Chapter 8: Ch 8. Order of the White Wolf
Layla the Vermillion maid steels her nerves for one of the most arduous tasks of her day, waking up Galileo. Over the years waking him has become increasingly dangerous as he is the farthest thing possible from a morning person. Other than a select few powerful relatives none would dare entering Galileo's room before noon, but like any other dedicated caretaker Lalya found a way to wake him safely and keep him in a good mood. She takes a deep breath before entering the tiny terror's room. "Young master Gali good morning!" For a second there is silence, then a deep azure glow comes from behind the canopy curtains. Strong killing intent as well as the temperature begins rising with each passing second. "Oh my look at this wonderful pendant I found today! It's so pretty and shiny, but the gemstones are so heavy! I couldn't possibly wear this on my neck! I wonder, who would want something like this?" As suddenly as it started the azure glow disappeared and all killing intent vanished, the room returned to normal.
A blur flies out of bed and Galileo is sniffing the jewels in Layla's hand. She sits as still as possible during Galileo's odd inspection which has become part of her morning routine on his early days. He never once actually looked at the jewels he gets but he smells, taps, and even bites them. More strangely he's accurately appraised every single one. "Blood diamonds, Merulean platinum and *sniff sniff* OOOH an emperor's sapphire! These are super rare! Can I really have this?" He's grinning ear to ear, 'looking' at the gem with wonder.
"It's all yours."
"Aw sweet!" He runs to his bed with a jumping heel click and pulls back the curtain to reveal his treasure collection. Every jewel and ornament is neat fitted together forming history's most expensive nest, some have melted together a bit here and there. After choosing the perfect spot Galileo runs and gives her a big hug "Thank you Layla!"
She can't help but think how adorable he is when he isn't trying to burn everyone to a crisp. "No need to thank me young master Gali." She motions to the door and another servant timidly wheels in a cart with his breakfast, bows, and quickly leaves.
"Is that?"
"Yes, your breakfast is a steak and cheese omelet slightly burnt the way you like it, a side of rice and a pitcher of fresh berry juice. " She begins setting his table and Galileo takes his seat.
"(I'm so glad I was born rich) Bet it tastes as good as it smells " fighting back drool.
"Also the report from Krantz came in as well." Picking up a stack of papers from the cart
"Let me hear it."
"The owner of the new Magic sword shop in town is a boy by the name of Magnus Pendragon, a young peasant blacksmith. Actually, he's near your age. The only employee is another boy who is supposedly his younger brother. "
"Younger brother? Do you have a description of him?"
"Short black hair, fair complexion, stoic expression. He seems to have potential with wind magic."
"(Gotta be Yuno. Don't know why I didn't think to check Hodge yet. How come he left Asta?) I see…"
"Is something the matter young master?"
"Not at all, continue the report please."
"The shop was only open for several days in which they saw extreme success. However, after receiving a visit from a man in black he hasn't opened shop in the last week."
"Oh this is interesting. What do we know about the man in black?"
"At the moment, nothing."
"Hmm, mysterious…(Sounds like I just missed them.)"
"That would conclude the report."
"Thank you, keep me posted if you hear anything else. What's on my schedule today?"
"You and young master Leopold have been invited to attend the King's White Light Ball."
"Only me and Leopold? If it's a royal function shouldn't the whole family go?"
"Well, your entire family was invited but Fuegoleon having made an early recovery has left the capital for intensive training and Meraleona was never here to begin with. Leaving just you two to represent house Vermillion alongside your parents."
"I really don't like seeing the king…"
"Young master you shouldn't say that!"
Magnus lies on a rooftop in the capital staring at the card he received several days ago, deep in thought. "(What does this mean? What exactly does this damn thing tell me? Maybe this is like a entry pass somewhere? But where would it lead too?)"
"Magnus the shop was one thing but this card is really just waste of time. We-(He's not listening…). Move on dammit!" He snatches the card and with a burst of wind magic launches it as hard as he can. Upon setting flight the card begins to glow white and take the form of a majestic wolf made of white energy. It stares at the two of them for a moment before swiftly leaping across rooftops, avoiding areas easily seen by civilians "What the-"
"Yuno you little genius! I could kiss you right now!"
"Please don't…"
"After that wolf!" They follow the wolf, which moves at high speeds with unprecedented grace and agility, out of town and deep into some nearby woods. Eventually they enter a depth to where no sunlight reaches through the canopy, and a dense fog obscures what little vision they had left. So much so Magnus can barely see his hand just inches in front of his face. Despite that the wolf's glow is just bright enough to be seen leading the way. Off in the distance the cries of unknown wild beasts can be heard from every direction. "Stay on your toes Yuno." Red eyes with five black swords extending from the pupil each connected at the protrusions of the grip scan the surroundings for the slightest of movements.
"Right." Yuno follows within arms reach of Magnus.
Soon they arrive at a cave. Crossing the threshold into the cave the wolf dissipates and no fog enters the room either. "Must cancel out magic…" As Magnus and Yuno enter the threshold they can feel their magic power decrease vastly "(If things go south, I'll have to rely solely on my ninjutsu.)" They walk in further to find it's nothing but an empty cave, a shallow one at that.
"Well this was a waste of time."
