Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 46: Ch. 46 Fixing a broken Heart Kingdom

After the battle they waited a day before Lolopechka declared the end of Heart Kingdom's state of emergency. It'd be bad if another foe showed up just when they let their guard down. But no one else came, so finally the citizens were allowed to return home, to what was left their homes anyways. Vanica's final attack left many citizens homeless and out of jobs, as most of the buildings took heavy damage. The entire kingdom worked in joint effort to help rebuild the damaged buildings, from the poorest of commoners to the nobles and everyone in between. Galileo's group stayed a few days longer to help with cleaning up, rebuilding, as well as some extra sightseeing. Thanks to newly purchased skills in architecture and carpentry Galileo helped them make a great start. With the abilities of Lumiette, Yuno, Mimosa and several healers among Heart's ranks many injured during the fighting made a swift recovery. Unfortunately, there were still a fair number of lives lost. There was a memorial service held for those who didn't survive. Jinbe held a second private service away from the kingdom for those turned into mindless visords. Some villagers who had heard the whole story came to pay their respects, bringing the big scary looking fishman to tears.

The spirit guardians taught the Vermillion group the basics of true nature magic and the use of runes during their stay. Galileo also got a few gifts from the system for the queen. For Lolopechka herself a manual containing Ice devil slayer magic and Grey Fullbuster's Ice make magic. Undine was given one with Juvia Lockser's water magic. Galileo initially wasn't sure if it would do anything but after seeing a vast increase in Undine's magic power, control and speed he figured it wasn't too bad a choice. For some reason Undine and the Queens magic synced even better after learning their new skills too. Gadjah got a manual with lightning god slaying magic, Potrof received a manual with Warrod Sequen's green magic, and Floga got one with Fire god slayer magic. At this time the others had yet to be elected spirit guardians so these three would raise the bar for what it meant to be a zero tier mage in Heart kingdom drastically. Lastly with Jinbe's help he also showed them all how to use all three forms of haki although only , Lolopechka and Gadjah were able to use conqueror's haki. Jinbe was also kind enough to give a lesson in fishman karate to Galileo, Meraleona and the queen who all had a particular interest in it.

As his official reward Galileo was given a noble title in Heart Kingdom. He was made head of the Vermillions of Heart Kingdom, giving status to his peerage also as members of a noble house. He could legally build both his second house and guild with no problem now. As a matter of fact, he had already picked his location and drawn up designs for both places. They were far more grand than what he had back home in Clover. People were already asking to join the guild, so a temporary office was set up to start managing its functions. Some wanted to become Galileo's disciples too, but his system made him dismiss the idea threatening to find a new host. Being the one who fought alongside the queen to drive Vanica off Lumiette became somewhat of a local celebrity herself. She had many admirers who wanted to come profess their love but the demon dragon skulking around her made each one of them think twice. Yuno on the other hand couldn't escape the army of girls who'd fallen for him the first time they laid eyes on him. Leopold was jealous he didn't get nearly as many fans. He's convinced it was because he didn't beat anyone important, so he threw himself into his training. He and Gaian spent all their time (except Gaian's cooking practice with Galileo) focusing on the runes and would make more progress than all of the other Vermillions together. Even Derieri and Yomi were shown a great deal of appreciation. Yomi was already used to addressing the public and remained poised at all times, Derieri on the other hand said the attention was too much but deep down she loved it.

They met with the queen one last time before their departure.

"Duke Galileo Vermillion…I like it. I got major status in two Kingdoms now! Bwahahaha not even Magnus can say that!"

"I'm glad the rewards are to your liking. I wanted to do more but given the circumstances…" She was upset she couldn't offer him any kind of financial reward most of her funds went to restoring the kingdom.

"No worries. Use that stuff to help rebuild. (More importantly Vanica couldn't curse her this time around.)" Considering that Lolopechka may have already been cursed, Galileo bought a copy of the knife 'Rule Breaker' from Magnus. A noble phantasm that could break curses, contracts, and the like with a single stab. Fortunately, he didn't have to use it on the queen. On the other hand, Lumiette had been cursed during the fight so it still came handy.

"I'll do just that."

"I was wondering, what are you going to do Jinbe?" Lumiette asked.

"The queen has allowed the rest of my kinsmen to stay on the outskirts of the kingdom. We will cut off our ties to the other warlords and join Heart's ranks. I'm sure it will take some time before we can roam the kingdom freely after this incident, but it's preferable to our previous situation. I can rest easier knowing the other merfolk will be safe in the future."

"(Damn I wanted him to join Dragon Tale…but this is fine too. Maybe he'll help with the guild's Heart section.)" Galileo thought.

"Jinbe is a welcome addition to have on our side. (I can't wait to meet a real mermaid!) Before he resigns from his status as Warlord, we'll use the chance to gather more information on them. Especially regarding this Crocodile and his Baroque Works. He's proven to be a threat to all of our groups." Lolopechka added.

"We will keep an eye out for his movements too." Lumiette was happy to see they reached a peaceful conclusion despite what happened. The sane fishmen she met so far were all very pleasant to be around.

"If Crocodile is behind this, he's likely to be onto this alliance of ours. He may try to turn the other warlords against you." Leo speculated. "I wouldn't be surprised if there is a spy still here in Heart."

