Chapter 4: Ch. 4 The shinobi hidden in Hodge village
"Jenny I just turned 5, why haven't I got my powers?"
"host must have some patience it's midnight the night of your birth, you wont receive your gift until the exact moment you were born onto this world I can make a countdown if host would like?"
"haha perfect."
….. Initializing, ding host found error in system functionality Reward " Disciple Kit added to host and friends system"
"Hey system what is that? And what flaw in system?"
"The disciple allows host and friend to take up to 3 people (currently) and teach them how to use otherworldly energy such as Chakra, Haki and so on."
" Hahahahah Samuel oh Samuel you let me live with the stars of the show and let me be their first teacher, Now time to go teach Asta, Yuno and the geezer how to be shinobi and grab a little of that protagonist plot armor hahahahahahah."
"Host I suggest you stop laughing out loud it is midnight and everyone in the church can hear you"
" Oops" He looks up to see Asta, Yuno and the father have all come outside the church and are now looking upward in the direction of him on the roof.
The way the father looks at him makes young Magnus feel guilty. " Alright, Alright I was wrong father but you have to trust me when we wake up later today you, Yuno, and Little Asta will begin your training in ninjutsu". The father just looks at him and makes a sad expression Magnus knows its because the Father thinks that he likes ninjas so much in homage to his late parents. He just nods and says "okay now Magnus come down we don't want to wake up the other villagers." Magnus notices the sad expression, so he decides to show a little something to show the Father he's not a nut case, He makes a quick hand sign and a second Magnus appears beside the trio who are then baffled.
"Father I won't be the one to save the church I will just give you the strength to do it yourself." He says standing between them. "Asta, Yuno I want you two to become so powerful that no one can look down on you." More shockingly a third Magnus speaks from behind them. "Magic is just one path to power, let me show you the way of the ninja." With a puff of smoke all three vanish.
"AMAZING did you see big brother Magnus, Yuno he was just sitting on the roof and now he is inside the church he's so fast, is that a ninja? Are magic knights that fast? How much mana did you feel? Does he have a lot?" Asta pretty much screams all this at Yuno while looking at the retreating Magnus with sparkling eyes causing the later to have a chill.
" I have no idea." Yuno replies with a look on his face as to say we both grew at the same church idiot kind of face then walks away.
Asta began to leave as well but he hears the mumbling of the Father " He didn't use an ounce of magic but how?" Asta gets a big grin runs back into the church trying to catch up to Magnus.
~ two years later ~
"How did you get caught like this?" The area in front of the church had been cleared to make a training ground reminiscent of the one in the hidden leaf, Magnus used wood style to make a small forest around the yard and water style to make a pond. In the middle was three wooden posts side by side, with Asta tied upside down to the middle one. Yuno squats so that he's eye level with his brother. "You have to be more careful of traps."
"I know, that last one caught me by surprise!"
"That is the idea…"
"Just hurry up and cut me down!"
"Good afternoon." To their surprise, Magnus is sitting on the post above Asta. "You guys have been training pretty hard for the two years. Asta though you haven't developed any magic power-"
"It'll come in soon just you wait!"
"…Like I was saying your tireless practice in ninjutsu more than makes up for it. You've got the moves down, but your lack of caution and foolhardiness is a fatal flaw. Proven by your current predicament. Your mind is a weapon as well keep it sharp."
"Got It! But umm could someone help me out, I'm getting kinda dizzy."
While Yuno uses a kunai to cut through the ropes Magnus keeps talking. "Yuno, though you carry more ninja like qualities than Asta I'm not sure why you can't control chakra at all."
"I'll keep working, I almost have it figured out."
"Don't worry about ninjutsu, as a matter of fact I won't be trying to teach you anymore."
"What!? Why? I just need a little more time!"
"Your magic abilities are enough to match the magicless Asta, and with magic circuits your growth as a mage is exceptional. So that's where your training will focus for now (Maybe the system won't let me have both protagonists… If that's the case, he may be more suited to Sammy's powers so I'll see if I can work out a student exchange or something later). When the time comes, I know of someone who could help with learning new abilities. Even more than that, both of your skill with the sword impresses me. I think you two are ready for your first mission."
