Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 65: Chapter Trust Issue

A local town filled with silence and earie appears in the eyes of the young man. Behind him are the cries of those who have died. They all were his witnesses for inside the man is a shred of hatred. "You have to understand when fbi and cia and federal government is watching you. You will have to face the truth, a lunatic if you like". Then there he saw his next victim. The one he calls the walking blind. He pointed his finger unto his target and he said "Look at him, being controlled like a toy.". He closed his eyes and he took a breather and he saw and hear the voices. He said "I pity him, for he is under the so called puppetry. Look at him being fooled.". The man sit unto the ground and there he watch his action and he said "Later, that man will be influenced and be engulf on a so called trust issue. I hate trust issues. Its a deadly venom.". He waited and waited and he observe how the man under the bask of puppetry live his life. "A venom enough to torment someone's life.". He saw a rigid man, clearly bask on a pressure which is not supposed to be around. He was by himself and he was clearly shivering for who knows. But the villain did know, and he could clearly hear it. He watched those that are around the guy and he closed his eyes and he said "My sympathy, and I am aware of this thing.". He stood up and behind him is a sword, two if you like and and on his asses are jumpers tight, tight enough on its side are guns. Then he went out of the crowd and he said "Let me do the work.". In a minute or two, the footsteps of the one vanished. While the man is shivering out of fear, he bravely live and continue to live. Like what the guy did said, trust issue hits, inside the guy. Like anyone else, he too us suffering same fate, the insults inside the head, and the jeering of the crowd. Night time passes by, and the guy stood up. Then he said "Time to sweep this place, time to put justice to that man.". On a certain household, one man and his family is on quarrel, their rummaging and conversations are visible. The loud noises, the screaming, everything were audible. The crashes and the yells, the temper and the noises. A woman barely holding his sons temper and abnormalities is in tears. On her head too there appear an insult that starts to ask of what reality is. The man holding a glock inside the house did heard and he smiled and he said "See, this is what trust issue is.". The asses of the villain was seen and He walked and vanished mid air and he said "Time to visit who are managing this place. For that man is destined to be doomed, be craze, be lunatic, be tortured and live In solitude, as a beggar.". In a minute he vanished mid air. Who knows are the crimes of the villain but he did knows, it is well that there are those who knows such things. They are planned and well made, and the society hit it like a pro. Then on a certain shadow, the man on a mask, is jumping mid air and he said "Time to clean, the place once again.".

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