Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 10: Chapter 10. The black bible

The Black Bible.

The story of genesis. Chapter 1. The creation of the world. Once there is blind person alive on planet Mars. Their lineage is about to go heavy and shit is about to start. So Their family decided to relocate on earth. He was sent on a pod, and the pod did flew above the stars and went into the planet Earth. "Kaboom" he said for he heard his planet exploded. The blind man was sent on earth and he says, "Let there be light for i want to see the light." In just a second since he is a marsian the Artificial intelligence did heal him, and now he can see.". Then he said let there be a woman for I am alone. So he prayed for several years waiting for a miracle to happen, and his words was heard. A capsule from another planet did arive. He jumped in gladness and he said "Now I am not alone." So he runs so fast to see the capsule and on it there lies a giant woman. The guy then did asked himself and he look beneath him just at the middle of his groin and he said "How will I get this giant woman pregnant.'. Still he believes on miracle and he prayed. Finally the giants are born. With technology on hands they started to tame the giant monsters on their world. Finally after hundred years the world is finally created. After a hundred years the old man is bored and he start to plant lots of cctv on their world. Then he said "I am now at the verge of death, you all must live well. I will always be watching you. My eyes are on your eyes. The people were sad to see their god passing away. Yet the real reason is that the guy is just on vacation. So finally the genesis did ended. Somewhere safe, the god is just casually enjoying his vacation. Several hundred years and finally his generation did learn to create community, kingdoms and finally empire. However since they all are breed from different genes they all were recognized as great heroes of the world. Until such time another space ship landed on earth. Finally Sauron arive. Sauron the great king is of a different breed. On his capsule he brought giant dinosaurs, giant preys, with the main intent of destruction. Their fangs are as sharp as the blade because of it there appear a great war. As soon as sauron saw the earth he said "I will make this my own kingdom. I am destined to rule.", that time the gods children were forced to become heroes and Kings, valiant than any other else. Yet they failed to beat sauron. So they pray to the god and their answers were heard. Finally, an offspring to another planet arrive. Gandalf the grey, wise wizard of all. Together with him are the elves, a different kind of figure. Beautiful eyes, fair skin, white as porcelain yet Kong ears. Together with the gods children they start to wage war with the great dinosaurs and their leader sauron. Every night they all will hunt dinosaurs together eating it lime a normal diner. With the great wizard and the elfs, and seeing his dinosaurs run from the eyes of the great wizard, sauron then did start to create something that is filthy in the eyes of norm. He create childrens out of dinosaurs and beasts. Finally such being is the origin of all orcs, Then the orcs are created. Several million years later, such existence will become the father of all the ugly person living in the world. Saruman the wise saw it, and he is harkenened on such thing, so he planted his life force on the trees and the ent were created. Because of it, a great war appear, during day, yet ceremony at night. In the dinosaurs side, it is hell. They all were chased like a moving meat. For hundred thousand of years, the man hunted the dinosaurs and they all fed their stomachs with it. Because of the protein of the dinosaurs, they all became immortal. Seeing such things, sauron was alarmed, So finally sauron decided to breed dragons instead. Something that has an ability to fly. And he did so.. apparently, the heroes stomach is a difficult thing to control. Thus the extinction of the dinosaurs arive. Yet once a certain gate is closed, another gate will appear. And dragon breath of fire arrive. Valiant high and mighty, sauron enjoyed his life. This time with the orcs and the dragons, sauron did rule the earth and he called it middle earth. The elves are tamed by, him. The ladies, princesses and Queens were tamed. Only few of the men left are alive. Finally the Lord of the rings started. Not far from the middle earth, a certain ethnic group of dwarves did prayed. While king aragorn is on his quest, as a valiant hero of the earth. Noah, the dwarf starts to pray and the Lord which is on leave for a vacation heard his voice. So the once awol god is alarmed and he says "What kind of world is this. This is not my intention.". On his eyes, he saw orcs, beast like humanoid form making love with the beautiful elfs, and beautiful princesses. "Why are those ugly mortals sleeping with the barbies". He checked their lifespan and it reach thousand of years. He checked noahs life and its simple. So his blood sugar rose up and he clapped his hands. He then did prayed and he said "This world is filthy, I shall cleanse this world and create a new.". He prayed for a year and finally his prayer was heard. For some reason, like a comedian, a certain volcano did erupted and finally a great catastrophy appeared. Its a global scale volcanic eruption, and all of the volcanoes present did started to erupt. For ten years the whole world was devoured by the asshes coming from the volcanoes. Eventually such catastrophy did sent a daily typhoon on the world surface. Good thing is that, noah built and arc, so he is safe. For hundred years the world started to rain, nonstop. Apparently the gods wrath was invoked. Frequent eruption of volcanoes, and the nonstop rain did start to rule the world. The mighty heroes of the world and saurons men did not took a notice of it. Never did they know that the middle earth is about to be extinct. Apparently noah is different. For thousand of years, the world started to sink and the valiant heroes of the world started to sink. So finally the start of noahs life the genesis start. For hundred of years only noah and his family survived. For another thousand years, the flood started to fade and like that the promise on noahs family started. The god said "From now on, you will become the father of