Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 45: Ch 45. Demons, Devils, and a queen

"What demons now?!"

"Give us a break! We barely dealt with the masked fishmen!"

"Look how many there are!"

Many of the mages of Heart were on their last legs, now an even more powerful enemy shows up with another army of mindless monsters.

"I don't suppose you could befriend their leader too?" Gadjah asked Galileo.

"Not this one…she's got a few too many screws loose."

"I figured…shall we?"

Two streaks of lightning shot up into the air, one purple the other yellow.

"Ah! There you are, I was starting to think no one wanted to play. Ooooh I sense some high power on you! I can go all out with my new demonic powers against you, right? Right? " Vanica's twisted smile got even bigger when face to face with the one who beat Meliodas.

"Piss off Vanica we don't have time for you." As much as Galileo loved a fight, he actually wanted to do his job more this time.

"Aww why so cold? I thought we could have a little fun! I heard there was someone who could help entertain me here and I lucked up and found you too! You see-"

"(Oh my god she's going to start a villain monologue…)cut to the chase psycho!" Galileo shouted.

"Psycho? I'm flattered hahaha!" Vanica laughed. "Long story short, I wanna turn the world into a place of death and destruction where I can have all the fun battles I want. So, we're gonna open the gates of the underworld to unleash demons and devils on our own world! Hahahaha! Won't it be exciting to watch the weak get killed off like little lambs in a slaughterhouse!? I can't wait. Hmm? Where's Lolopechka? We can't start without her."

"We'll be enough for you demon." Gadjah answered her.

"I thought someone weak said something. I only want to fight strong people who can make my blood boil, you're not in this convo trash." Her overly enthusiastic tone turned cold when addressing Gadjah.

"Don't look down on a zero-tier mage."

"Yawn, how about I give you someone to play with? That ought to shut you up." With a snap of her fingers the veins of ten ash demons tore out of their bodies and pulled them all together into a gross blob of demon flesh. "Blood-curse magic: Bloody bond" The resulting demon was much larger than the usual ash demon swelled up with hulking muscles. It wore a full suit of grey armor with a mane of sharp spikes protruding from its helmet, and had pulsating veins all over it's grey body. The vile aura it gave off was approaching the levels of a noble demon, as it stood deathly still waiting for a command. "You can keep the small fry company, as a matter of fact all of you go play! On her command the demons all dispersed to go attack the mages throughout the city. A large group went straight towards the Palace.

"Oh no you don't!" Galileo and Gadjah turned at the same time to attack the ones aiming for the palace.

"Pay attention boys." The Colossal blood bonded ash demon's fist shadowed them.

Vanica laughed out loud

"Go protect the queen!" Galileo shouted meeting the punch with one of his own. When his fist met the demon's, a violent rumbling blasted it into the distance as it's body swelled and exploded into a burst of blue burning to ashes.

"Look at that, he reduced it to nothing…" Vanica's blank look turned back into a sadistic smile. "Forget Lolopechka for now, I'm going to have fun going wild with you!"

"You won't be singing to that tune when I'm done with you" he said burning blue.

"Oh really now?" licking her lips.

"Yeah I'm gonna put you to rest."

"Hahaha the thought of it already has my body burning up! Pour all of your passion into our battle! Make me feel alive!"

Galileo lunged but found himself moving backwards "what the?" Lumiette's hand grabbed his collar "Oh hey Lu-" Before he could finish his sentence she threw him down to the ground with such force he splattered the demon Gaian was fighting below.

"What the heck Galileo!" Gaian shouted.

"(Ow my neck. Why'd she do that?) I uh- I came to help you work on your training!" Galileo sprang to his feet.

"I saw Lumiette throw you…"

"That'll teach him… and you- you hussy! How dare you flirt with MY Galileo!?" Lumiette was burning grey flames with anger.

"Flirt? What are you talking about? Ooooh hahaha! Is Gali's little girlfriend jealous?"

"Only friends and family may call him Gali, and you are neither of those!"

"Well if you're going to get in the way of my fiery opponent, at least make this fun for me."