"Really? We finally get a mission?!"
"What are we going to do?"
"It's going to be a hunting trip. Before that I almost forgot I have a gift for you two." From the pouch he kept strapped to his leg he produced two black headbands with metal forehead protectors. On the metal plate was a simple engraving of a sword. "As of today I recognize you both as the first honorary ninja of Hodge Village, after yours truly of course. Wear these with pride and keep working hard."
"SO COOL!" Asta quickly ties his headband around his head "Thanks bro!"
"Thank you, we'll get even stronger for sure." Yuno ties his around his waist like a belt.
"I know you guys will make me proud, and tonight's mission is an excellent opportunity to show it. There is a pack of wild boar that's been terrorizing nearby villages and their crops. If left alone we may not even have pot potatoes to eat very soon. I hear they are fairly smart and have sturdy bodies so we should exercise caution when we deal with them. They usually show up late at night, so we'll wait for a while to go."
Shortly after sundown the three set out under the cover of darkness. It was particularly quiet out because of the boars, even the more shady villagers thought it safer to stay indoors. Magnus leaped across the rooftops scanning for even the slightest of clues with red eyes. Asta and Yuno were silently racing behind him to see who could find the wild beasts first. After a couple of hours of searching Asta plops down on top of someone's house.
"What are you doing Asta? Don't tell me you're quitting already?"
"I'm just taking a break. Can't hunt on an empty stomach." Asta pulls a steamed potato out of his ninja pouch and starts eating "Want some?"
"No, and don't talk with your mouth full. Hurry up before we fall behind."
Asta nearly chokes when loud bloodcurdling squeals fill the air "*cough cough* What was that!?"
"Now you're using your head! Why didn't I think of baiting them earlier?" Magnus appears and pats Asta on the back, before going to meet them at the edge of the village. The squeals quickly get louder as the ground begins to tremble and dust kicks up in the distance. "Wow they're coming fast, and there's quite a few of them too…" his sharingan can easily see each and every one coming on the horizon.
"Whoa! They're friggin' huge!" A starry eyed Asta admires the oncoming beasts that are at least twice as big as a regular wild hogs.
"So how are we going to take care of them Magnus?"
"You tell me."
"WHAT!" Both brothers are shocked by the response. As their leader this would be the perfect time to hand out orders for a well thought out strategy.
"There are thirteen wild boar in that crowd, I want you to defeat them all with any weapons in your arsenal. That's your mission, simple right? Oh and don't let them get close to the village either, you'll be fixing whatever is destroyed."
"Just us? What about you?"
"You two should be more than enough for a few slabs of meat. I'll be watching from right here…I got it! To sweeten the deal whoever gets the most kills will win a special prize." He holds out his hands and green lines trace a katana identical to the sword wielded by Orochimaru in the anime. "This is the Kusanagi sword, which can cut through almost anything and can have it's length altered at the users whim."
"Too bad I'm going to win it first."
"Not if I get more of them!"
"Alright mission start!"
Asta and Yuno take off immediately like little blurs. Yuno ascends to the air above and Asta races across the ground below.
"Watch this! Shadow clone jutsu!" POOF! From a cloud of smoke Asta charges straight forward and two more of him drop back and weave hand signs. "Fire style: Fireball jutsu!" They fire off a small fireball each and they combine into one several meters in diameter. It passes Asta and crashes into the first boar launching it into the air, and Asta slashes through it's exposed belly. "YEAH I got it!" Although he got a clean first kill the rest of the stampede are steps away from trampling him to dust. Suddenly they smash into a wall of wind that pushes them to the side leaving Asta unharmed. "Hahaha thanks for the save!"
"No problem." Yuno descends and quickly finishes a disoriented boar with a wind coated slash to even the score. "That leaves eleven of them... Stay on your guard this time."
