Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 41: Ch. 41 Whole Again

Finally, Doflamingo was dead, Magnus let out a deep sigh as he descended to the ground. He surveyed his surroundings seeing that there was little more than half his new mountain left in the distance. All else was ash and dust "I may have went a little overboard…"

"(You finally calmed down?)"

"Yeah…I don't know what came over me. I mean I would have killed anyone for what Doflamingo did, but to just go on a rampage like that? This is something Gali would have done."

"(This dwarf's anything Galileo has done.)"

"Huh, really?"

"(But there is a reason for that. Up until recently you've never really had your emotions, well more like a small fraction of them.)"

"Are you trying to call me dull?"

"(No, you've literally been missing a large portion of your soul. You haven't had it since you've started as three year old Magnus, so it's possible you lost it when you were transported through time by your mother's spell. There may have been side effects to such a technique. How do you think you have been able to remain so calm in any situation? Or use your closest friends as guinea pigs with very little remorse?)"

"Because I'm laid back or something? I haven't given it much thought."

"(Galileo even told you how different you were from Troy.)"

"People do change…look at how he acts now."

"(Just be careful in the near future, your Uchiha bloodline is known for wild emotions.)"

"I'll have to take note of that. Anyways let's get back, hopefully I didn't burn the others up." Using the flying raijin to rejoin Noelle in Joker City. She and the others regrouped at the Palace. The Pendragon family talked about their experiences in the city. Asta was disappointed with the fighters in the coliseum much to Morgiana's amusement. On the other hand, Morgiana went to the palace first hoping to fight Doflamingo, who wasn't there. Instead she met a nice woman who told her the story of her homeland Dressrossa and what Doflamingo did there ten years ago. Now Morgiana wanted to kill Doflamingo personally, but she would never get that chance. Kirsch was in a foul mood, and he didn't want to talk about it. Bandit was trying to convince anyone that his statue was cool, but everyone shot him down. "It is pretty creepy Bandit. It might hurt business if you put that in your hotel."

"All y'all are haters" Bandit muttered under his breath putting it back into this ring "Magnus! When did ya get here?!" Bandit was startled most by his sudden appearance.

"You'll get used to that" Noelle said. Using medical ninjutsu to heal her injuries(most of which were light), she was in much better condition.

"Noelle how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, more embarrassed if anything. I could have done that a lot better. Next time-"

"I'm just glad you're ok. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."

"Ummm burn the world to ashes?" Asta said pointing at the melted area of the mountainside. "I thought we were all done for!"

"Yeah weren't we supposed to NOT destroy the mountain?" Morgiana added "and you were worried about me."

"Very Galileo of you Magnus" Kirsch commented from the corner he was sulking in.

"I know…I have some repairs to make. (At least I can still feel the mana in high levels here, that's a relief.)" He turned to the woman Morgiana was with. A stunning young woman with tanned skin wearing a flamenco dancer's dress. Her long wavy brown hair was tied back so only one long strand went over her face and a rose was nestled in her hair. "Anyways, you must be Viola. I'm aware of your 'situation' with the Donquixote family, what will you do now?"

"Your little sister was right, you're well informed. I have no intention of fighting with you. I was with them to keep my family safe back in Dressrossa *sigh* but now I'm alone in this foreign place." Her eyes showed a tinge of sorrow.

"Well if you have nowhere to go, you're welcome to join us! Big brother likes helping people out, so it'll be fine!" Morgiana volunteered. "

"I wouldn't want to impose…"

"WE HAVE A WHOLE CITY!! You'll love it! Big brother! Tell her she can come! You let Baby5 come!"

"A whole city?! But you're all so young."

"Don't let that fool you, they are by no means normal. They beat the entire Donquixote crew in less than thirty minutes of reaching Joker city." Baby 5 had a firsthand look at what they were capable of.

"I saw... Well if it's ok with you Mr. Pendragon, I'll take you up on that offer."

"(Hmm one with special eyes, and the other with every weapon imaginable at her disposal. Their powers could be fun to work with. I'll make an exception and add a few devil fruits to my team…Jenny was right, I do treat people like Guinea pigs. I have to work on that.) Alright I'll take you in on one condition."

"Name it."


"Excuse me?" Viola was as confused as everyone else at his request. What did her laughing have to do with anything?

"I have to hear you laugh, and you too Baby5."

"Magnus I really don't see the point in this." Noelle said wondering what shallow thing he was thinking now.

"Just do it."

"Haha…" they both chuckled nervously.

"(Good they laugh like regular people) Perfect."

"Magnus why did you-"

Magnus produced a file from his ring and handed it to Viola. "If you can take care of everything in here I'll have a good position waiting for you in Clover. Alright, now we can begin on turning nine peaks mountain to the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"You still want this dump?" Kirsch asked. "In case you haven't noticed half of the mountain is now ash."

"This dump is still overflowing with natural treasure and lush with mana. Of course, I still want it."

"Suit yourself…"

"I intend to" Magnus did several hand signs and clasped his hands together "Heavenly Restoration Art: Terrestrial Rebirth!" A refreshing surge of green energy burst out from Magnus and spread over the mountain and went all the way across the wasteland he created. Soon the entire area's damage seemed to reverse itself. Ash returned to rocks and went back in their place; every plant grew back bigger and more vibrant than before. The riverbed that ran through the valley filled itself with crystal clear water. Even the people and wildlife caught in the destruction were brought back in perfect health. In a matter of minutes Nine Peaks Mountain had been made even greater than its former glory. Coupled with Magnus' heavenly creation energy the natural mana of the area had been enhanced as well.

