Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 32: Ch. 32 Trade of powers

Magnus was in his study reviewing his notes when Purple lightning comes flashing through the window, sending papers flying everywhere. "Do you have to be so excessive coming in?"

"I could've gone through the ceiling."

"And you'd have paid for it too."

"Bwahahahaha! Maybe IF I felt like it. On to business. I need two bloodline refining pills."

"Can't you buy those in the system?"

"I already tried. Turns out you can make better ones as a master alchemist. I'm not looking for a handout either. I-"

"I'll give them to you in exchange for darkness for Asta."

"That's it? There's gotta be something else?"

"Nope that's all I want.(I'm just glad to see you taking your disciples training more seriously. Since Noelle is going to come back two years stronger, I'll help Lumiette this once.) Take this too." He gave Galileo a ball of light that looked like a white commandment. "Lumiette could probably make use this grace too."

Galileo reluctantly took it. "Price?"

"On the house."

"Did you not just hear me say I don't want any more handouts?"

"It's merely a gift to my sworn brother's bride to be" says Magnus with his usual sly smile. "Just take it and go. I'm very busy today."

"You bastard…Just wait I'll find a way to pay you back tenfold for this." Galileo vanished with the pills and grace.

"Funny way of saying thanks."

"(System message from Galileo- Here's a thousand system points for now, but this doesn't make us even!...commoner king)"

"Hahahaha! That pride of his really is something else!" He goes back to reviewing files until an explosion rocks the manor. "What the hell is going on this time!?"

Warping to the training field Magnus sees Madara refereeing a tag team battle between Asta and Yuno versus Hanzo and Sasuke. The witch queen and Madara's two older disciples watch from the sidelines.

Asta and Yuno work seamlessly together with unrelenting combos and blinding speed. The two ninja are clearly pressured but their grasp of ninja techniques is much more refined than Asta's so though they have less powers they are able to fight decently. Still the gap in their power is apparent, while the ninja are covered in dirt and sweat the Pendragon brothers look relatively unphased neither having drawn their sword. Every offensive jutsu the brothers use is at least A class or it has almost no effect.

"What's going on here?" Everyone stops at the arrival of the lord of the house.

"A sparring match between our disciples. I was curious how well you trained your students."

"Only Asta is my student, Yuno trains under Galileo."

"The dragon boy? Impressive, The two of you have raised your disciples well, despite being so young yourselves. These two have much to learn if they hope to catch up to your disciples."

"These are the strongest of our disciples."

"Perhaps I should have had them spar with Tora and Ryu then."

"Can we!?" Asta was raring to go another round.

"Hold off for one second Asta, I have something for you." He produces the commandment.

"Huh? A commandment isn't that the demon power Galileo took from the demons? Why do you have it bro?"

"I already told Galileo I wasn't becoming a demon, yokai powers was far enough for me."

"I figured as much Yuno, this is for Asta."

"Huh! Me? I don't want to be a demon!"

"You're much greater than a demon. You trust your big brother don't you?"

"Yeah…I do."

"Perfect." Without wasting another second Magnus pushed the darkness into Asta's chest but barely anything happened. His eye color darkened slightly and then returned to normal. "How do you feel?"

"Uhhhhh normal…like nothing happened at all."

"Really? That's odd. Your eyes should be blackened at least. Try focusing your darkness into one hand. Asta did as instructed and focused on sending the darkness to his hand but still no results. He kept focusing more and more with no results, he's straining so hard muscles and blood vessels start popping out.

"Hrrrrggnnn…Nothings…happening!" Asta kept struggling.

"Stop, you look like you're going to shit yourself…" Yuno was the first to get tired of Asta's display. "Looks like you wasted whatever you traded that for Magnus."

"Maybe I'll have Galileo give you a lesson or two on it when he gets back."

"Wait Yuno is still here that means there's still time to go today!"

"He's busy getting ready for his trip to Heart Kingdom right now. Wait-"

"Alright I don't have a moment to lose! Let's go find him!" Asta flies off towards the Vermillion estate.

"(I can beat him there for sure.)" Yuno takes off full speed after him.

"And off they go… So what are you going to do gramps?"

"I suppose I'll stay with you and Morgiana for a while, I'd like to see this village hidden in swords too."

"That's fine, will you be bringing granny along? She's free to come to Hodge as well."

