Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 54: Revenge for his dad

Hot....scorch...hot.... crisp...

Such scene are reflected on one oldmans everyday life. He is bathed with cold sweat from his daily routine farm. On his hand is a galloon water, in just one gulp, half of it were taken. Yet none of those who are near him, nor his sisters or brothers know how weak he is. On his front is a huge portion of land, yet for some reasons, he is not allowed to take any one of it for a harvest. For some reasons his sisters hated him, and for some reasons grudge could kill. Hour, couple, three and four then finally 5 hours of farm routine stopped. With a bolo on his hands and the cut tall grasses beneath his feet, there lies his work for today. For several hours he work his best and With an exhausted body he dragged his foot on his old motorcycle. No one knows, how fatigue works. Fatigue is a stress accumulated on every day routine. Mentally and physically, when he arrive he did received mental fatigue yet none of them knows even I never did knows, later did I know how helpless he is. With a solid back bone on his back and solid determination to live, the old wrinkled hand forced himself on his old shabby house. Yet fatigue is fatigue, finally the oldman did collapsed. No one could take care of him, how could a young man carry a 98 kg old heavy body by himself. Yet he did so and he asked for help on his aunt. Old man can no longer stood up, so he falls unto the ground, much more heavier to 100 kg wooden pile. Yet for some reasons his sisters did not took a pity of him. They all just laughed at him. Yet conscience is conscience. Thanks to my mother, he stood up. He was sent to the doctors hospital entirely weak, he was given booster for 2 weeks. Thanks to my mother, we were able to heal my dad. I heard, his sister did gave him an assistance Yet none we received. How pitiful it is for such family to exist. Likewise, God only knows how dirty they are. When we arrived, the fatty uncle took his dirty hand and almost grab everything unto us. Not this time, how dirty this family line is. Wolves eating wolves. Yet we stood up with out the help of everyone. I proud of it that I killed them with my hands. For I know how dirty they are.

The old villain stood up and he looked at his glock and he start to some bars on it. Then he said "Its time for payback. Finally you died. I could still remember how you trampled him to bits when i am still young.".

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