Chapter 34: Ch. 34 Lion-O
"Magnus we've been dragging our feet on going back to Hodge long enough. Those Diamond kingdom soldiers should getting very close by now." Noelle reminds Magnus, who is reviewing his latest work in the Pendragon estate's forge.
"Oh did I not tell you? We're not going to Hodge anymore." Magnus respond's casually, flipping the sword over in his hands. "Change of plans."
"What do you mean we aren't going back? You can't just ignore the village being under attack!"
"Relax Noelle, I never said I was ignoring my village, I was just never worried about some insignificant little troop of soldiers. If Gilgamesh himself didn't come, what reason is there for me to go fight?"
"It's already taken care of. Against ninja in the forest, what hope do those diamond soldiers have?" Deep in the forest surrounding Hodge village a handful of soldiers in gold with diamond banners, huddle together with their spears at the ready. The corpses of their dozens of comrades litter the path and nearby brush covered in kunai and shuriken. The survivors, unable to locate the attacker's positions carefully watch for the slightest of movements so they don't join the casualties. Anguished cries of other distant squads add to their growing fear of the dangers hidden in the leaves. "I left the task to one of my most trusted subordinates, I'm expecting nothing less than a perfect report." Up above a pair of red eyes watch for any openings, preparing to strike with a blood-soaked blade yet again.
"If we're not going home, then where are we going next?"
"Joker city."
"Joker city? Never heard of it."
"A place that has caught my interest a little while ago. Before we found out Madara would be an ally, I heard he had business there, so I opened up an investigation on the area. Now that I could ask him, I found out that there's an arms dealer going by the same name as the city. What caught my attention most was that it was built in a grand magic zone, Nine Peaks Mountain, one that would be perfect for expanding the sect. Apparently it's not much more than a den of criminals so I don't have any qualms about evicting the current residents. "
"Two steps ahead as usual I see."
"Putting my sect in a grand magic zone is going to boast incredible results. The dense magic energy there has no affinity so it's good for anyone to train in and the abundant natural resources native to area can scarcely be found elsewhere. The terrain itself provides natural fortifications from would be attackers, I'll have fun getting past that. Oh, I didn't even consider all the treasure those bandits are hoarding there, just thinking of the spoils from taking Joker City is making my mouth water. HAHAHAHA! How exciting! HAHAHAHAHA!"
Magnus seemed so happy Noelle didn't want to kill his moment this time. Still, she didn't really care for the madman look.
"TASTE MY STEEL VILLAIN!" Morgiana kicks the door open sword at the ready. After receiving blank stares from Magnus and Noelle she started to feel awkward and sheathed her sword "…I umm, heard evil laughter coming from in here…I thought maybe someone was robbing the armory."
Noelle burst into laughter. She made no attempt to hold back, so much so she cried at the Pendragon siblings who shared an embarrassed expression.
"It's not that funny…"
Having brought his little vacation to a close Magnus set out for Joker city. Madara decided to go to Hodge Village to see the shinobi forces instead of visit Joker city again. Magnus sent a message ahead to Itachi to meet and escort him throughout the Pendragon territories. Watching the capital sink into the distance from his carriage, the young lord began updating his plans for the business he'd start in Heart kingdom after Galileo's successful return. Though he could only get so much done with the others around him.
Outside Clover Kingdom Border' Galileo sits on the ships helm cradling the exceed egg in his arms. He had been carrying it around like a baby and talking to it over a large portion of their trip. The timer on his system indicated it was due to hatch very soon, and it would devastate Galileo if his exceed imprinted on someone else. The trip by air Galileo thought should have been much faster than what it was taking. "Lumiette why is this taking so long!? Is the ship running out of juice or something already?"
"It would be faster if there wasn't so much damage done to the ship." All around there were poorly patched spots where Gaian had been blasted through. "Could you try be a little more careful?"
"I'll do my best."
"Even though you said Gaian would be your disciple, I don't think he's grown to like you in the least since we've left the capital. He's been attacking you nonstop, if anything he may hate you more."
"Aww you're overthinking things, he's just taking his training seriously."
"(If that was the case you'd have seen his stats already.)"
"Shut up I didn't ask you!"
"Well sorry I said anything…"
"I wasn't talking to you."
"Oh right it must be that system of yours."
"The wha? What are you-"
"Noelle already told me about the systems you and Magnus use… you don't have to act clueless. I wish I had heard about it from you though." She turns her back to him pouting, fidgeting with her ring. "Do you not trust me yet after all this time Galileo?"
"(Damn Pendragons can't keep their mouths shut about anything…) It's not like that, of course I-"
"FIRING HAMMER OF THE AZURE DRAGON!" Blue blazes and purple lightning erupt behind him as Gaian swings his burning fist at Galileo. Prioritizing the eggs safety Galileo dodged completely and Gaian's momentum carried him over the edge again.
"That was too close for comfort, he almost scrambled you. Don't worry I got you though. I'll make sure you're safe and sound my precious little buddy. Yes I will, yes I will." Only Lumiette thought the doting paternal side of Galileo was sweet to look at the others were more disturbed.
"Galileo are you just going to let him fall?"
"He'll be alright, there's water below." Galileo never once took his eyes off the egg.
"I don't know about that there's something in the water." Leopold says watching a large shadow appear under Gaian. A massive black beta fish with a face and horns similar to a bull and razor sharp teeth swallows him whole. "That's a big fish."
"It's no Kunpeng." Yuno adds apathetically.
"(Is that a fighting fish? It's bigger than the wild ones on one piece!)"
"(Yes it seems this one even has some magic power.)"
