Chapter 108: Chapter 108 - The Life at Tohsaka Household
When Shirou and his wives are busy in exploring the multiverse. Archer and his wife, Rin from the Archer EMIYA timeline are living at Tohsaka mansion in peaces. For the last five years, their live can be considered as a peaceful life. Rin job was maintaining the magical leylines at Fuyuki, while Archer was open a Cafe who only open three times a week in the outskirt of Fuyuki. The husband and wifes are blessed with two children one boy and one girl, the boy was born three years priors while the girl are born just recently.
For Archer and his wifes the life with two children in Tohsaka mansion are just like a dreams they would never reach in their entire life. Because both Archer and his wife Rin life before they arrived in the current timeline was full of suffering and hardship.
Archer must endure a torture from Alaya after he become a Counter Guardian. Archer was forced to kill a lot of human, even though he did not want to kill an inoccence human. He lost count how many lives he already killed, for the sake of preserving humanity. For Archer preserving humanity by killing another human was justified for Alaya to satisfied her killing habit.
While Rin who was tied by red string of fate with Archer. Must to search for Archer from one dimension to more other dimension until she can found the right dimension where she would meet her Shirou. Rin was spending hundred of years in seach for the correct dimension, and the suffering she must to endure was a lot. If not because her body was stopped from aging because of the Elixir of youth she accidentally drink in on of the dimension she visit, maybe Rin cannot achieved her long life goal.
"Seriously Shirou, you did spoiled Sakura too much and now Kai was pouted in the corner of this room, because you are not doing the same thing to him," Rin said with a sigh while looking at Archer. "If you love both them equally please treated them the same!"
"Ah, sorry sorry, I was focusing my attention to Sakura too much, to the point I forgot to taking care of Kai," Archer said while saying sorry to his wife. "Oii Kai come here! Let your father pat you head!"
When Archer son, who weirdy resemble Shirou when he was a little kid but having Rin dark raven hair. Heard his father words Kai was move very fast until he was arrived in front of Archer. He bow down his body a little a pointing his head to Archer and then said;
"Please Papa, pat my head! Your pat maybe not as good as Mama patting, but it still making me happy being patting by Papa."
Archer sighing a bit and then patting his son head slowly.
For Archer who think himself as the greatest sinner of humanity, having a normal life was the most blessed thing he could only achieve in dreams.
Tohsaka Rin from the universe where Emiya Shirou become a Counter Guardian was feel really happy with her current life. For centuries, because of her fate was tied with Archer EMIYA she must to faces a lot of suffering. At first she feel really angry to her husband who sell his soul to the devil for a stupid dreams becoming humanity prime Hero of Justice. Because of her husband, Rin life was screwed. But everything was changed when one days she accidentally come to Unlimited Blade Works route dimension.
In those dimension, Rin can see how much determination her husband have to free himself from Alaya cluth by trying to kill his super duper stubborn younger self. Even though her husband was failed to get what he want, she atleast sure that her husband was also feel regret about his stupid choices making a deal with the devil.
Rin purpose at first was to cut the red string of fate between her and Archer. But after she knew that her husband have a deep regret by making deal with Alaya and leaving her behind.
Rin purpose was change into saving her husband from Alaya. Sure it was almost impossible mission, but Rin realized that Alaya was not an absolute existence. Because Alaya was a devil or a demon that was shaped by humanity fear of death. So there must be a way to make Alaya erased from existence, and just like she predicted. Suddenly one day, Alaya and Gaia was destroyed by a highest existence in the Omiverse that even herself cannot see or fathom.
She was told by her teacher that the main core of her husband soul already reincarnated into a dimension full of living pantheon by the highest existence in the Omniverse to do some job. And to go to that dimension, Rin also must to send the main core of her soul. She happily sending her main core soul into those dimension, as long as she can be with her husband. What has left within her body was a fragment of her main soul and her own consciousness.
Rin soul fragment already going to the dimension where her husband main core soul reincarnation. But the current Rin was still want to have a good and normal life with her husband so she still searching for the dimension where she can found the fragment of her husband soul.
Rin then found the correct dimension where she can found one of the soul core of her husband has been summoned and then giving her husband a full life bodies so that her husband can have a good life for a second times.
After that they renew they vow as husband and wives and live at Tohsaka Mansion. Because the other Rin choose to live in the Emiya Residence, she once again become the Second Owner of Fuyuki and also fulltime household wife. Finally after hundred of years suffering Rin can get her dreams come true.
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