Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 42: Chapter 12. Murderer to save the kind

The difference in wound in a flesh and wound in a bone is different. Wound from the flesh don't barely hurt that much, but wound on bones and cartilage is entirely different story. The blood that gush out on a wound is entirely different, almost like a pale of blood will be catered once such opened wound appear. You might say that you will die in bloodloss but not. It only needs action. With a yellow powder on a mefanamic capsule and a lighter, you only need to burn such wound until it closes up. Like who old operate such cases. It is said that marrows produce blood, and marrows are found inside your bones. One man, with lighter on his hands decide to burn his scar to preserve himself from death. Burn in exchange of life, in most cases its like a gunpowder being burn on your skin. Most of the time it will only hurt for awhile, but not this time. The injury over the flesh and bone is entirely different. Alone and lonely in life in just night he preserved his life. Yet days passed and the man himself continued to live, being disgraced by the public insulted inside the head. None of them knows his sufferings for no one really cares. Not even his brothers and sisters. His son in the other hand has accustomed to what blood is, he tasted blood and he said it tasted good. Wound, burn and scar indifferent parts. Like him, he is also being insulted inside the head. However like him, he tasted what blood is, and it tastes good. However, unlike the one who comes first, his blood is not even that much.

"Son i told you, If they try to humiliate you for once. Kill them instead. If the authority ask you why? Tell them, he is not a good offspring. I killed him, so he can no longer commit same mistake again. Tell them, its like a dirty habit. He hit me first and spitted on me first, is it right? No it is not. When he grow up and he commit same mistake again, it's a habit so i myself killed him without excuse."

Then his dad said "If they insist that it's a murder then tell them. Why would I not kill him if he abuses me first.".

"I know dad. The government afterall is watching us." Said by the young one.

Then he added "If you let such bloodline reproduce then who knows, how many person in this place will be abused. If you sent them to jail, still their blood exist, it is hard to make some one change, therefor Id rather kill them to stop his abuse.".

His father nodded and he smiled "You are correct. Job well done, don't mind them if they call you crazy one or murderer always tell them the truth.".

The young man nodded and he said "Afterall, I am a kid, I know what is right I myself, won't kill those who are righteous.".

At that moment, one man on a hiding on a tree with a bundle of leaf gave out a wide smile. "Thats fucking right. I myself am here too. Why should I let those abusive person live. How about I check the lifestyle of this guy". That's none other than the villain.

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