Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The sun rises

chirp... chirp...chirp.

The blue sky starts to appear and the once red and yellow coloured moon starts to fade. The sun which is supposed to be hidden under the blue sky starts to arise. A man with unkempt and an ugly face is eagerly watching his phone. It says "Its 5: 45 am", "They are all slowpoke, and I am here gradually waiting for them to be a victim". Then he starts to set up some hidden mechanism and starts to work in action. Then he saw the four of them went out of their apartment. "Good gracious they took some time". After thirty minutes of working in silence, he wiped his head out of sweat and went on his way. The adjusted mechanism is set to work out on exact time "4:50 pm" in the afternoon. The man in black went out of his way like nothing ever happened at all. He then went into his next part time work, he work on a daily shift with his mom as a customer service in a nearby konbini. Time passed by and finally afternoon appear. He is already waiting for his prey to appear, "In a bit of minutes, they will appear." Then four guys appear before his naked eyes. The mechanism then flew out in silence and a smoke appear on it. The four victims was shot in a shadow and was left all shocked in a grand orchestral way. A rare silenced gunshot resounded on the area and all of the victim were shot with paralysis serum. Their eyes starts to fade as they look for the light covered by darkness. Finally they find, their last breath. Then the man hidden in the shadows move on his way. He smiled on it and he went on his way. "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.", said by the guy as he went on his way. After thirty minutes, finally he arrived into his home. He watched the television and there he saw his own crime scene. On its screen were dead, then he laugh at it like it was nothing. He then sat on the chair sitting like it was nothing and all of a sudden a loud crashing noise appear. Their door was slammed once more and his drunk father appear. "Give me some cash you maggots" and the loud noise of his drunken father resounded inside their house. Just like a muscle reflex, his hand obediently move on its own and a cash were sent towards his fathers face. "Good boy, keep doing well. Is that a crime scene again?". Then he said "Yes, same crime scene. Four was left dead shot on its forehead into the ground.". "Go out and buy some chicken for us, your mother is still working at the konbini". So the guy went up and followed his barbaric fathers order. On his way he saw a familiar face. It was his next target. "What a small town." said by him as he smiled and he started to sing "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall". So he proceed on his way and ordered some fried chicken, he then sit as the delivery service walk silently on his own. He checked his phone and on it, it displays his next targets location. He walk for an hour and after that he found himself in front of a bar house. On his eyes where huge musculine guy. He confidently walk towards as he was mistakenly identified as a janitor. Out of words, he just said to himself, "Do I look like a rug out person.". So he went inside the bar and went up into the second floor. A loud wailing inside the galilee noise appear and the rug out person just do his work. He send some chemical gas inside the room and he once again sung "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall" along it was a sad wailing and grieving sound. One minute, two minutes and finally silence covered the room. He took his phone and he spoke "One target down". In response his phone replied "Job well done". He went inside the room and just like that, he took their pocket money and left the room. Inside there room were two person lying dead into the kings bed. He went out of the bar and just like that, he ended his day and retired for the rest of the night.

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