"I won't slip up again." Asta readies his blade with an excited grin as the remaining animals circle around them. "Here I come Porkchops!"
"Wait Asta I have a plan."
"What will you do now?" Magnus reclines on the rooftop eating a pot potato while he watches them. "These swine should make good test subjects for your developing skills. Soon I'll make you as strong as an entire magic knight's squad before you even get your grimoires HAHAHAHA! They'll be perfect warriors, not to mention my loyal little brothers."
The brothers stand back to back watching for an opening in the circling herd.
"You ready Asta?"
" Let's do it!"
A spiraling gust of wind creates a dust storm effectively blinding the whole herd. Asta again creates two clones who quickly weave hand signs.
"Fire style: Pheonix flower jutsu!" Asta's clones spew a shower of embers at the boar. The wind from Yuno's wind carries the flames causing the entire area to become enveloped in a blazing twister. Trapped in the flames the herd of boar fearfully back towards the center, forgetting all about the firestorm's creators. Two flaming swords zip through the crowd and deliver multiple slashes. Though they did heavy damage the attacks were not fatal as they sacrificed accuracy for speed. Bursting out of opposite ends of the flames the they turn back to see their prey still alive. "We didn't finish them!"
"I know! This next attack will end it!" Yuno clenches a fist towards the flames and the cyclone compresses itself smaller and tighter. The aroma of charred pork started to fill the air with the squealing, but the animals suffering didn't last much longer as an Army of Asta come falling down on them with swords coated in highly unstable lightning chakra.
"Lightning oppression one hundred horizontal slashes!"
"After only a year of training with me they've developed such fierce combo attacks? A little overkill but I really ought to give them more credit. Even Jonin would find themselves hard pressed against these little kids."
The impact of the Astas' rain of clones causes a huge explosion of fire and lightning that would have blown away a large portion of the village if Yuno hadn't used all his strength to make the explosion maintain a spiral shape until he was able to disperse it. All that was left was a burnt patch of earth and a few chunks of roasted meat. Asta pulls a piece off of one and eats it. "Hmm it's got a smoky flavor to it. Try some Yuno!"
"I'm fine."
"Suit yourself, this is really good." Asta happily keeps eating.
"Great work! You've skillfully completed your first mission." Magnus appears beside them startling them both, something they still haven' got used to. "Not only that, you did it without costing a single coin in property damage. Asta your use of the shadow clones to make your jutsu more powerful was textbook. Yuno your control over the wind was superb. Even with the exploding fire and lightning you were able to keep it all confined to this one spot."
"Since we did good can we start advanced training?"
"Naturally…How does that boar taste?"
"It's so amazing! Try some! You gotta pick under the burnt part though."
Magnus eats some too and is surprised by how good it is, even without any seasoning. "(If there was a whole horde like that their young can't be too far…if we find them maybe we could start raising them and provide meat to the area…for a small price of course. Once I expand I can take over business from the people who provide meat to the restaurants and nobles too. I'll make a killing out here!) HAHAHAHA!"
"Was it really that good?" Magnus' over the top reaction made Yuno reconsider if the food was worth a try. He tears off a tiny piece for himself. To Magnus' and Asta's surprise he drew his sword after a taste.
"Woah woah! What's wrong Yuno?"
"We should carve this and bring it back to the church..." Yuno begins carving the meat.
"Wow Yuno…Oh that reminds me, Asta won twelve to one. He gets the Kusanagi sword." He recreates the blade and hands it to Asta. "Make sure you put it to good use."
"AWESOME!" Hugging the sword.
"Even though you had a coordinated attack Asta's slashes finished them all. Your attacks while they added up weren't very accurate. Your help made sure he didn't miss if anything."
"No way…"
"Remember my eyes see all. You also did a great job cooking them afterword if that's any consolation."
"I-I…I'll win next time for sure." Accepting his current defeat, Yuno just made up his mind to do better in the next mission. Like his brother Magnus told them the only thing that mattered on your way to the top was 'results'.
"That's the spirit. Let's hurry back before the other villagers come check the commotion."