Chapter 5: Chapter 5
"Is your friend okay miss?" Asked a staff in the train station.
Laki just smiled at the question, "Oh, he's fine. He's just not good with vehicles."
The staff couldn't help but sweatdrop, "But …we haven't even left yet."
"He's being overdramatic. Please don't let us keep you from doing your work." Said Laki.
"O-Okay," the staff nodded at her, "If it helps, I have some medicine here that can help lessen his sickness while we travel."
Natsu suddenly sat up straight, "They have medicines for motion sickness!? How come I didn't know that?! Why have I suffered so much in my whole life for!?"
"You didn't know?" Laki blinked her eyes, looking a little shocked, "Wow. I just thought you forgot to bring one so you didn't took it before we board the train."
"I didn't …" Natsu almost cried, but he resisted it and held his hand open to the staff, "Can I ask some?"
"Sure." The staff took out the medicines and handed it to Natsu, "Here, you can have them all, I have more anyway."
"You're a lifesaver." Natsu sniffled as he took the medicine before taking one and tossing it to his mouth and leaned back on his seat, "Imma take a nap."
"Thank you." Laki thanked the staff as said staff just nodded before leaving to check other passengers.
Laki turned her gaze back to Natsu, who was now sleeping soundly. This is actually the first time she had gotten so close to him, much less going on the same train ride with him.
She doesn't know why, but despite being guild mates and pretty much family in all but blood, there seems to be something that just separates Natsu and the others(The Tenrou Group) from the rest of the guild.
There were actually times where she wanted to ask Natsu's help for a job, but for some reason she decided to just go alone.
She can't explain it, but it feels like the they and the rest of the guild live in a completely different world.
But now, it seems like that feeling just disappeared. And she was even able to go on a trip with Natsu, THE Natsu.
Though the dragon slayer himself is ignorant of it, he was actually very popular amongst the female in the guild; many find his childlike behavior and bright personality particularly charming.
Granted, he was not as popular as Laxus or Loke, but he still has quite a lot of fangirls.
Laki herself was one of them.
She doesn't know how it started, but she guessed it was probably around the time when Lisanna 'died'.
Everyone in the guild knew of their relationship, and they knew he was as hurt as Mira and Elfman, but despite that, he smiled, cheered up everyone and make them smile.
He brought back the life that was starting to fade in the guild due to the loss of a family member.
Laki couldn't help but admire that quality of his.
"How cute," Laki chuckled seeing Natsu's cute expression as he sleep.
She couldn't resist poking his cheeks, and chuckled at the way he frowned and try to move his head.
"Really cute." She smiled before shaking her head and took out a book, intending to occupy herself until they arrive on their destination.
"Finally! Land!" Natsu exclaimed as he walked out of the train, ignoring the strange gazes directed at him by the other passengers.
"We still need to ride a carriage to Sun Village though," said Laki.
"Urk," Natsu flinched, before turning towards her with a begging expression, "Can't we just walk there?"
"That would take days." Laki sighed, "besides, I still need to meet up with my client. They live near here and said that they will provide us with free transportation."
"Well, let's go then." Natsu relented. He really doesn't want to spend days just walking, "Do you know where they live?"
"It's written on the job's description," said Laki as she took out a paper and showed it to him, "apparently they were rather wealthy."
Natsu took a peek, "The client's name is …Mito Senju? Weird name …are they from Yamato?"
Yamato, the eastern continent known for their oriental culture. Natsu has personally never been there, but he has stayed in a couple of hotels and inn owned by easterners.
The Inn he and his team stayed in during the whole Loke incident was one such example.
"Possibly, I don't really know." Laki fixed her glasses before grabbing her suitcase, "Come on, let's go and meet the client."
"You're giving part of the reward right?" Natsu asked. He forgot that he already ran out of funds …well, he still have his secret stash buried somewhere, but he was saving those.
"Sure. If you helped me on the job." Replied Laki.
Natsu grinned, "No problem. How much is the reward anyway?"
"100 thousand," said Laki, showing Natsu the paper, "And some magic scrolls according to the client."
Natsu narrowed his eyes as he read it, "…Wait, doesn't this say only wood mage can accept this?"
"Yep." Laki smiled at him, "I'm a wood mage. I use the same type of magic as Gray, Maker Magic, just with woods."
"That's pretty cool." Natsu stated.
"Yes. But not as cool as dragon slayer magic." Laki looked at her hands, "Your magic is just so strong …so powerful. Mine was, well, it's not like I hate my magic, I just wished I have something a little stronger."
Natsu stared at her for a few seconds before deciding to karate chop her on the head.
"Ow!" Laki almost stumbled down as she gripped her head in pain and glared at Natsu, "What was that for!?"
"Don't think like that. You are gifted with a strong and beautiful magic, don't think otherwise. If you feel weak then that's on you. Erza only has a Requip, and look how ridiculously strong she is."
Laki stared at him, before pouting, "Don't compare an ordinary person like me to someone like Erza, she's just built different."
Natsu snorted in amusement, "I know right?" He chuckled lightly, "well, all I'm saying is …do not put yourself down, just strive for improvement."
He clenched his and bumped it on her chest as he smile, "I know, buried inside you, lies a heart and spirit of a strong Fairy Tail mage. So believe in yourself, I know one day you'll grow strong and dependable."
"Natsu …" Laki stared at his eyes and couldn't help but smile.
Natsu grinned at her, thinking that he managed to cheer her up.
"If you touched my boobs I will kill you. I hate perverts the most …lucky perverts even more so."
Natsu flinched as he quickly retracted his hand, "I wasn't planning on that I swear! I'm innocent!"
Laki narrowed her eyes, "I don't know. The amount of times Lucy complained about your lack of consideration for personal space makes me doubt you!"
"…" Natsu has no response. Well, he did have issues with personal space. He doesn't think that it was a big deal or anything, it's not like he was hurting anybody right?
Erza was fine with it, Mira too, same goes with Lisanna. Cana also doesn't mind whenever he got close to her and even welcomed it.
That's why he was initially confused why he always got kicked by Lucy.
"Well, I'm just kidding." Laki chuckled as he continued her steps, "You're not the type of guy who'd want to touch some girl's boobs with vile intentions."
"I don't see what's the big deal about touching some boobs." Natsu grumbled, thinking about Macao and Wakaba who once taught him the wonders of a female body.
He get it, sex feels good, but he just can't see what's all the fuss about sex. He would rather go on a mission or find clues about Igneel than stick his dick in someone and grunt for an hour only to get an endorphin rush for the trouble.
"I don't like being watched, much less touched by perverted hands or eyes." Said Laki.
"I see." Natsu merely nodded.
The two walked silently, until Laki halted her steps and turned towards him with a smile, with Natsu just raising a brow in wonder.
"By the way Natsu."
"Thank you." With that, she continued her steps, eyes forward on the road.
Natsu blinked, before smiling as he followed after her,