Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 43: Chapter 13

A man on a laptop, is looking for a new model of eyeglasses. An eye glasses filled with camera. It's working nonstop trying to record everything on its front. Then he search for a pen with a recorder that allows him to record any volume on his pen. Then he gave out a loud sigh and he said "Dad, if only we have the means then why would I not buy this things.". Then his dad said "You don't need it as long as you know what is right.". At that moment a guy on a shade hidden on a silence gave out a smile. "He is only trying to protect himself. Why dont i gave him a gift. A gift wherein he could record everything. So he move out of the house and he took his phone. With his means, he bought him a gift. Bundles and set of smart eyeglasses and a pen, recording everything just incase he committed murder. Then he gave out a sigh and he said "With this gift, I won't mind of you commit murder at all. If they question you, then you only need to answer the truth.". He then did check his smart glasses and he saved the location and address of the guy. He move his feet and he starts to talk to himself "Its great, that someone like me knows that the government is watching. Ots just right for me to protect them, for i too know how to feels to be wronged. This telepathy thing, still hunts me till now.". The great villain with his feet starts to drag his asses and he went to his old Nissan car. Several hours later, the family who were abused received a fair enough gift. Lots of boxes filled with smart glasses and pen recorder, just so they could protect themselves. The boy as soon as he saw the box were amazed. He saw that it was delivered by the drones, so he is just happy to see the gift from someone whom he does not know. "Daddy. A gift from someone we don't know.". They opened it up and there they saw a gift, gift which they will never forget. The kid then did explain everything to his dad and his daddy hugged him. "Finally we have a proof of them abusing us. Finally, if they try to humiliate us, then we have the means to tell them the truth.". The little boy did nodded and their life start like usual, with the boxes of smart glasses and recorder pen they are now secured. "Maybe the gods did hear our prayers.". "Maybe the gods did see my wounds.".

Meanwhile the guy who knows what the government is, is just driving his old Nissan car. A car which is not extravagant enough, a car which has a plate number on its back "PH77731".

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