"Shut it Yuno." He sits on a stone which dips into the ground. A magic formation spreads out encompassing the two of them. With a bright light they find themselves in a large room with their shoes changed to house slippers. The room is very ornate with a plush white carpet. A gold chandelier with tinted bulbs cast a warm glow as if standing in the moonlight. To the left and right the walls are lined with life three-meter statutes of men with grimoires floating before them. In between each of the six rows a painting of an anguished face hangs on the wall. Behind them there is a blank wall and to the front there is a large jewel encrusted armchair facing a lit fireplace, the man in black stands next to it, and around ten to fifteen or so bandits with white magic knights cloaks that have pointed shoulders and wolf tails on the back. Above the mantle a white wolf's head. "This must be their secret base and I take it you must be the leader."
From the other side of the chair a deep echoing voice reverberates through the room. "How perceptive, I'm the head honcho around here, Lykan Snow Captain of the order of the White Wolves. Welcome to my humble abode, Magnus Pendragon I presume?"
"You presume correctly. So, care to tell me why I'm here? And why you know so much about me?"
"All good questions. We may be a bit before your time, but have you ever heard of the magic knights order by the same name?"
"I have now."
"That's fine, let me fill you in. Years ago, we were a first-rate magic knights squad led by yours truly. Our team was truly glorious, at least ninety gold stars every year. We were skilled at slaying magic beasts, and we even provided the meat to commoner villages for free. I am the only person of noble birth in the guild so that was a bone of contention with those snobs, then finally we were dismissed to make way for the new rising star Captain of the Ashen Deer Julius NovaChrono. I will not say that I mind the replacement, Julius is a noble man, BUT WHY COULDN'T THEY HAVE DISMISSED ONE OF THOSE LOUSY NOBLE SQUADS WHO WALK AROUND ON THEIR HIGH HORSE AND ONLY PROTECT OTHER NOBLES!" He roars the last part with such rage his mana leaks out causing his squad members to tremble.
"I can understand your sorrow and discontent but the strongest has the say in this kingdom. You guys were weaker so you couldn't stand against the injustice. As a result you suffered. It happens all over the Clover Kingdom nay, the whole world. My question is what do you want with me?" says Magnus devoid of compassion or any emotion for that matter even Yuno is startled by his sudden change.
"oh oh oh we have a feisty one here hey captain I don't think they'll accept so just kill them" says a guy beside the captain with a bald head and scars all over his body.
"SHUT UP" says the boss not caring at all for the face of his subordinate. "Now where were we? hmmm oh right! Young Magnus join us and overthrow the Monarchy. If you do we will offer training resources, woman, riches and " while he was rambling he looked up to notice the young Magnus with glowing red eyes staring at him with a face of pure disdain giving of a totally different disposition this aura he gave off was arrogant and lofty like a the emperor overlooking his subjects or a deity looking at creation in motion. This alarmed everyone present even Yuno started to sweat as he's never seen this side of Magnus.
" Let me tell you 3 things. First, my Surname is Pendragon. if I want the throne I would never take it in such a petty way. I would rise above all contenders and make all Kneel. Secondly, I am a swordsman, we Don't know Betrayal. THIRD AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU ARE A LOSER KNIGHT WHO FAILED AND INSTEAD OF PROTECTING THE PEOPLE FROM THE SHADOWS CHOOSE DEPRAVITY YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MEET ME AT EYELINE KNEEL!" He then began to release his sword intent. Everyone except Yuno found it hard to breathe. It felt as though there was a guillotine hanging over their necks saying 'kneel or die!' The majesty in the intent could not be imitated, it belongs to a king and not just any king the Sovereign of all humans, the one who even makes swords kneel. One by one the would be attackers drop to their knees, some have even began to prostrate no even daring to look up. Suddenly the boss flip a stone lever and *BOOOM* a bright bang goes off. Magnus tries to shield Yuno with his intent before they both turned in to light particles and vanish.
"Sigh* It was a shame he couldn't see things my way… He'd have made a powerful asset to our cause."
Elsewhere Magnus and Yuno find themselves in a large dark room. "You alright Yuno?"
"Yeah. Where are we?"
"Beats me." Upon quick inspection they realize they're in another high end room. The room is filled with books and old texts strewn about. Shelves line the walls, packed with more books. The room has a single messy desk covered in papers, like someone left mid research. "Looks like a library of some kind."
"Every book here is related to magic." Yuno walks the shelves skimming titles.
"This place belongs to-" as Magnus looks at a signature on one of the papers he realizes who's library this is.
"I was intending to come see you Magnus. I didn't expect you to come find me yourself. In my private study no less." None other than Julius Novachrono is standing across the desk, as the lights suddenly cut on. "Yo."
"(Incredible. When did he…He gave no sign of entering, from sound to mana fluctuations. This is the power of the next wizard king, the time mage) Julius Novachrono…"
"Care to tell me how and why you two broke in here."
Suddenly the door burst open as two Ashen deer magic knights enter the room. "Captain Julius! We heard voices from your study!"
"Should we escort them out."
"That's all right, they're friends of mine. We were just having a little chat, you may go."
"Sir!" They turn to leave but one stops. "Ah, Captain Julius I almost forgot! You are expected to be present at the White Light Ball tonight. It will look bad if you blow the king off again."
"White Light Ball?"
"Oh you haven't heard? It's a dance the king is throwing tonight at his palace. Even common birth people are allowed to go."
Magnus and Yuno exchange looks. "Julius, the King may be in danger at that ball."