Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 53: New electric chair

On a faraway land, there lies someone who is busy monitoring someone with the use of his modern technology eyes. On his screen is his main target, the great villain who is exterminating someone's life, life who is tied with the government. Above his simple living house is a great hovering tech, hovering above the earth's atmosphere. It is gradually sending radical wave on his main target. Then he start to talk to himself saying "With this radiation fixed on your genes. I wonder how will your gene be modified. This radiation will somehow help you obtain gene mutation. Feel free to thank me properly in your next life. You may not know it, but you are already being electrolude from the very start. I hope your genes would mutate.". Then he start to leasurely enjoy his sit, rotating on a childish mannar.

Meanwhile, someone far away from his house is busy doing his work. Tic,tac,tic,tac, tic... Then he looked at his hands, and there he start to feel something. He paused for awhile and he start to saw electricity flowing on his gun. "What the fuck is happening right now?.". The white lights did start to travel on his ammo, and there he start to feel strange things. " Am I being electrolude with new form of science.".

"Yes mother fucker, I am using a modern advance technology to make you die out of electricity. How am I being like an insult to you?. Its been so long and i love it very much. After all, what I want is a perfectly modified gene. Not someone which is useless and frail. Hahaha.".

With a gun on his hand, somehow static electricity is flowing inside his veins. White lights of different colours are flowing in and put of his veins. It's like a magic of modem physics and modern science. Somehow static electricity is flowing like a wave on his body. Its like an aura filled with electricity. Then the great villain raised his head and there he felt something strange. On his forehead there appear a great pressure of something he could not even tell. Then he realized what the hell is happing unto him. "So am I the modern tesla of the 20th generation. That none of those mother fucker could even afford to do.". Then he smiled and he start to move his hands on his gun and there appear a magic show of electricity. The electricity did start to appear in a white form, sparks of different colour, nah uh, just white lights if you like. It starts to appear like a magic show and the main villain did liked that much. He lowered his head and he start to observe how the static electricity in white light could appear out of his finger like it was a part of him. He looked on his arms there appear a great hairs on standing ovation and he smiled devilishly trying trying say "Fuck you bitches.". Then he start to think of something and he said "How am I going to play with this shit?. Should I fucking merge the bullet and the static electricity that are currently flowing inside my body.". Then he raised his head and he said "A perfect method to die for someone who is innocent and for someone being falsely accused, am i right? Dear fucking scientist.". Then he could feel his skins starting to feel numb. Such numbness did start to penetrate down to his very bones and what a grand architecture he did start to sing his song "Fear runs to your bones, the fear runs to your soul. Blood shall be splattered unto the ground. The king is coming home. Whose next, who among them will be next. Oh I forgot, someone, someone from economic sector should pay for a price. Someone they called as a oligarch.".

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