"I think you'll find my flames burn just as hot."

"Show me then!" Lumiette fired a volley of light spears at Vanica "Blood magic: red beast!" In front of her, the torso a monster of blood appeared. Its only facial feature was a jagged mouth. The creature effectively blocked Lumiette's attack with its body. "My turn" the skewered red beast raised it's arm high and darkness went from Vanica crawling up its arm making a gigantic black flail "Black blood bash!"

"Flash storm leg!" Lumiette's kick sent a light speed shockwave that severed the red beast's arm, two more kicks took it's other arm and head.

"Oh? So you have a little spunk. Blood magic: Bloodbath!" throwing her hands up Vanica sent a wave of blood at the advancing Lumiette who sucked it all into a black hole in the palm of her hand and kept coming. Vanica met her with claws made out of darkness while Lumiette focused her light magic into a beam sword. After a brief exchange Vanica noticed black and white feathers floating around them "wha?"

"Nether phoenix's explosive plumage." Every feather exploded into flames trapping them inside a grey inferno. Vanica shielded herself inside a ball of darkness but Lumiette was relentless "You can't hide from me!" Using her dark pull she tore Vanica's ball open to be met face to face with a smiling Vanica.

"Gotcha! Blood blitz" darkness and blood compressed itself into bullets and lit into Lumiette point blank. "Let's see how you fight full of holes!" She started to fire again but was surprised to see all of the bullet holes that covered the young phoenix closed when the grey flames covered herself. "Well, she did just say Phoenix…Great! This way is even more interesting!"

Lumiette pointed a finger at Vanica, white and black energy swirled at the tip, with crucifixes forming around it. "Say your prayers Vanica! Nether cannon!" A black and white ray of magic illuminated the sky with destructive energy.

"Prayers? What devil prays?" Vanica's power surged to a new level as she matched Lumiette "Cursed blood magic: Hemo-geyser." She put her hands together and fired a torrent of blood dwarfing Lumiette's attack. Increasing her output Lumiette negated the attack but some of the blood touched her causing a stinging sensation across her body, but it faded when she healed herself. When the smoke cleared Vanica could be seen with black covering half of her face, her arms were covered in darkness making black claws, backwards curling ram's horns, she had jagged black wings and a spaded tail. "Perhaps we should up the tempo? About 50% should be sufficient." Speaking in a clear and concise tone, with a low bone chilling voice Vanica seemed like another entity entirely. Lumiette was no longer locking eyes with just the demonized Vanica but also the devil Megicula. Everyone presents felt the twisted change in Vanica's power, steadily increasing by the second as demon and devil magic power melded into one.


"I've never felt anything more sinister than this magic power. Creepier than all those guys from the demon war…Be careful sis" Leopold could feel the growing magic in another part of the city as he fought rampaging demons.


"A demon borrowing a devil's power?!" Lolopecka watched in horror at the new developments from her throne room. Undine saw her trembling with a mix of fear and frustration. "The fate of my kingdom is resting in the hands of foreign children. I want to go help but I'm scared…how can I call myself a queen while I just sit here and watch?"


"(What's going on over there? I'd go check it out but…)" No matter how many times Meraleona beat her foe down, the spade mage continued to rise. Meraleona was sure she landed several killing blows already but, she was still alive.

"Hahaha what's the matter getting tired? Thanks to Miss Vanica's curse, we demon mages will resurrect every time we die! We can keep fighting until you drop!"


As Lumiette and Vanica kept fighting the stinging sensation returned chronically, but subsided when she healed. Each time it came back it was worse, growing more and more painful. It was becoming difficult for her to focus on the fight.

"Ah, it seems the curse is starting to take effect. How long can a phoenix recover from perpetually growing pain?"

"No fair Megicula! She can't go all out if she's constantly in pain!"

"Inconsequential…it would only mean she is weak."

Vanica and Megicula argued over how best to toy with Lumiette, but to others it looked like she was just arguing with herself in different voices.

"(I can't let this psychopath do whatever she wants.)" Lumiette thought.

