Chapter 107: Chapter 107 - Relaxing Arc 8
"Arrgh! I really want to do something to kill or atleast make the goddess inside this house feel a suffering! But the barrier that protected this house is really strong and I cannot penetrated it at all no matter how hard I try!"
Mara the demon from the Underworld who have a direct order from Hild the Daimakaichou to harvesting and collecting a negative energy from a human was try super hard to penetrated the barrier made by Belldandy, Shirou, Rin, Sakura and Illya. Because she want to do something bad to Belldandy, but because the Bounded Filed that covering the Emiya Residence was too strong she only wasting her time and energy.
"I heard from Hild-Sama that one of the allmighty daughter was married to some human on Earth. So I decided to give her a visit and making her life on Earth full of suffering, but who would think an ordinary human house woul be protected by a super strong barrier that can absorb my magical energies!"
Mara was feel so tired and feel she was about to die, because her effort was failed. So right now she decided to going home first and then charging back her power.
But before she can do that, a lot of Black keys was stabbed to the ground. And sealed Mara movement. If Mara was in her full power then her chances to free herself from the black keys was big. Sadly ninety percent of her power already consumed.
So Mara cannot freeing herself from the black keys.
"Belldandy told me that soon or later a demon from a demon clan would be come for her and try to make her life on Earth miserable," Shirou said while walking from the front gate and gazing his eyes to Mara. "To think a demon clan would come this fast, thankfully I and my wives are preparing a very strong Bounded field to protect our house. A Bounded field that strong enough to even withstand the power of a godkin or a demonkin."
"You are the human that married to the daughter of chiefgod from the Norse! What did you do to me! Why I cannot move my bodies!" Mara shouted while trying really hard to free herself from the black keys.
"The pointy rod that surround you was the black keys, a special weapon to hunt a supranatural being like you. Especially a demon who have a darkness element," Shirou said while taking out an empty class card that he got from Zelretch, the same card he uses to seal Ehit in Arifureta world. "My current power was not enough to faces you head on, because you are much more stronger than me. That's why I wait until the Bounded field to drain your power until I can stop your movement using the black keys. So I finally can seal you inside this special card or mystic code."
Before Mara can saying more words, Shirou already activated the card and then the card fly into Mara body and then sucking Mara body like a worm hole and then the card was dropped into the ground. Shirou then took the card while smiling, he will give the card to Belldandy and let Belldandy to do anything she want with the card except for releasing the demon.
"So Shirou-san did you finish in sealing the demon?" Asked Belldandy who was waiting for Shirou right in the front of front door.
"Yeah, she did not give me a lot of challenge because her power already drained a lot by the barrier," Answered Shirou while giving the card that sealed Mara to Belldandy. "Do what you want with the card, because those card are useless to me."
"I will send this card to my older sister Urd," Belldandy said while summoning a white dove with magic and then put the card in the mouth og the dove. "As a half demon, she can make more right choices than me a full goddess. And I'm afraid that if I try to do something with this card then I will let my own kindness who was too much to take over my mind anf then I will freeing this demon. That would be bad from me and the human on Earth."
"That was a good decision Belldandy-san," Shirou said while praising his goddess wife. "You not let your mind was taken by your own kindness who was good but to overwhelming to the point in can be bad for yourself."
Inside Goddess helper office, in Urd private quarter.
Urd was just have a packet from her little sister who live on Earth. And those packet, a card with a strong demon sealed inside of it. Urd knew the identity of the demon, because in the past she have a fight againts the demon when she was meet with her in the realm between Makai and god realm.
"So Belldandy husband Emiya Shirou are the one who sealed Mara who can go toe to toe with me, huh? No wonder father choose him as Belldandy husband is he was this capable," Urd said while sighing and looking at to the card that sealig Mara. "This card are strong enough to even sealed father or even my mother Hild the daimakaichou, who was the one that can make a strong magical item like this?"
Urd did not have idea what kind of thing she would to with the card, so she decided for now she would keep the card inside her own personal dimension pocket.
"Sigh, the job inside this office are hard to finish because Belldandy was not here and Skuld was placed in other places because of her obsession to Belldandy," Urd said with another sigh. "If I can made a clone then I can finish the job more faster and easily. But father was forbid me to make a clone because he think using a clone to finish my job as a cheating act! I hope that the replacement for Belldandy would come soon!"
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