Fairy Tail: Master Dragneel

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

They were gone.

Natsu stared at the night sky in a daze, his once bright onyx eyes turned dull as if it lost all its life.

And no one can blame him.

They searched for an entire week, hoping to see any trace of Tenrou, or even any trace of their comrades, but there were none. It was as if Tenrou just vanished.

He couldn't even cry right now despite mourning …he guessed that he already dried up his tears after crying so much when they returned from their search and rescue operation.

Despite having no one to rescue.

"Acnologia huh," Natsu clenched his fists, "Just he wait, I will make him pay."

"Then I guess, you should start by getting stronger."

"Who!?" Natsu stood up in vigilance, looking at the place where the source of the sound originated.

His narrowed after seeing a beautiful black haired woman along with a girl around 13 years of age with short pink hair.

Natsu immediately noticed the familiarity of the scent this woman have to that guy he punched back in Galuna Island.

"You're that annoying dude from Galuna!" Said Natsu, "…wait, you're a girl?"

"Indeed I am," she chuckled, "You may call me Ultear, and this little one here is Meredy."

"…what are you doing here?" Asked Natsu.

Ultear stared at, looking guilty and ashamed before she opened her mouth; "I just want to tell you what happened in Tenrou before it was attacked by Acnologia."

"Hm?" Natsu stared at her, confused.

Taking a deep breath, Ultear began explaining everything from the top.



"…I see." Natsu just calmly stared at Ultear and Meredy, "So you decided to quit because Fairy Tail kick your butt huh."

"Well, no …okay, that's kind of true but please don't put it like that. You're making a serious scenario appear comedic." Ultear sighed.

Meredy, who was hiding behind her, couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Ultear glared at her surrogate daughter before turning towards Natsu, "That's all I wanted to say …if you think I deserve it, you can hit me as much as you want and I won't resist. But I won't let you take my life."

Not to mention this is the life that was spared by Gray, and saved by Meredy, she still wanted to atone for the sins she had committed, and she couldn't do that if she's dead. So she will take the beatings, she won't even complain, but she will never allow him to take her life.

"Nah," Natsu smiled at her, "Gray already taught you a lesson, and I can see from your eyes that you have really regretted your actions. There is no need for further violence."

"…How can you even tell? You Fairy Tail mages are weird." Muttered Ultear.

Natsu heard it, but prompted to just ignore it. "So? What are you two planning to do now? If you want, you can stay here for awhile. If you like it you can even join our guild, your previous one was disbanded right?"

Ultear stared at him shock.

Did this man listen to what she said at all? They were clearly enemies, yet why does he look so nonchalant about inviting them to his guild?

Are Fairy Tail mages really idiots? They must be. There's no other explanation for this.

She chuckled, "What a strange man. Really? Inviting your former enemy?"

"Eh, we have history of inviting former enemies." Natsu shrugs, "Gajeel and Juvia were from Phantom Lord, and Bisca was a bandit, so yeah. How about it?"

"…I appreciate the offer," Ultear gave an apologetic smile, "But I cannot. I at least want to travel the world, atoning for my sins. Maybe take down a couple dark guilds or so."

"I see." Natsu smiled, nodding at her. "I respect your choice. But the offer still stands, if one day you feel tired, know that there is a place where you can rest."

"You really know how to charm a lady," Ultear smiled charmingly, "I wonder why you weren't listed amongst Fiore's Most Desirable Male Wizard."

"Never cared about those crap," Natsu shrugs. Honestly, he doesn't know why people found them entertaining.

"Only you." With a chuckle, Ultear turn around, preparing to leave, with Meredy walking beside her.

However, before she could leave, she halted her steps and turned towards Natsu, "By the way, before the whole Tenrou thing, master Hades wanted to send me to the Sun Village to investigate the source of "eternal flame" that the villagers worships. If you want, you may take a look, it might prove useful to you. See you soon, Natsu Dragneel."

Leaving those words, Ultear and Meredy disappeared into the shadows of the night.

Natsu just stared as they disappeared, before staring at the sky, deep in thought.

"Sun Village huh? Guess I'll check it out, it might be another essence flame."



The next day.

Natsu was back to the guild, and noticed that the people seems to have dwindled and he couldn't help but frown.

Did they quit the guild?

Well, it was understandable. For them, they probably just joined Fairy Tail because it was the strongest guild, but now they lost almost all their strongest members, including the Guild Master who was a saint.

In their eyes, it probably won't be long before the council decided that they have enough and forcefully shut down the guild.

"Yo Natsu. Here so early huh?" Wakaba greeted the fire dragon slayer.

"And you're drinking so early," stated Natsu, but he can't blame the man. He was probably drowning in liquor to forget any problems or sorrows he was feeling.

"Where's Happy?" Natsu asked.

When he woke up in their house earlier this morning Happy was already gone. He thought that he was in the guild, but he couldn't find him.

"In the library," replied Warren the telepathy mage, who was tinkering with a communication lacrima at the corner, "he said not to disturb him in the meantime."

"I see." Natsu nodded, before he got curious about what Warren is doing and decided to ask, "what are you doing?"

"I want to see if I can create a Miniature Communication Lacrima, these big guys are so inconvenient." Replied Warren, not taking his eyes off the lacrima.

"Just make it flat and rectangular so it would fit in your pockets without causing much of a bulge." Suggested Natsu.

Warren's eyes widened at that, "That's a fantastic idea! This new communication lacrima will be revolutionary! If we can mass produce it and spread all over the world and we would be filthy rich!"

Natsu ignored him and turned towards the guild.

"By the way, I came here to inform you that I will be going on a trip for a bit. I'll probably be back in a couple of weeks at most." Said Natsu.

"Huh? Where are you going?" Asked Macao, who was drinking with Wakaba.

"Sun Village, there's something I want to see there." Replied Natsu.

"Oh really!? Then can I come!?"

Natsu turned towards the voice and saw Laki Olietta, a pretty girl with pail lavender hair in bowl-cut, wearing a red bow and glasses.

"I don't mind, but why?" Asked Natsu.

"I actually planned on doing this job," Laki smiled and showed him a poster, "It's just a retrieval mission. A certain type of fruit that only grows in the Sun Village."

"Ah, I see. Alright, let's go together then." Said Natsu, nodding at Laki, "But I'm actually already plan on leaving today, are you ready?"

"Yep. Prepared since before the sun rose today, and before it sets yesterday." Said Laki.

"Let's go then." Natsu nodded before turning towards Macao, "If Happy came out of the library tell him I left for Sun Village and that I'll return shortly."

"No probs!" Macao gave a thumbs up.

Natsu turned towards Laki and nodded at her as the two prepared to leave for the Sun Village.

"Ah wait, Natsu!" Warren called out, "We need a new name for this product, but I can't think of any. Since you came up with the idea, can you help me?"

Natsu just waved his hand without looking back, "Not interested. You can do it on your own, have fun!"

"A phone(have fun)?" Warren thought, mumbling it under his breath before deciding that it does roll of the tongue, "What a great name! Then from now on I will call it a phone! Thanks Natsu! I'll make sure to give you credit!"

But Natsu and Laki was already far gone to hear him.

But Warren was still smiling, thinking of the prospects of the Miniature Communication Lacrima, no, the phone. And he knew it will spread like fire in dry leaves in the future!

"Kukuku, a phone!" Warren stared at the lacrima in his hand, "Alright guys! I will be in my home researching for awhile, please do not disturb me!"

With that, Warren bolted out of the guild.

Leaving a behind a stunned hall.

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