Chapter 2: Allies
It's been some time since, and the family was settling in well, taking their rightful place as the premier new elites in town and planning a ball of all things. Something mother grew to like upon watching some of the more classical movies available.
Finn could hardly stand it when his mother came to him for support as his siblings eyed him disdainfully once more for taking his place beside her as he once did.
Of course, Kol was quick with the usual juvenile remarks, with Niklaus smirking by his side and Elijah and Rebekah echoing whatever put them in his good graces.
It was sickening how easily they all fell back into their routine.
Little did they know what was coming for them, all of them.
With everyone distracted, he managed to get his hands on the daggers and the ash. Now all he had to do was play his part well and none would be the wiser.
The only thing standing in his way now was his lack of common knowledge of this time. He had to quickly brush up and learn everything he could about all the new stuff, like cars, phones, and computers. How could humans create such magical things without magic, he was impressed.
Heading out for a few days after telling the others he needed time to explore this new world. He went out for a bit and learned about it up close and personal.
However, that wasn't his entire purpose for sneaking away while the rest of his siblings settled with their mother.
He'd take a page from Niklaus's book and find some witch allies. Something he seemed to have forgotten since becoming a hybrid, thinking he was the strongest alive. His hubris now matched only by his paranoia.
Catching a ride out of town after compelling a passing vehicle's occupant, cars such a useful thing, he began his search for a coven. One not too strong nor too weak, with just enough ambition to accept his offer.
Locating nearby vamps, he eventually found the information he was searching for and compelled them to harass but under no circumstance permanently harm them. He would have these random vamps ruin their peace of mind, making them more susceptible to his deal.
Back at Mystic Falls.
In the private study, he found his mother going through the old grimoires, searching through spells.
"Finn, I'm glad you're back, we have much to plan," she said without looking up.
"So, you intend to go through with it?" asked Finn.
"Yes," she confirmed, "From what little I've learned from you and your siblings gave me enough reason to delve back into my books and search for answers, and what I've learned is horrific. To think my children would become such monsters, and that my spell would have an unintended side effect of letting them create others like them, a plague upon all mankind. A mistake that must be rectified."
"It's my responsibility to fix this, I can't allow these atrocities to continue," she said resolutely, her finger following a line of text.
And he was all for it, but why did she have to include him in her spell? What harm has he committed? He thought with a frown. Forgetting his creation of Sage, believing she perished along with his capture, unaware that some of those vampires out there come from his own line.
He walks up beside her. Looking over her shoulder, he breaks the silence, "Mother, I've learned much these past few days, one of which is the Bennett girl, a witch with as much potential as you, or so I hear."
"Indeed," she didn't deny it. The Bennett witch was the one to wake her after Nik had her put into a sleeping stasis by a powerful coven all those years ago.
"Perhaps it would be best for you to create a magical protection amulet that I could wear to guard against such threats," he said.
She pauses her work and looks at him curiously, "And why would she go against us? She'd want this as much as anyone, to get rid of this evil plague that's done nothing but ruin her life and the lives of her friends."
"Niklaus won't be swayed for long. Your plans won't escape his paranoia, and when they do, he'll use all sorts of means to stop us, and don't forget she's befriended two of the demons," he argued.
"You have a point," she said thoughtfully.
"And in any case, when all is said and done, it can be left to the Doppelganger to hide and protect her against any future threats that might wish to replicate your great feat," he persuaded.
"Hm, alright. I'll work on it when I'm not busy. For now, see to it that the Doppelganger gets her invitation," she said, returning to her books.
"It will be done," he said leaving the room.
Hoping enough time had passed to not draw suspicion upon himself, he risked taking the free time he was granted to deliver the message to make contact with the coven he found.
It was unfortunate he didn't have time to do it the right way.
Arriving outside their compound in the dead of night. He met up with the vamps he compelled, adding their new friends, to begin another round of harassment, increasing their aggressiveness this time around.
And though the witches fought back, the vamps were as numerous as they were relentless.
He watched from a distance away, waiting for his chance to intervene.
"Why, why won't these fucking monsters leave us alone!? What did we do to them!?" screamed one of the witches, hurling fireballs from the second-story window at the approaching vamps while the other core members behind her chanted.
Sadly, their speed and skills were lacking compared to the vamps, who zipped around, damaging property and slaughtering those they employed.
"Cynthia! NO! I'll kill you! die, die, die already," screamed a young witch flinging magical death with every wave of her hand. The invisible strikes were nearly impossible to dodge, blasting holes in and limbs off every vamp she hit.
When the witches inside finished their chant a wave of magical force swept out, washing over every vamp that soon dropped to the ground screaming in agony as their skin began to melt as if touched by acid.
Taking the chance to finish things, a couple of the braver witches stepped out with fiery hands and began spewing flames like a flamethrower, turning the nearest ones into ash.
The vamps furthest back recovered first and continued their attack.
A couple went straight for the witches and were burned for their efforts. Another tried to sneak around and didn't fare much better. A fourth having judged the width of the flame and the movement of the hands managed to fare better. Using his superior speed, he closed the gap, running along the side of the wall, leaping at them.