"Granny? What do you…hush up boy! You don't know anything about the matters of adults!" The witch queen's face was redder than her wine, and Tora and Ryu stifled their laughter in the background. "Don't jump to any conclusions boy, I only joined Madara sate my curiosity about Clover's resident prodigies."

"I've completed my dealings with the witch queen, and she's likely returning to her forest."

"Heheh sure Gramps, Granny."


"Witch Queen…damned brat"

"By the way, I was wondering if you two would help me with the administration of the village."

"Maybe, I'll decide after we get there." Madara answered.

"Sensei you can't really be thinking of working with him, he tortured us!"

"Don't forget he left us with that crazy sword perv too!"

"I heard he broke you three in seconds with just a basic genjutsu. How shameful Hanzo, Sasuke. It's your own fault for getting captured." Ryu, Madara's disciple with sharp eyes and dark spiky hair cut in. He actually looked like he could be an Uchiha. "If Magnus was someone colder you'd be dead already."

The two held their heads down in shame "sorry."

"Besides this is sensei's family, they should want to work together." Tora chided in. He's the only of the four without the sharingan. He has a much more childlike and relaxed demeanor despite being the oldest. Magnus noted he looked kind of like Hashirama save the X shaped scar in his face.

"Good we'll head out when Noelle returns from her training."

"What was so urgent that we had to drop everything and come out here Galileo?"

"Yeah bro, shouldn't we be making sure we're ready to leave for Heart kingdom soon?"

"Don't worry we're about done packing, and this won't even take long. Lumiette, Leo, due to some poor efforts on my end you two have fallen behind a bit compared to the others. For that I apologize, this will be my first step towards making that right. Take these."

"What are they?"

"Bloodline refining pills. That oppressive sensation you feel around me and Yuno is a result of your bloodlines as monsters being too weak. These pills will fix that issue and bring you two to whole new levels." They each take one and upon swallowing the pills feel all of the energy in their bodies go crazy, and their blood begins to boil. They experience extreme burning sensations throughout their bodies as the quality of their energies keeps increasing drastically then it all suddenly stops. Though their auras didn't seem to change much from the usual they both gave off the ancient refined quality, feeling much deeper and stronger.

"Better. Now you can call these them a dragon and phoenix Galileo." Ddraig was impressed with their evolution "It seems their flames are approaching a primal levels as well."

"Lumiette this is for you too."

"What's that?"

"Grace, from Magnus. It should go well with your light magic. Absorb it and see what happens." Lumiette absorbs the grace and her light magic shines brightly from her body with jagged crucifixes shaped from the rays of light. When the light died down Lumiette's appearance was normal but her eyes were now black with white crosses for pupils. The conflicting evil and holy energies that surround her had found a sense of harmony in their flow. "(I definitely owe Magnus more for this…)"

"(System notification- Leopold Vermillion's bloodline has upgraded to that of a true fire demon dragon. Unexpected mutation-due to the mixing of compatible powers : white shadow phoenix magic, holy demon phoenix bloodline, darkness, grace, light form, dark fruit, and spirit wave- Lumiette has become a Nether Phoenix.)

"You guys ok?"

"I feel like I can burn anything to ashes, everything about me feels better!" Leo does a few simple strikes but the speed and force behind them are visibly more impressive.

"I must agree, I feel my power has risen in every aspect."

Galileo was glad to see them back on the same tier as Magnus' disciples. At this point Lumiette may have surpassed Noelle, Galileo couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Now you guys are almost completely new existences from what you just were moments ago."

"Thanks Gali!"

"Thank you my love."

"GALILEOOOOOOOOO!" Up in the sky two meteors hurtle straight towards Galileo, the first to crash down in front of him is Asta "Hahahaha! I won! Suck on that Yuno!"

"Only because you had a head start…" Yuno having arrived never lands. Ignoring the rest of Asta's gloating Yuno turned his attention to the newly powered up Leopold and Lumiette. They could tell there was difference in themselves because it didn't feel as if they were in the presence of a predator this time but a peer. Yuno felt their change too and gave them both an approving nod.

"Yuno you're back so soon? Did you get everything ready for the trip?"

"Yeah, my stuff is being loaded up already."

"Good we'll be leaving soon. What's up Asta. Why'd you come?"

"Oh right!" Asta remembers Galileo is standing right behind him as if he wasn't the person he came to see. "Magnus gave me darkness, but I don't think it works… he said maybe you'd know what's wrong with it."

"What do you mean it doesn't work?"

"Nothing happens when I try to use it. Watch."

"Don't try to shit yourself again."

