Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 9: Chapter 9. Police detected.

"Once again. Here I come, my super computer.". He then did logged in on his so called operating system. Mainly programmed and created for a sole purpose of identifying authorities nearby him, and his so called targets. Such living targets are needed to be keenly observed. On his screen it says "By pass system. Artificial intelligence cherry is online.". The guy then did started to talk and he said "Target number 64, give me the details of the agents that are near him". "Affirmative. Sattelite system on board. Target lock number 64. Analysing the live report. Generated data, one agent is found. Gathering data in 34%...65%...99%..100. Data is successfully sent on your screen.". Then the guy did start to work on his own. "So he is from District 34, precinct 54. Name is Agent Jhon.". The guy then did pondered trying to think of a way to let loose his so called animal instinct. Then he started to enjoy his rotating gaming chair and he said "How will I professionaly kill this guy.". Then he started to talk. "Cherry, can you give the list of the police that are registered on District 34, precinct 54.". "Copy", said by the a.i. the super villain then did stood up from his sit as he wait for lots of records being generated by the system itself. After a couple of minutes, he saw hundreds of active police that are stationed on such precinct. Then he sat on his gaming armchair and he said "What massacre. How will I myself, wipe them all out in silence.". So he started to act like a kid on his gaming chair and started to think of a way. The a brilliant apple then did appear on his head. Then he said "Cherry, from now on, please save those records and try to observe their actions live via Sattelite. If just incase such personalities in by any chance comes closer with me in radius of 4 to 5 km. By all means Immediately inform me.". The Artificial intelligence then then started to talk and he said "Your ip address is Affirmative.". Then the guy said "Problem solve. That's it for now cherry. Go on hibernate mode.". Like wise the system then did start to follow his masters command. Such villainous guy then did start to walk out of his private server room. The once cold and freezing temperature were gone, what welcomes him is a warm room temperature. He then did start to do his daily chores and he said "Time check, it's 6 pm. Time for me too cook my own dish. It's now chow time. What will I eat for my dinner. Oh I forgot. Time to check my fishtrap.". So he dragged his arse and he went to check his fish trap. On his way he did casually sing his favourite song "Peter, James and jhon, In the sailboat fishing, down in the deep blue sea. They throw., na ah, I hauled my nets and I saw lots of fishes, down in the deep blue seat.".

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