Chapter 48: Ch. 48 True feelings
In the early afternoon of the next day Magnus and Galileo having ended a nail biting game of modern warfare with it being Magnus' win. Galileo swore up and down it was only because he had those three days of extra practice, but after that he'd finally gotten his gamer's fix. "Alright Magnus we've had our fun, you gotta go outside now."
"What you tired of losing already?"
"I got my wins in too, don't forget Nuke town." It was a blowout 50-24. "Anyways your folks are out there worried about you. Unlike me people actually look to you for leadership, and I think you kept them waiting long enough."
"Right…" Magnus sighed knowing his usual business would have to resume soon.
When the black inscriptions finally receded from the door Asta was the only one standing there. He'd been standing watch all night waiting for them to come out. He was fighting sleep trying to keep from nodding off when he noticed the doors open. "W-whoa! The doors! They're open!" Magnus stepped out of the room looking perfectly fine, though he was dressed oddly. "M-magnus you finally came out of your room! What's been going on with you!?"
Hearing Asta shout that Magnus emerged, many of the houses staff members came to see.
"It's lord Pendragon!"
"He finally left his room after almost a week!"
Magnus hugged his little brother "A lot of things at first. I've had to take some time to reevaluate my priorities and how I will live my life from here on."
"That sounds deep. What did you come up with?"
"I take you guys, my family for granted. You all mean the world to me and I don't think I show that enough. All I've really done is work you all ragged, like some kind of taskmaster. As for all of you, thank you for your concerns. As you can see, I'm fine now. You all may take the rest of the week off, paid leave of course."
"Lord Pendragon, are you sure?" Everyone knew Magnus was a generous person, but he was never one to give away free money. Now they felt worried again. "Do you need more rest?"
"I've rested long enough, now I'd like to spend private time with my family if you don't mind."
"Not at all my lord, we will tidy up and see ourselves out."
"Thank you." The servants went to finish whatever jobs they were working on before heading out. "So Asta where is everyone else?"
"Morgiana is at the sect, Kirsch is training with Akame, I've been on watch, and well Noelle…she went back to the capital."
"What? Why would she go back to the capital now?"
"She said she wasn't needed here. I think she felt that you would be better off with Galileo for now."
"What would make her think nonsense like that? I wouldn't trade her for a thousand Galileo's."
"You vanished then ignored everyone else for four days and then he was the only one you would allow into the room. You trust Galileo so much more than all of us, your family. That's what it looked like anyways."
"I never meant to make her feel like I didn't need her or any of you for that matter…that's the farthest thing from the truth."
"She didn't see it that way."
"I'm so stupid!"
"I could have told you that" Galileo laughed.
"We know you're an expert at being a bad boyfriend Gali."
"(Want some ice for that?)"
"(Shut up you two!)" He could hear Veldora and his system laughing in the back of his mind.
"Where did Noelle go?"
"To the cap-"
"I know where she went but by what means? I have to go to her now!"
"She went on the Vermillion's ship. They visited Hodge on their way back to the capital yesterday, so she decided to go back when they left."
"They just left me here?"
"Lumiette said you knew how to get home. Besides it's Hodge what's the worst that could happen to you?"
"That's not the point!"
"The point is that everyone else's lives should stop and start with the whims of two brats. Does that sound about right?" Madara had appeared alongside the three of them ever so stealthily.
"Stop doing that gramps!" Magnus still hadn't gotten used to someone he couldn't easily detect.
"Don't just appear like that! Make yourself known when you come in!" Galileo wasn't a fan either.
"Am I not doing so now? You should be more aware of your surroundings."
"Do ninja get some kinda sick kick out of sneaking up on people people?!"
"Stealth is part of our lifestyle. You do know what a shinobi does right Galileo?"
"I can't be fooling around with you guys! I'm coming Noelle!" Magnus rushed out.
"(I came to see him specifically about the village affairs…) Madara looked irritated. "Where is he heading to?"
Aboard the ascending 'Flying Dutchman' Noelle watched her home shrink into obscurity below. She leaned against the railing as she stared at the same hand Magnus fled from in Joker City. She was unable to figure out what exactly she did to bother him so. "(Magnus won't even see me anymore. Maybe I should give him some space. But why would he just completely shut me out? Geez what's going on with him? I don't get it!")