"We better go get him." As Galileo was going to save Gaian the egg started to crack, stealing everyone's attention. They all crowded around to see it hatch. After a little struggling a chibi looking cat with shaggy red fur reminiscent of a lions mane, black paws and stripes on his tail popped out. To even Galileo's surprise the cat had small horns on his head and a spaded tail. Galileo was ecstatic to finally have his exceed like a dragon slayer is supposed to, even more so to find out that his own overwhelming energy caused it's own mutation within the egg. "Wassup little buddy!"
"Yo!" The cat answered startling them more than it's unique appearance did.
"Whoa it talks?! what kinda cat is that?"
"He's so cute! I want to hold him!"
"Since when did cat's come from eggs?"
Galileo did not answer anyone and instead took a fruit from his ring and snapped it in half. He wiped a streak of the fruit's juice on the cat's forehead and sprinkled a little dust on him, then held him up high for the world to see. If one listened closely they could hear the animals of the forest below crying out.
"Gali what are you doing?" Leopold asks Galileo who was imagining a scene from one of his favorite old world movies.
"Reminiscing." Galileo lets the cat go as a small magic circle appears on it's back. Growing two feathery white wings the cat flies around the crowd and settles on Galileo's head. "Bwahaha we add one more to the family!"
"So what's his name?" Meraleona asks. "He needs a name."
"Huh, hadn't thought about do gotta have a name. What about Mr. Kitty?" The cat frowned "Ok thunderc- No I got it, Lion-O."
"I can see myself a Lion-O." The cat agreed.
"Lion-O Vermillion it is!"
While they were doting on Lion-O down below a column of purple and blue shot into the air behind the ship. The fighting fish that had eaten Gaian was belly up smoldering and Gaian stood on its floating corpse. "STUPID FISH YOU TRIED TO EAT ME NOW YOU'RE FRIED!"
"Oh he survived." Galileo stopped playing with Lion-O and looked at the burnt fish. The charred smell filling the air started to make him a little hungry.
"If a fish could take him out, he probably wouldn't have lasted long with us anyways." Says Yuno.
"We should hurry and get him, he still can't fly and it looks like more are coming." Lumiette points to the numerous shadows bigger than the original swarming Gaian.
"Hey guys, call me crazy but that smells good" Lion-O was drooling heavily. "I think we should eat those monster fish."
"I like the way you're thinking already cat." Meraleona was the first to agree. "We haven't tried this kind of magic beast before Gali."
"(I wonder how fighting fish taste? I don't even think Luffy got to try one.) Lion-O my boy, you are a genius. Tonight, we have a fighting fish fry!"
"Don't take too long we can't afford to lose too much more time" even though Lumiette was just as excited about Galileo cooking as the rest she remembered the schedule they had to keep.
"This won't take more than five minutes" says Yuno already jumping overboard. His face doesn't tell it but he wanted to eat more than anyone. The others were right behind him they quickly went to work dealing with the school of fighting fish which stood no chance, they took the chance to give Gaian a few pointers too. After carving the meat and preserving it in Galileo's ring they were back on the ship in no time.
Galileo wasted no time make a gourmet meal for everyone onboard. Testing out new recipes Galileo prepared the fighting fish meat in over fifty different styles. Soon everyone was happily eating dinner and laughing. Gaian was disturbed by the many foodgasms people kept having.
"Bwahahaha! I gotta hand it to you Gaian we woulda missed out big time if not for you!" In between face fulls Galileo teases Gaian for falling. Gaian who is trying to remain pissed at Galileo for ruining his life ignores him. "Are you gonna keep being mad forever? Have something to eat and relax…I know fighting for your life made you hungry."
"I don't want anything you made…it's probably poisoned."
"Try something Gaian it's all really good. I know you had it rough before joining us and you haven't eaten much since coming with us, I'd feel better if I knew you weren't starving." Lumiette offered him a plate with a big friendly smile which made him less tense.
"Umm ok…" He took the food and after one bite, he was unable to stop. He inhaled several servings in a matter of seconds. Not only was he incredibly hungry it was better than anything he had ever had by leagues, the food was so good he almost cried. "H-hey Galileo, if I take the name Vermillion and work under you, I'll be able to eat more food like this?"
"That's all it took? Bwahahaha! And here I thought I needed some elaborate Magnus scheme to win you over. We eat way better than this, stick with me and you'll never go hungry again! Hell, I'll teach you to cook if you want."
"Alright it's settled! I'll take the name Vermillion and become your disciple."
"You can't be serious. He's way too simple!"
"Which one? They're too similar!"
"Good! Good! Good! Train hard and eat your fill Bwhahaha! Listen up everybody! I wanna welcome Lion-O and Gaian to the house Vermillion so treat em like you would any one of us! They're our family from this day til' their last! Bwahahaha!"
"WELCOME TO THE FAMILY LION-O AND GAIAN!" All the others in the room shout in unison with glasses high (except Yuno, he's too cool for shouting).
"(System let me see his stats!)"
"(Gaian Vermillion(10)- Azure Dragon Constitution(dormant), Earth magic, armament haki(basic), azure dragon arts(basic))"
"(Hey he is pretty much a clean slate aside from his natural born magic and constitution. And he picked up the dragon slaying style pretty quickly. I'll make him an expert of what I should have been before all the demon chaos stuff started changing my own constitution.)"
"(Lion-O Vermillion(0)- Aera, chaos lightning)
"(Whoa even Lion-O gets a list, my cat is cooler than any of them from Fairy tail!)Bwaha-"
"Magnus has a creepy habit of maniacal laughter for no reason, I won't let you start that too Gali."
"Shut it Yuno…"