the worlds generation. Go to the world and multiply.". Then noah did so, he started to sleep with his daughters and he started to fill the world once more. Everyday he make love, and everyday he enjoys it. In just a year noah created hundreds of babies. They fed their stomach fishing on a water and they started to live. Another year passed and noah created another hundred sets of babies. In just a year he created a small village. With the first commandment of the world, noah educated his sons and he said "At your teen age of 12, go to the world and multiply.". Then they did so, and the men's of his family started to create babies and in just another year they created a census enough for a huge city. Their numbers are continuing to grow even more. So every night they started to sing a whole new world. In just another year, they all did multiply and finally their population started to become a country. Ten more years and their population is uncountable. For some reason noahs blood line said this, why don't we create a huge tower so we could find our god. What a smart one for he knows that their god is just awol. So with their hands they started to create the tower of babylonia. During day they suffer, during night they rejoice. For the god is foolish to say "Go to the world and multiply.". Apparently one woman did pray. One from the blood of noah. And once the god is awakened and he checked the world. There he saw lots of noises at night. He then saw the lust coming from their eyes and he said "I dont like it.". Then he saw a massive tower which the whole men are trying to build and he said "From now on, you will no longer understand each other. I will all classify you based on your languages. From now on, you will be divided and will no longer speak one natural language.". The god prayed and after a year his prayer was heard. Then that time, he divided the whole world. With the situation on hand, the huge crowd of noahs offspring starts to go for a new journey. With their feets on the ground they all bid farewells and they start to live scattered like a stars. However he saw how noah lamented because of it and the Lord said "Dont worry, I promise you to make you happy. You will become the father of the many. They will be comparable to the starts above. Just follow my commandment. Go to the world and multiply.". Then the god vanished and noah to comfort himself from grief. He followed the commandment and he multiply. Finally the book of noah ended. While noah and his son loves hundreds and hundreds of years old. Their go to world and multiply did start to populate the whole world. In just a year their kids are giving birth more than a hundred times. Such kind of labour is unheard in the history of man. Eventually the world is too huge for them to fill. However noahs offspring love the word LOVE so they populate the world. While the humanity from the offspring of noah is doing their first commandment, somewhere in the dark, saurons offspring remains alive. The breath of the dragon fire manage to live for they have wings with them, they all are not killed by the great flood. Such dragon landed on Europe. Very far from the place wherein noahs ark landed. Unknown to them too. 4 humans from the great time manage to survive, for they have withstood the great flood. When that flood appear, it only reaches their waist line. They all live on the Pacific. Eventually after hundred and millions of years, such body will be known as the philippines. While the great sons of noahs are celebrating every night. The dragons of Europe are hungry so they all fled, apparently one of them did reached the Asia, near to where noahs offspring lives. So they fought and fought and eventually it became a history on China. Back to the lab, noahs descendant Abraham prayed and once more the god is awakened. Then he saw what is happening on earth, however he is now old, weak and numb. So he said to Abraham "Like your father noah, I will promise you . Continue your sexes, and you will become a father of the world." So Abraham did so, and he love sex. One woman was filled with love, while the other being an ugly one is jealous. So she started to act, make love to me every night please. Then Abraham did so, he fucked two girls at a time and like noah, he started to create babies. Eventually the Arabian girl, favoured by the god did immediately bore Abraham a son, and the ugly one is jealous and she begged once more saying "Lets create babies once more.". Abraham guided by the god continue his fucking session. Eventually unfavoured by the god, she did not became pregnant. So she cried and cried, the conscience on abraham hit him so he said to the beautiful woman, go to the middles east and start a family with my sons. Then they did so, and such family became the origin of Saudi Arabia. The ugly woman and Abraham did started to make love every night. They all study lots of things, and after 600 years, the woman became pregnant. Then she said "Behold, for even on my wrinkly old age, I bore him a son. Your Name will be esau. Then the next several of making love continue for several years.

A certain hand then did stop typing on his smart armchair. Then he said "Now lets end this comedy. Let's postpone it for awhile and let's check the poor victims.". So he went on his so called sophisticated room and he checked the hibernated computer. Then he checked the status of the policeman that are tailing his target. He saw 4 of them on the radius of 4km. Then he said "Time to kill that police. Cherry" he said as he start to give command on the ai. "while I am on the site, please inform me of their location so I could kill them myself.". The system then did replied saying "As you wish.". The villain did went out of his house and he head to his not so shabby Nissan car. He checked his smart glasses and there appear the live GPS report of his targets whereabouts. He then did gave out a smile and he said "Poor victim, I still awe you a lot. I pledge to the devil to kill you all. Not even that authority will become a hindrance to my will.". He saw then an image of himself being spitted publicly, laughed at like a joke, and treated like a trash.". He adjusted the speed and he stomped on the Nissan accelerator "Woosh.". Finally the super villain is up again for another murder.⁹

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