"We've considered this as well. That's why the matters regarding the warlords will only be known to those in this room, and the spirit guardians. Even Jinbe's moving into Heart Kingdom officially will be kept lowkey for now." Undine answered.

"It would be safe to assume that we could have one in Clover also. For Meliodas to know of our trip to Heart when we made the plans to leave the same day we defeated them…I'm not the only one who thinks that warrants investigation right?" Lumiette added with a worried expression. "Could these back to back attacks signify an enemy alliance?"

"(So it's about time to roast fat ham huh?)" Galileo already knew about Clover's rat, he just didn't care. Not until today anyways. If Gueldre was responsible it'd be his fault Vanica and Jinbe arrived in Heart Kingdom at such a critical time. "We'll make sure to get that sorted out asap. Whenever we get back to Clover…"

"It sounds as though you do not wish to return." Jinbe noticed the lack of enthusiasm in the last part.

"Don't start now Galileo." Meraleona said.

"He still thinks he's on vacation from his work back home." Lumiette already knew what he was thinking. "You knew the deal before we left."

"I wouldn't be rushing back if I was Gali either, hero sounds a lot better than tiny terror" Leopold laughed.

"I bet they threw a party when he left." Gaian said.

"Come on, just a couple months?! Two tops!" Galileo protested.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. You do have a noble title here." The Queen was also a bit reluctant to see such a lively bunch go so soon. They were very loud and abrasive, but they were good people.

"Apologies Lolopechka but we have some important matters to attend to back home. Now that the ship is ready, we should hurry back." Lumiette bowed to the queen "but we look forward to returning soon."

"We could have stayed longer if one idiot didn't put another idiot through our ship so many times. Wasted a lot of time dealing with that." Yuno's words cut Galileo and Gaian to the bone.

"I suppose you would have more responsibilities in Clover. Until next time then." The queen said.

"What about the foreign exchange program! Send someone to Clover in my place!"

"Shut it we gotta go." Meraleona punched him in the back of the head and dragged him towards the door.

"If I may make one last request before you go. Do you think you could cook for us again?"

Even Meraleona paused there, no one could object to one of Galileo's meals. Gaian acted as his lead assistant, trying hard to learn to cook from Galileo as well as he did to fight. Charmy made sure that tacos were on the menu. They enjoyed a full course feast that went on late into the night. Galileo learned a number of Heart dishes which he added his own personal flare to, creating exquisite new flavors that none have experienced before. By the end of the night not a single scrap was left.

The ship was rebuilt even better than before after Galileo added several upgrades to the blueprint himself. The new version was sturdier and more luxurious while maintaining the olden feel, not to mention much faster. One of the shipwrights who assisted him noted the ship didn't have a name something that every ship needed, so Galileo's flying ship would be from then on known as 'The flying Dutchman' which amused only him to no end. When Galileo found out Mimosa and Charmy were behind it, replenishing the ships food supply raised no issue with him. That is when everyone realized little Mimosa could get away with anything, but she was too innocent to notice it herself. Galileo found it hard to blame Charmy for food related crimes…he could relate to her. Plus, Yuno always raids the kitchen in the middle of the night, so it wasn't a new problem.

The next afternoon the Vermillions had said their goodbyes and finally taken off. Except for Yomi who would stay to set up the new guild hall, much to Galileo's jealousy. Galileo sat on the dragon figurehead still pouting about leaving. Lion-O napped in his lap as they watched the Heart palace become a dot in the distance. Galileo sighs and lays back looking at the sky. "I'll be back soon, my lovely vacation home." With he and Gaian not destroying the ship they were moving much faster on the trip back. A few short days later they are already nearing Clover's border. The group relaxed quietly on the deck enjoying a peaceful sunny day, something rare for the Vermillion family.

"(Galileo, you have an urgent message from Magnus.)"

"What could he want? Let me hear it."

"(Galileo, I need you right now! Come to Hodge immediately! It's an emergency!)"

"Isn't Madara there? What's so big a problem that they need me?!" The more he thought about it the more anxious he got. "I gotta go check it out!"

"Gali is something the matter?" Lumiette noticed Galileo become more and more upset with each passing second.

"Mera you're in charge!" Galileo's answer was grabbing Lumiette and flashing off too Hodge.

"Wasn't I always?" Meraleona answered lying down on the deck without even looking up.

"Where'd they go?" Mimosa was startled to see them leave so suddenly. She and Gaian were practicing nature magic together, growing a small magical tree. When she looked up their plant started to wither.

"He muttered something about Madara so I'm guessing Hodge." Gaian answered. "You're losing focus."

"Sorry!" She corrected her magic and continued "I've never been to Hodge before."

"I think Yuno may be the only one here who has." Leopold added while he was looking over the edge. "Honestly til Magnus showed up I didn't know what Hodge was."

"I haven't been since Magnus remodeled it." Yuno replied while eating assorted sweets with Charmy. "That's good."

"Here try this one too" She split a muffin for them to try next.

"Taking it from the ass none of us have then?" Derieri said watching a butterfly go by.

"Why don't we all go check it out?" Meraleona wanted to see the ninja village too.

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