Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 7: Ch 7. The magic sword shop

Step right up. We have magic swords and other stuff…" Yuno stands in front of a small stand in the market with a sword planted in the ground in front of it, twirling a crudely made sign reading 'magic swords' with his wind magic. Across the counter various ornately designed swords and several other magic accessories line the counter. Despite his unenthusiastic advertising a fairly large crowd still comes through. Most because they see exquisite products before them, but some women found the child salesmen adorable. "Can I stop doing this now?" Yuno pulls his cheek away from a random woman to face Magnus who is finishing a transaction. "We still haven't started looking for my teacher. At this rate Asta will leave me behind!"

"All in good time Yuno. Besides we've already started looking."

"How? When?"

"Right here. I've been gathering information on your teacher from customers. I've got a few good leads as to where he is. He may even show up here to check out a magic sword(I'm pretty sure it's this third Vermillion boy, the 'tiny terror' everyone's talking about, but is Sammy really wasting his time acting like a spoiled brat?)"

"I hadn't thought of that…"

"Just relax and let big bro do his thing. You'll be training to your little heart's content in no time. Plus we've made over ten times the money we started with in three days" shaking a bag of coins. "Listen to that jingle, music to my ears.(With my unlimited blades works black smithing is as easy as one, two, three!) Hahaha!"

"You're going to scare the customers away with that laugh."

"I'm excited about my-our profits."

"Why do I get the feeling that's the biggest thing on your mind right now?"

"Because it is, we're working right now. We'll focus on searching when we close."

"Alright. Don't forget."

As the day goes on, many people of all stripes visit the shop to check out Magnus's artifacts. There was A magic knight's squad captain,

"Marcs! Are you seeing this! The quality of these magic swords is impeccable!" A young Julius Novachrono gawks over the inventory with stars in his eyes.

"Yes, I see Captain Julius. We do have a mission to attend to though." His sour faced assistant only gives him enough attention to try and get him to hurry up.

"I wonder how one of these would affect Yami's magic."

"He seems adamant about sticking with that Katana of his."

"(I wonder how good Yami is with a sword. Maybe I'll test him later.)"

"Oh right…" the future wizard king stops to think for a moment. "Young man may I ask where you acquired these items?"

"I made them."

"Is that so? Your handiwork is definitely something to be admired."

"Thank you mister Novachrono. (Wow I'm already getting praised by the future wizard king! I mean tracing made it easy for me, but still it's kinda cool.)"

" I'd like to see more of your work then, how about I sell you rare materials I find on my missions?"

"I'd appreciate that, I'll give you and your knights a discount. It's a win win for both of us." Magnus shakes Julius's hand. "The name is Magnus, Magnus Pendragon."

"Nice to meet you Magnus. I'm sure you've already heard but I am Julius Novachrono, Captain of the Ashen deer magic knights squad. I look forward to working with you."


"Captain Julius we really do have to go." Marcs has already started to leave.

"Crap! See you around Magnus! MARCS, WAIT FOR ME!" Running after his assistant. "Can you believe the young talent in the capital?"

"It's astounding captain."

"What an odd guy." Watching the two fade from sight.

"You're one to talk."

"Shut it Yuno."

…nobles out shopping,

"Young Master Kirsch! Don't run so far ahead!"

"Don't you see these beautiful swords on display?! They're simply screaming my name!" A flamboyant orange haired boy a little older than Magnus, dressed in a green and white outfit that looked very expensive, even for a noble, rushes to the stall. He stares at them all in wonder as the rest of his group catches up.

"Kirsch! Don't suddenly run away like that! You know nana is old and can't move around very well anymore!" A younger girl with hair the same shade of orange, is the first to arrive and scolds the boy.

"I-I'm not that old…" the nanny barely could say anything more, but she did have to catch her breath.

"Just look Mimosa! How can you not run for anything as lovely as this?" He brandishes one of the more ornate swords on the counter and strikes multiple poses feeling like the coolest man alive.

"You look stupid Kirsch! (That sword looks so cool! I wanna try too!)" Another little girl who looks very similar to Mimosa but with Silver hair, turns her nose up away from him.

"(Noelle? So she hung out with Mimosa and Kirsch since her siblings bullied her. This would be a good crowd to get in my corner…Plus Noelle and Mimosa both grow up to be pretty cute.) Hello you guys, see anything that you like?" Giving his friendliest customer service smile.

"Commoner this sword is magnificent? Don't you think it makes me look magnificent?" Waving the sword around and still posing.

"Very magnificent, but-"

"You don't have to lie to him commoner." Noelle cuts in sharply.

"Quiet you." Kirsch swings the sword at Noelle, but out of range as not to hurt his cousin. However the blade lights up with a brilliant pink glow and releases a flying slash at her."

"Shit…" With a flash of blue Magnus appears in front of her with another sword off the counter and meets the slash head on canceling it out. "BUT magic swords are not toys." Snatching the sword from a dumbfounded Kirsch. "You can do a lot of damage with these things."

"Sorry." A little shaken that he almost killed Noelle.

"Are you ok?" Turning to Noelle.

Noelle looks into his eyes and is mesmerized for a moment "I-I'm fine." She looks down blushing a little.