"Look Vanica the girl still has fight in her." Lumiette had regained her composure as a faint grey aura glowed around her. It took extreme focus, but she entered a state of constant regeneration.

"I'm liking you more and more! Keep that up!" Vanica laughed attacking with her dark claws.

On the defensive Lumiette focused her sensory haki to it's limit to dodge all of Vanica's strikes. When the demoness missed a swipe at Lumiette's head, she seized the opening for a soul burn aimed at Vanica's face. "Whoa!" Vanica leaned back narrowly dodging the white-hot palm, then she wrapped her tail around Lumiette's arm holding her in place "Hemo-geyser!" Lumiette ignited herself into flames burning Vanica and she let go.

"Scream of the Nether Phoenix!" Lumiette's roar attack met Vanica's blast of blood and the two pushed against one another. The bloody magic crept towards Lumiette steadily, but just before she was overcome a large blast of water magic shot Vanica out of the sky.

Lolopechka arrived floating above the battlefield stunning those who thought she would only remain in support from the castle. Putting on her brave face against Vanica, Lolopecka's queenly disposition was an inspiration to her subjects on the battlefield. It gave them the boost in morale to keep fighting. "I can't sit back and watch people suffer on my behalf! I am the queen of Heart Kingdom!"

"Well said queen, better late than never." Galileo had been watching nearby ready to intervene, but the otaku in him was excited to see how their teamwork looked. Seeing Gaian in action he knew he didn't have to worry about him anymore either.

Gaian absorbed everything Galileo taught him like a sponge, but like Yuno he was against becoming demonic. Over just the course of their trip to Heart Kingdom he'd grown by leaps and bounds. "Roar of the azure dragon!" Blue flames and purple flames destroyed a dozen demons lined up before him. One attacked him from behind "Feim Zii Gron!" Using the 'become ethereal' shout Gaian phased through the giant demon's hand. Stepping out of the demon's reach he returned to normal and made several hand motions, causing large spires of primal white wood to grow rapidly and impale the demon. "Spirit dragon wave!" He gathered spirit energy and mana in his closed fist as multiple demons closed in on him, when he released the punch hundreds of energy dragons spread out before him devouring all in their path.

"Sometimes I can't help but wonder if my disciples even need me…Who knew Azure dragons had such a high affinity for wood element?"

"(You should have.)" His system was quick to correct him.

"I didn't ask you…"

"Let me fight alongside you Lumiette. I think together we stand a better chance of winning together." The queen said.

"Yes, I think that would be for the best" the fatigue of fighting the curse was becoming more apparent with each passing minute.

"Yay! Lolopechka came out!" Vanica burst out of a pile of rubble looking like a kid in a candy shop "Let the good times keep rolling!"

"I have a curse I would like to try on her as well."

"Would you follow my lead for the next attack?"

"Of course, your grace."

"What are you two mumbling about? LET'S FIGHT!" Vanica flew up at them full speed. Darkness swelled up growing her claws to a size bigger than her body "Blood magic: Black feast!" Her claws took on the form of a monstrous red pair of jaws. She held them wide ready to chomp down on the princess and queen.

Lolopechka held her staff out toward Vanica as Undine appeared behind her, hands outstretched "Water spirit magic: Nautical embrace!" From all around hands of water grabbed Vanica trapping her in a prison of water. The water made her blood magic dissipate shrinking her claws.

"Foolish." The remaining blood on Vanica's claws formed a blade held together with darkness "Cursed blood magic: Accursed blade dance" swinging it rapidly the prison of water was almost dispelled when a big ball of light bordered with crucifixes surrounded her.


"She is using goddess clan techniques!" Megicula was stunned.

"I thought she was a phoenix!" Vanica even more so.

The water began to boil as the ark of light grew in temperature. "Crucible of water!" It exploded into a white-hot cross of steam with Vanica burning at its center.

"Hahaha! I love it!" Vanica's magic power rose again as she drew on the maximum power she could currently draw from her devil, 70%. The darkness spread even farther across her upper body.

"Cursed blood magic: Devil's bindings" red chains emerged from the flames threatening to wrap Lolopechka up, but they were diverted towards Lumiette's black holes.

