Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 The villains life

A single 6 years old little kiddy is being brutally and physically tortured by his so called legitimate aunt. Every bit of such torture is reflected on the little boys memory. Around him were his so called relatives who are surprisingly happy when he is crying and sad. The young little one with out a mother nor father is always crying on a very nice and great house. Then inside him he cursed and he said " where are my parents.". In just a blink of an eye, the guy grew up immediately and what comes next is a vivid memory of his adolescent life. Darkness covered him for inside his house there's no electricity, nor water. An uncleaned plate is on his red plastic table. It has a nasty smell that says it was already used for several times and he don't have any means to clean it for he is unwelcome on their grand house. Then what comes next is just another form of torture in life. It seems like that his aunt and uncles are happy to see him suffer in such life. However a solid and strong smile did appear on his silly little face. Then what comes next is a memory of his prime. Trampled and turn to dust, the community versus him. Then he start to laugh like a villain, and his blood shot eyes did appear. Unfortunately something which is not supposed to unlock did finally appear. Then darkness covered him and what comes next is the light. Breath did covered him and finally he woke up from a njghtmare. Catching up on his breath it seems like that the guy have just encountered a terrible dream. He then did checked his hands and there he saw droplet of sweat falling on his forehead. He stood up and he went for the nearby veranda. Then he look at the magnificient ocean in front of him and he said "Same dream of torture again.". He then went out for a breather and what welcomes him is the cold breeze of the nearby ocean saying "Welcome to the world of villains.". While the guy is enjoying his daily life on his rooms wall there lies several pictures of unknown person marked with X. Those person are the dead, killed professionally by a single person who was devoured by hatred since younger age. Those pictures are his family, nah uh, strangers who harbour ill intent on him from the very young age. One person got drowned because of the guys tactical plan, 4 person got shot silently in the dark, one person got poisoned because of something that he added, silly little thing, just a mere dozens of disolved candy on a glass of water did killed a guy. Each of the persons picture attached on the guys wall were killed in a professional manner. Meanwhile a childish behavior then did start to appear on the guy, as he started to run on a white sandy ground surface of the beach. Inside him is a pure soul of a kid that says he wants to play more and enjoy the beauty of the white sandy beach appear. Then he started to run on the early morning cold sea water and started to enjoy it like a kid. His soft hands did start to touch the cold water and he started to create big splashes on it. Then he jumped out of nowhere, laying flat being raised by the water itself. Then he start to enjoy the sensation of floating on the sea water. The water then did start to clogged his ears and it starts to cover him entirely. Then as soon as his ears were clogged, the guy then did start to relax. He closed his eyes and he start to remember the bloody things that he have done in his entire life. Abused by the authority and rich personality, publicly humiliated in media, chased out on his comfort zones, robbed of his property, robbed of his privacy, experimented by the science and hit in the head, verbally abused by the citizens, betrayed by the family, taken under custody, thrown like a garbage, killed his mother through fatigue, killed his father like a mentally disorder guy, robbed of his freedom, what else could a guy take for in his life. Then inside his head, an image of a devil did then suddenly appear, and while floating on a clear crystallize water he did gave out a smile. "Thanks to you, my budhha, I finally become a true man.". Then he did gave out a loud and devilish laugh floating on a crystalized clear water. Then he tried to visualize a certain person who have also abuse him and send him to hell. The vivid memory of a guys face then did appear on his head. Then he open up his eyes and he said "Your next."

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