Noticing Noelle's distress Lumiette tried to offer her consoling words and a cup of hot tea. "He'll come flying to the capital as soon he's back to his senses."
"Thank you."
"Don't take it too seriously. He's a prideful person, people like that often have problems expressing themselves truthfully as is. I'm sure his love for you hasn't waned at all."
"I know, but why couldn't he just tell me what the problem is? I can understand needing space, but you saw how he was. He didn't respond to anyone of us but Galileo…What's so special about him?"
"NOELLE!" Magnus appeared in between them startling both girls and their tea went everywhere. "Noelle there you are I-"
"(He's here already?! I'm glad he came out finally!) I don't want to talk to you." Turning her nose up from him.
"What why? I'm better now. I thought you wanted to talk."
"Not anymore."
"I had a lot on my mind and was trying to find a way to process it. I finally got it all together though let's go back and talk over dinner. I'll make-" as he was reaching for Noelle's hand she slapped his away.
"I don't want to go with you. You think I'm just going to wait, come and go whenever you say? I'm not your little puppy you can just order around."
"I never said anything like that."
"I know you're not that dense, it's not what you said it's what you didn't say. Did you not trust any of us, your own family, enough to let us know what's going on? Are we just tools to have around when it's convenient? That you can just leave us in the dark whenever it suits you?"
"No it's really not like that."
"Then what is it like? How do you think I felt when you just abandoned us like that? I've been by your side for four years straight. Day and night helping you run this city, the sect and whatever other crazy thing you wanted to build with the best of my abilities. If that wasn't enough, Asta is your little brother who's given his all to make you proud for as long as he can remember. Morgiana is your blood sister! She knew things about you didn't know about yourself! Even Kirsch respects you to the fullest, your bond over the sword has become one of the few he cherishes most! Despite all that, you shut us out, for someone you've only met what, twice? Are we that unreliable Magnus, that you can't even lean on us the one time you're in trouble? I don't know what it is that you were going through it looks like you and Galileo have it figured out. If you want to be alone with the guy so bad, FINE be with him!" Saying what she had to say Noelle started to go in the cabin. "I won't be third wheel to your little bromance!"
"Noelle just listen to what I have to say."
"You can tell me in four days, IF I get over it!" She kept walking.
"Please Noelle hear me out! I really need you here! Don't go!" He threw himself at her from behind hugging her waist tight.
"Let go Magnus!" She was going to hit him but she softened up when she saw him looking up at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes. "You have thirty seconds..."
"I mean this from the deepest parts of my souls that, I can't do any of this without you. You are my one and only irreplaceable empress, a constant light in my life, and I'd be lost without you! I'm sorry for making you feel any less. Everything down in that city is as much you and the other Pendragons as it is me." The thought of where he'd be now without Noelle horrified Magnus. It was enough to bring him to tears. "I-I love you." Noelle truly meant more to him than the entirety of the Clover Kingdom. Even when he thought of almost everyone around him as characters in a fictional story, she was all too real to him. She had grown into a new person alongside him. Noelle was the only reason Magnus' conscience survived after the battle with Lykan. Even Galileo wouldn't have been able to stop him from the horrid path he originally planned.
Magnus had never said those words to her before. I love you. Those three words set Noelle's heart a flutter. She wanted to keep being mad but seeing Magnus pour out his soul almost made her forget why she was mad in the first place. Almost. Magnus shutting her out like that hurt her deeply. He helped her grow so much, rescuing her from a childhood of bullying and hardships from her own family. Magnus meant the world to her, even though he would often come off as manipulative and uncompassionate (qualities she really hated). It sometimes made her think Magnus only wanted her for her title, that otherwise she could be easily replaced. But she put those thoughts away from her mind because she loved him so much, "Why couldn't you speak to me like this earlier?"
"Up until just a few days ago, when he started behaving differently, Magnus had lived a life without all of his soul intact." Madara appeared again, Magnus was crying too hard to even notice this time. "The boy's soul was damaged, to the extent of only going through life with part of his emotions. This driveling mess clinging to you is the real Magnus Pendragon. (I wasn't going to get involved but he's getting hard to watch.). His mind frame has recently shifted."
Madara's words repeated over and over in Noelle's head. If that's the case what all does he no longer agree with? Was the person she fell in love with gone? Did he no longer mean his proposal he spoke at the awards ceremony? Were his vows to help her reach the heavens with him null and void? What kind of person would come out of all this?