"Water spirit magic: Righteous rain!" Waving her staff downward storm clouds gathered above, releasing a full sized calvary made of water. When Vanica dodged all of their attacks, the queen's additional commands had them circling back for more. Lumiette appeared as a shadow behind the Vanica and used her black pull on the she-devil.

"Pull this!" Vanica's cursed sword would have met Lumiette first but she barely realized Lumiette pulled in the queen's cavalry too. "Shit!"

"Cursed blood magic: Rupturing Vanity" Vanica's body released a surge of red and black magic. The calvary smashed into it and all dissipated on contact. Those near the fight clamored to get out of the way, seeing even the demons touched by the wave had their blood swell their bodies to the point of bursting. Galileo and Jinbe made a wall of armament haki and void to protect themselves as they kept watching. Gaian's haki wasn't refined enough to block as well so he hid behind Galileo.

The Queen shielded herself with a bubble of water. Lumiette moved behind it and used an arc to bolster it. The bubble shone like a bright dazzling star. "Holy water magic: Saint's refuge!" They shouted in unison. Smaller versions went out and made protective bubbles around all of their allies who couldn't get out of the way.

Vanica exhaled with relief "Hahaha I gotta hand it to you. You almost got me with that one!"

"But this is as far as you two go."

"(I'm nearing my limits…) I was going to say the same to you devil. Your grace, would you and Undine lend me your strength for one final move?"

"Final move?"

"Yes, I intend to end it all with this next blow."

"You have my full support." With that Lumiette put her hand high in the air and Lolopechka did the same. As their magic power combined above them the image of an angelic maiden in white robes with hair like flowing waves, six burning white wings on her back and a halo of light appeared. The radiant aura she gave off shone bright, giving her a dazzling glow. Spectators were awe stricken with her grace and beauty. In her right hand she held a great white scepter with a heart figurehead and in her left a black and white feather fan hiding her face.

Down on the ground Galileo and Jinbe commented on the battle.

"They just made a mystic art up on the fly?" Galileo grinned proudly.

"Their teamwork is very impressive."

"Yeah, they just met today. Wild right?" Galileo loved to watch Lumiette in action. Her genius was thrilling to see, and the queen wasn't too bad either.

"Only today? That's wild indeed."

"Whoa…" Gaian was amazed by his first time seeing a mystic art.

"Hahahaha! I'm loving this! I'm going to crush your little attack!" Vanica was ecstatic seeing their technique. A mystic art was already rare, but a team mystic art? Such an overwhelming display was truly something to be beheld.

"Vanica, we're leaving."

"HUUUUH! We can't leave now, this is the best part!"

" We're currently outmatched." Even if they manage to stop such an attack and defeat the two before them, there's no guarantee they'd get past Galileo after expending so much strength. Megicula could feel many demons had been destroyed without claiming as many lives as they expected. Several of the more powerful energy signatures were closing in on them too. "We underestimated their support. More will arrive soon. All felled by one of my curses have been added to my collection in the void, but we will claim no more souls today."

"Tch! Alright…I guess I'll kill you next time ladies. We're gonna have to call it a day for now."

"You think we'll just let you leave?!" Lumiette and Lolopechka waved their raised hands forward "COMBINED ART: BOILING HEAVENS!" The godlike woman waved the fan in her hand as a boiling hot currents of water spread out, all of the rushing waves locked onto Vanica. As if on instinct a few demons got in between them before swelling up with all of their magic power and exploding. The exploding demons created the opening Vanica needed to escape. When the steam cleared, Vanica was nowhere to be seen. All across heart's capital the remaining demons including the demonized dark disciples exploded regardless of their situations. Widespread destruction leveled nearly half of the kingdom.


"Today yielded some interesting results" the mysterious spectator watched the close of the battles as spade soldiers exploded across the city. "If not for the Vermillions Heart kingdom would've fallen during this test… Their retaliation would be a terrible sight indeed. Oh well this will be Aizen and Crocodile's problem" he said as he vanished.

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