a pair of legs sticking out. "If you lived you can be my maid or something."

"Meh, I give it a four. Bullying little snakes isn't all that."

"If she was at least a flood dragon, maybe I'd have given you a five."

"(I just can't win with you two…)"

Meliodas was dumbfounded. Melascula only went into the cocoon a couple of seconds ago, what could have happened to have her like that? Galileo had taken five commandments and was using them to increase the power of his subordinates. Monspeet looked close to handing over a sixth so he could be with Derieri. Over half of the lesser demons had been wiped out. Even Chandler and Cusack had their hands full in this battle. Nothing was going as he had planned today.

"ENOUGH! I've grown tired of waiting for my turn." No one noticed before the man who had watched from above. He looked magnificent and imposing in his red armor that left his clan's symbol, a red and white uchiwa, exposed on the back of his black shirt. His long black hair was blowing in the wind, revealing the rinne-sharingan that gave off a godlike pressure. After allowing himself to be noticed his presence dominated the battlefield, he gave off a suffocating air that brought fear to demon and humans alike. Sitting on a throne of crows the Witch Queen sipped wine, and on two flat black saucers Madara's two disciples floated behind him casually. "Which one of them is my kin?"

"It would be the golden haired b-" Wait why where there two now? She had heard of Magnus Pendragon the sharingan using swordsmen, but who was this little girl with almost the exact same blood as him? Did he have a sibling? How could she have missed this? "Those two."

"Two? But you said-"

"I know what I said but there are two here. My magic doesn't lie."

"I don't care what you're here to do, get lost!" Meliodas turned his frustrations over to the new arrivals and was prepared to strike but one look into Madara's eyes stopped him in his tracks.

"Watch your tone boy, you lost. Begone before I get angry."

"Are you fucking kidding? Madara shows up now?" -Yami

"That's the witch queen with him! Why is she with him?" Dorothy could believe she'd come for the witches hiding in Clover.

"Doesn't the witch queen hate men? How could Madara have convinced her to join him?"-Julius

Meliodas knew it was his loss, but he wasn't ready to accept that "that's it! I'll kill all of you!"

"Lord Meliodas! Flee for now! I'll buy you some time!" Calamadios didn't wait for his king's response, but immediately ripped out six of his hearts and crushed them. He began growing and warping into an even more colossal demon almost twice his original size with ten arms each capped with different weapons made of darkness, and long jagged spikes all over his muscular body. He started rampaging without any semblance of technique or thought, but his overwhelming power more than made up for it.

Using the confusion Meliodas pulled the commandment from the frozen Galand and the would-be traitor Monspeet, which kills them instantly to Derieri's rage, and fled with Zeldoris. Chandler and Cusack covered their 'young' masters as they escaped using the lesser demons as meat shields. With them disappearing out of sight the daylight returned as well.

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