"The Uchiha experience emotion on an different level. Take their hatred, or perhaps their love and multiply it by one hundred. Those wild emotions run through his blood as well."
"What are you saying?"
"If he loved you at first, the real Magnus loves you one hundred times more." Madara looked at Magnus with a twinge of disgust. "If he would stop crying long enough, he could finish telling you himself."
"Is this true Magnus?"
"Yes, I swear by the heavens and earth my love for you is real. I won't hide anything else from you."
When she saw Magnus teary eyes she was pulled into an illusion with the rotation of the little swords. He showed her his whole story. The story of the two best friends from another world, one fickle and abrasive, the other a scheming perpetrator. How they were as close as brothers, how they died moments apart, how a mysterious entity offered them another chance and they came here. Noelle saw many things only known to Magnus and Galileo, or as she now saw Troy and Samuel. "That-what was that?"
"My story…but this is only the beginning, the rest won't be right without you here with me." Magnus said finally ending his tears. "I love you with all my heart."
"I love you too!" She cried as Magnus stood up and embraced her. When they kissed it felt like she was walking on air, she felt like she could just float away. That she did, the two of them ascended into the clouds above without even realizing it. For a second it seemed like there was no one else in the world but them. Just Noelle and Magnus.
"Aww that's so sweet! I'm so happy they could work out their differences." Lumiette was crying tears of joy watching them.
"Was Magnus holing up in his room to play- oop, to think really that big a deal? Can't a man have some alone time?" Galileo was standing by Lumiette.
Lumiette never noticed him show up on account of the drama unfolding before her. When she suddenly heard him speak, she nearly jumped overboard "Where did you come from Gali? You startled me."
"I got here with Madara and Asta. I figured I might have made it worse, so I hung back (dammit I pulled a Madara)."
"I applaud you for having the tact to realize much that my love, but you missed the point of this discussion haven't you?"
"I'll explain later."
"(Good to see he has someone besides the dragon brat he can put his trust into.)" Madara saw enough and went back. He had helped his grandson this time, but the next lover's quarrel was all on Magnus...It was also apparent Magnus was in no state to talk business right now.
"See being honest always helps!" Asta was glad to see them work everything out. They could go back to being a happy little family now.
"This is like a drama at the theatre." Kirsch said watching them up above.
"Little runts better not start acting too grown up." Meraleona said.
"Magnus! You're alright!" Morgiana appeared next to them using the flying raijin and hugged them both. "And you're kissing! So everything is fine again right? *gasp* Isn't this your first kiss!? OMG this is such a big milestone for you two!"
"Morgiana what are you doing?"
"It was no secret Noelle was upset, but I couldn't do much until you came out. That seal was really tough Magnus. Shrimpsta told me you finally went outside when I got home, so I came straight to where you were to give you a piece of my mind. And I get here to see you guys already making up" a perverse smile crept onto her face "…and out- ouch my ear, my ear! I was joking big brother!"
"Galileo!" Noelle's shout startled the dragon. He was sure he did nothing wrong, but he could feel that he was part of the problem here. He figured she was going to tear him a new one for something he did not understand. Returning to the deck she stood before him. "Thank you."
"Haaaah?!?! For what?"
"Without you I may never have been able to meet that Magnus. I don't know what my life so far would have been like with him out of the picture, but I'm sure I don't want to know. Thank you for being there for him and choosing 'Black Clover'."
"Umm don't mention it…" He wasn't sure what all she knew but at the very least it included their reincarnation. He thought it was an unspoken rule you don't tell anyone you reincarnated but Magnus just did. Galileo waited nervously a moment for some type of heavenly tribulation or reality to crumble but nothing happened. "Seriously don't."
"Your secrets are safe with me Sammy." She winked at him and went back to Magnus.
"Sammy? Since when did you go by Sammy? And what's 'Black Clover'?" Lumiette was instantly curious about these new terms Noelle used.
"I'll explain later."
Now fully composed Magnus addressed the whole ship. "Dear beloved family of mine I want to invite you all to stay at the manor tonight. I'm throwing a grand feast, a little something to show my appreciation for you all." He sent Galileo a system message. "(Hah! I kissed a girl first! Pay up!)"