"Noelle! I just had a great idea! Since you can't control your magic very well, why not try using one of these magic swords! But if you can't control your magic, will you be able to control the sword?..."Mimosa trails off in deep thought.

"Just tell the whole world I can't control my magic why don't you! It's not embarrassing at all! I don't mind! The cute magic sword salesmen might as well know too!(Crap why would I say that last part out loud…)" she blushes and gets more angry, as she's made a scene now "What are you morons looking at! You're all stupid! Stupid, stupid idiots!" She storms off.

"Noelle wait up! Was it something I said?!" Mimosa chases after her genuinely unaware of why Noelle is mad. She trips and falls flat on her face. Sitting up it's clear to everyone she wants to cry but she dusts herself off and continues her chase.

"Wait for my beautiful self!" Kirsch follows.

"I'm sorry for the trouble..." the nanny bows her head apologetically.

"Hahahaha! It's ok, they're so lively!" Magnus watches them leave laughing. "Good luck keeping up with them."

"Thank you young man." She leaves after the children.

"(If only they'd have bought something! They're like some of the richest kids in clover!...Still any of those three would make suitable disciples down the line. But I need to wait until I have better connections. It'd be helpful if I could run into Sammy sometime soon…)"

…there was even an attempted robbery today.

A hooded man tries running past and fleeing with a handful of magic items. He uses his grimoire's spell Clay creation: sculpted chariot to make a getaway vehicle for himself. He almost escapes but a flash of blue mana and he's down for the count with Magnus standing over him holding a magic sword. The bystanders who see him easily dispatch the thief clap and cheer.

"Wow thanks Mr. Thief you just gave me some good advertising." Magnus holds the sword up with a big grin "For those of you unaware I myself didn't use any magic power to defeat this guy! This is a speed boosting magic sword that also boasts incredible slicing power(won't tell them I used body flicker too). I made this and several other magic artifacts that are on sale at my stall over there."

Shortly after magic knights arrive to take the now restrained thief, who was tied up with a sealing magic charm away.

The magic items in Magnus's magic shop drew many others to come shop, some characters from the story, others new faces. And as per the other few days business was great. Even though business was going so well Magnus chose not to sell too a high volume of magical items to keep his demand up, so he could charge more. Despite how lively that day was his most interesting encounter would be shortly after closing for the evening. As the sun set the activity on the street also died down quite a bit.

"That's a wrap Yuno, were done for the day. Can you believe we sold out again?"

"Finally!" Yuno is ecstatic to finally stop being a mascot. "So is it time to start searching now Magnus?"

"You're really impatient you know that, I haven't even counted the money yet."

"That's fine I'll wait."

"(I can't wait to dump you off on Sammy.)" He looks up from his coin counting to see Yuno waiting patiently, but his eyes calmly say 'Hurry the fuck up'. "(Impatient brat.)" Magnus tries to ignore him and keep counting but Yuno's unrelenting gaze seemed to pierce his soul. "Here go get something to eat, I'll be ready when you get back." Throwing Yuno a few gold coins.

"Sure." Yuno finally leaves Magnus to count in peace.

"Excuse me young sir, would you happen to be Magnus Pendragon?"

"Yeah, who wants to know?" Magnus looks up to see a lanky man in a black coat and hood, set with black gloves, and spectacles. Despite his incognito look it was very easy to tell this man was well off.

"My client wishes to remain anonymous for now. However, we are in need someone with your…talents."

"You want a custom sword? Sure, but that's extra."

"Oh no I don't need a sword."

"Well then move it along, that's the only business I'm in."

"I believed you were in the capital to make some money, Mr. Pendragon. A mag- no, shinobi of your skill would have little to no problem dealing with this task."

Magnus is startled to hear the word shinobi. Aside from Samuel, and maybe Yami no one outside of Hodge village should know about shinobi. "How did you-"

"We have our sources. If you are interested" with the flick of his wrist a card and a bag appear in his gloved palm "take this and seek us out." It's a black card with a white wolf's head printed on it. "We await your answer Mr. Pendragon."

Magnus studies the card "There's no information on the card only the picture. What am I supposed to do with this?"

"No one's here Magnus. Who are you talking to?." Yuno returns half finished with a piece of skewered meat.

"Huh? There was just some guy in all black. Where'd he go?"

"Big bro you're not losing it are you?"

"No! I'm not crazy dammit! He left this card."

"With nothing on it? Must be garbage." Walking away.

"(He just wants to search for Samuel…I've never noticed that he can be as annoying as Asta with these things. )"

Back home inside of the demon's skull Asta sneezes while doing one handed handstand push ups, causing him to fall. "Someone must be talking about me. AH! I LOST COUNT! NOW I HAVE TO START ALL OVER!"

"Anyways what's in the bag?" Magnus opens the bag to see that there is a small sum of gold coins. "Well hello there sexy." Drooling a little

"(Damn, they gave him money.)" Yuno knew once he saw the money, Magnus' whole state of mind shifted.

"Yuno, we have to investigate! There could be more money in it for us!" Quickly collecting his things before running off.

Yuno can only sigh and shake his head "I knew he'd forget…"

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