"Whoa you rebuilt the entire mountain and city!" Baby5 was astounded.

Viola whose devil fruit allowed her to see for over four hundred kilometers around the mountain was even more surprised "Not just the mountain, but the entire region is restored…some buildings have been redesigned as well. How is this possible?"

"The entire area is restored? I have to go check on something." Kirsch sped out of the castle.

"For big bro Magnus anything is possible!"

"Big brother's the best!"

Stop, stop, you're too kind." Asta and Morgiana's compliments went to his head more than usual. Magnus was blushing and smiling like an idiot. "But go on."

"Magnus are you ok?" Noelle asked, she was put off by his unusually giddy attitude.

"I'm great! Why do you ask?"

"No reason…So about the sect."

"I've already began the renovations. We just have to move the sect's resources and members here. The rest will be like clockwork."

"So we have to make more trips transporting excess stuff through the neutral zone?" Noelle was already getting annoyed at the prospect of repeating their trip. Especially if Magnus wants to do everything manually.

"Yes! More fighting!

"More monsters!" All Asta and Morgiana heard was more action.

"Yes…more of that." Magnus could not place it but something about that bothered him more than just being time consuming.

"Maybe we'll run into another branch of the Warlord's crime syndicate or something worse!" Morgiana said getting more excited.

"Something worse?" Viola was shocked as to why someone would actually want to run into a worse entity than the Donquixote crew. The battle lust in the little girl's eyes was very alarming.

"I told you they're not normal kids" Baby5 whispered to Viola.

"Yeah! Something crazy like a big scary monster with all kinds of crazy powers or maybe a demon lord! I haven't got to go all out yet!" Asta shouted.

"Go stay with the Vermillion's…" Noelle said being reminded too much of Clover's most fiery noble house.

"Hahaha everyday is another kind of crazy with them. I hear they're always fighting or burning something down!" Morgiana laughed.

"That sounds fun! Yuno is lucky to be staying with them."

Lucky? What about constantly getting beat within an inch of your life was fun? That's when it hit him, Magnus noticed everyone in his circle was a bloodthirsty borderline psychopath with waaay to many powers. He could have lost his life 'playing' with his little siblings so many times, his best friend is a serial arsonist/ mythical beast leading a horde of monsters, even the more refined people like Kirsch or Noelle were prone to lashing out with devastating results. Not to mention the droves of wild creatures and people who threatened him on a daily basis. Every single day his life was in grave danger (It didn't matter much at the time that the reason the world is so much more dangerous is mainly his fault), the concept of always being so close to death suddenly shook him.

"You sure you're alright Magnus? You don't look so good." This time Noelle was actually worried, Magnus looked sick to his stomach…again something new to her. "Are you coming down with something?" She went to touch his forehead and Magnus jumped back several meters. "What's wrong?" She was confused and slightly hurt. "Did I do something to upset you?"

"You're fine. I just- I need to-" He vanished.

"What the? He just disappeared on us!?" Morgiana exclaimed.

"Maybe he had to poop." Asta thought out loud.

"Definitely had to shit." Bandit agreed. "That was an 'I gotta shit' face for sure."

"Both of you are idiots." Jude said "Clearly something was bothering him."

"His guts, duh!" Bandit replied, Jude just facepalmed and groaned.

"I don't think that's the case..." Viola said, "He left the mountain entirely."

"What's gotten into him?" Noelle said staring at her hand.

"I dunno. Let's find him and ask." Asta said leaving.


"WOOOOW Look look! It's like we're in a whole new world!" Across the map, the Vermillion group were finally met with the exotic greenery of the Heart kingdom. "Am I the only one seeing this! I love it! Let's get a house out here!" Everything Galileo saw down below amazed him. From the striking flora of the Heart Kingdom's rainforests, the clear waterways which floated throughout the kingdom, or the new magical creatures roaming about, it was much more beautiful than he anticipated. His first journey out of Clover was off to a great start.

"Heart kingdom is unlike anything I've ever seen. As overbearing as Father can be, I doubt I'd have ever taken a journey like this if not for you my love." Lumiette hugged his arm as they watch the scenery pass.

"Oi Gali this isn't a vacation! We'll be meeting with the Heart Queen very soon you remember what we went over?" Meraleona ruined their moment, reminding him what they came to do.

"Yes, we've been over it at least a thousand times. Stick to business, no cursing, no fires, no rumbling, no demonic stuff, no threats to bugs-

"Ahem!" Lumiette tugged his arm.

"No calling people bugs (even if they are…), If I get upset breathe and count to ten… Is all this really necessary? I do have SOME self-control (Lolopechka is actually a character I like too)."

"Yes, it is necessary. This is a very important meeting that rides on what YOU say and do. We'll only be able to help you so much in there." Lumiette responded.

"Cut me some slack, this is my first time outta clover!"

"If you behave badly in Clover, why would we think you'd behave outside the kingdom?"

"That's a good question sis…" Galileo stopped to ponder.

"You're not really this simple, are you Galileo?" Yuno asked.

"It's hard to tell at this point." Leopold answered for him.

"This thing is totally empty." Lion-O sitting on Galileo's head smacked his forehead several times.

"I thought you were on my side!"

"Calls it like I sees it boss." The cat said nonchalantly.

"Hey guys there's a dude on the boat." Gaian pointed up to the highest point on their flying ship's mast. Balancing effortlessly was a young man with short spiky black hair with a few white strands in the front. His face looked more emotionless than Yuno's as he stared down at Galileo's group.

"Galileo Vermillion of Clover Kingdom, I am Gadjah of the spirit Guardians. Welcome to the Heart Kingdom, the queen has been expecting you."

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