Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 64: The walking blind

A man brown in skinned, well built and well made, filled with sweat basked under the hot scorching sun is holding his tool mixing a cement and a sand. Then he stood up and he look up at the sun. He started to count the angle of the sun where it stood up and he saw it was merely 9 am. Then he swipe his forehead and he smiled and he said "What a naughty thing, I could see a nude image of inside my head despite of me working under the broad day light. What kind of magic is this, it is clearly not my doing". He swipe his elbow once more and he said "Am I a sinner now. Who among them is imagining things, that I could see inside the head". Then he start to work once more, and he continue to do his work and labour despite seeing things inside the head, despite of being able to see and despite of his labour. He continued to work and work and continue to do his labour. At that moment, the main villain, wearig red with a not great face who knows it well is on his great car and he raised his glass filled with wine. A red liquid crystallised and dangling under the bask of the broad day light did said "What a great vivid memory of the past. The government is as sly as hell. I call their victims myself, the walking blind.". Then he imagined the great man, working in the broad day light able to see things as if some image are appearing on his eyes. He then did said "They call it hallucination". He drinked the red liquid, and he gulped it and he waved his head and he said "i know someone under the poison thing and able to perform such thing, but it is not a hallucination.". He raised his hand and he said "They knows it well, they are doing it, like a pro. And here I am doing business.". He raised his finger once more highlighting the satellite and he added "I hope they could solve the issue". He pointed his finger unto him then he drinker the wine once more and he said "This is why, I hated the government afterall all.". He blinked and he once again wear his mask. "Time for another operation, is he still alive? the walking blind.". Apparently, the man is not all alone, there are more like him. They are hidden in the shadows.

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