"S-shut up! I need to focus!" Asta starts to strain himself again.

"I can definitely sense darkness in your body Asta, but you have no magic power to move it. I didn't think that your magiclessness would hurt your capability with darkness but here we are… You are a weird little ball of muscles."

"HAAAH!? What am I supposed to do? Just enjoy a power I'll never be able to use?"

"Patience half pint, it'll kick in later…probably. Come see me again if you notice any changes. Until then don't stress over it."

"Oh…ok right! See ya Yuno! Everyone else!" With a quick wave Asta blasts off back towards the Pendragon estate.

"(System send Magnus a message: I can't help Asta with demon related abilities until he gets his grimoire and devil powers. His demonic power is likely to break through several times over when he does.)"

"That Asta couldn't sit still if you paid him to, with a rival like that you never get to take it easy Yuno" Leopold teases. "Still don't think I'll let you two outdo me either!"

"I expected at least that much Leo."

"You got everything ready on time for once Gali? That's a shocker." Meraleona laughs as she enters the courtyard.

"Yes Mera, believe it or not I'm on schedule."

"Cuz Lumiette managed everything today."

"You didn't need to add that Leo…" Galileo groaned.

"I thought so. What are we waiting for now?"

"Yomi and Derieri are filling the others in on their extra duties around the guild while we're gone. I doubt Tsuchigumo even showed up, so it's probably all on Irene…They should be here any minute."

"Tiny Terror Galileo Vermillion! I've come for my revenge!"

"What was that?" Galileo turned to see a spiky haired boy a little younger than him dressed as a Vermillion servant, but he wore a long black scarf covering his neck and lower face. "Who are you? I don't think I've seen you around the estate before."

" My name is Gaian and I snuck in here to kill you! It's all your fault my family disowned me! Now I have nowhere to go!"

"That's sad and all but how is that my fault?"

The boy pulls the scarf off of his neck revealing shiny azure skin scales going from his lower cheeks to the sides of his neck. "Because of the curse I was born with I have these scales like you do! I was…"

"(Oh yeah, my scales were just blue…hey system, is there anything special about this kid? His scales do look a lot like mine before the demon stuff.)"

"(He has an azure dragon's body constitution, but it's not fully awakened yet.)"

"(Woah really what are the odds! So he already has a dragon affinity and one I'm familiar with! I can teach him to use the powers much better than I did when I had them.)"

"(You're taking another disciple? You're barely managing three as it is now.)"

"(Come on, I was meant to train this kid. Look at him! All I gotta do is wake his constitution up!)"

"(Well he clearly hates you, how will you fix that?)"

"(One step at a time woman. Let's worry about the constitution first.)"

"…thinking I would turn into some kind of destructive monster like you I was ran out of my home village. I was kicked out and they told me to never come back. I didn't do anything wrong!"

"I don't see how that's my problem. You got ran out because you look like a monster plain as that."

"Gali!" Lumiette knew he was insensitive but still.

"That's harsh." Leopold said.

In a fit of rage the boy charges and punches Galileo. Or he would have, but he passed clean through Galileo as he flickers purple. "Even if you didn't resemble me, you'd still just be some freak with scales on his face." As he talks, he continues to use his logia power to dodge "acting like this is only proving those people's point. Blaming me for your situation won't change your problem in the slightest. You can't even touch me."

"Shut up!" As the boys frustration increases so does the dragonic aura that starts to radiate. All of his attacks become faster and more powerful but still miss the intangible Galileo nonetheless.

"(Yes his rage is causing his dragon aura to flare up. Anime has taught me well.)"

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. We had some unexpected delays." Yomi and Derieri arrive to see Galileo being attacked by a half dragonified servant boy. "What's going on here?"

"Some kid's got beef with Gali because he looks weird." Says Meraleona casually watching the show.

"He looks like he has some kind of dragonic power similar to us." Leopold adds.

"Oh you guys are here, I'll wrap this up then." Galileo dodges one more time, and punches the boy in his face slamming him to the ground. He crouches down next to him "you are definitely a monster, but so are we. Your family disowned you? Carry the name Vermillion and I'll give you power worthy of that fierce appearance of yours. That way even if people did fear you, what could they do about it?" Before the boy could answer he passed out. "I should've held back a bit more. (I wanted to see his abilities on the system.)"

"(What if he said no?)"

"(Trust me, he was going to say yes.) Hey, bring him with us, he's going to be my newest disciple."

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