And right when the witch saw her life flash through her eyes, hands of flames unable to track its speed, a blur streaked past removing its head and then sped by again killing the rest one by one, tearing out each of their hearts until none remained.
"Who goes there!?" shouted her sister next to her.
Finn stepped out of the shadows, wiping his hands on a handkerchief, "Do not be alarmed, I mean you no harm. I was tracking a couple of these vamps when I discovered this. Are you aware of why they were here?" He asked tossing the bloodied garment.
"As if I got a fucking clue, assholes showed up a week back and haven't let us rest since. Now who the fuck are you, and why the fuck did you help us vampire!" screamed the other witch.
"Calm sister, I would be dead if not for him," said the witch he saved, placing her hand on her sister's shoulder.
"Tch," Clicking her tongue indigently, she lowered her hands of flames and allowed them to go out.
"As I said, I was tracking a couple of them, and let's just say they deserved far worse than they got, and so to any friends of theirs. I had no problem stepping in and helping prevent any more atrocities. Allow me to introduce myself, the name's Finn, at your service," giving a small bow, "A shame we couldn't meet under better circumstances."
"I'd say," spat the aggressive one, "So tell us, Finn, why shouldn't we end you like we did them?" she asked, still feeling rather prickly about dealing with any more vampires.
"You mean besides the fact I saved you?" he asked amusedly.
She had enough tact to look ashamed but didn't back down, "Yeah, besides that, everyone knows a good vamp is a dead vamp."
Finn grinned, "Now that we can agree on. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't fed on humans in 900 years, and I'm not about to start now."
They gasped.
"900 years, I don't think I've even heard of any that old," said an older woman stepping out to join the sisters.
"And you are?" asked Finn.
"Oh, where are our manners, I'm Mary, this is Ana, and this is Eva," she introduced, Eva being the kinder one he saved.
"Charmed," said Finn.
Ana narrowed her eyes at him.
"900 years is a long time. It's easier to understand now how you took them out so easily. You must have seen and experienced so much over the years. Would you like to come in? I could give you some tea. I believe vampires can still drink things other than blood, don't they?" she asked, inviting him in.
He gave a nod.
"Are you crazy?! You don't invite vampires inside your house!" Ana snapped.
"Ana, did you just yell at me?" Mary asked in a calm kindly voice that still somehow projected a dangerous underlying chilling tone.
Ana nervously laughed, scratching the back of her head. "No, I wouldn't dare. Please don't mind me. I trust you have everything well in hand."
"Why thank you, dear. Finn, this way please," said Mary leading him in.
Stepping in, he couldn't help but be surprised at how clean and modern everything was compared to what he knew of witches of the past.
Even his mother wasn't the neatest back then with all her ingredients, books, and pots.
"Welcome to The Elder Grove Coven," said Mary.
Inside, five other witches greeted him cautiously as Mary led him to the kitchen. In all, there were eight, Mary the oldest and leader with her two close companions near in age, next were the three middle-aged women, including the two sisters, and then two young adults.
"I'm sorry dear, did you say you can drink things other than blood?" she questioned putting a kettle on.
"We can, and even eat if we must," he answered.
Waving him to sit, Mary finished making the tea and served it, sitting opposite him. The rest were standing nearby in case anything went wrong.
"Thanks," he said taking a sip before placing it back down, "Have you had so little contact with vampires that you don't know this basic information?" He couldn't help but ask.
Mary sighed, "Our ancestors set up protections long ago to prevent vampires from ever stepping foot here. It's only recently that the protections have failed since our conflict with another rising coven has escalated. Raiding us for our grimoires when we refused to share our knowledge."
"Can't you replace the protections?" asked an intrigued Finn.
Another sigh escaped her lips, "Knowledge of those spells has regrettably been lost, though we could try and implement similar, I fear they wouldn't be near as effective and only serve to deter them from coming here and not outright stop them."
"Better than nothing," muttered one of the witches.
Ignoring her, Mary continued, "So, what can we do for you as thanks for your help today?"
Finn leaned back, "Tell me, what do you know about the Mikaelson's?" he asked not expecting much.
Mary placed her cup down, "That fairy tale? I've heard of it, why?"
"It's no fairy tale, the Mikaelson's are very real and they're back. This vampire attack was no coincidence, they've been sending similar groups out to consolidate power. Led by a rabid hybrid that wants nothing more than to rule the world through whatever means possible," said Finn deadly serious.
"And that's not the worst of it, for their mother, the creator of this demonic plague has also returned. Awoken from her magical sleep, she is working on a spell, unbeknownst to the rest of her family, that would make the vampires look like playthings. This cannot be allowed. Every one of them is an evil that must be stamped out before it grows too big."
"This, is hard to believe," said Mary not liking where this was going.
"Do you have proof?" asked Betty, one of the older members.
"You yourselves said you've never heard of a vampire as old as me, and while I can't prove my age easily, you'll find no records of me existing today. There's a reason why very few vampires claim to be older than a few centuries, for there are none older than the Mikaelson's, the originals, born just over a millennia ago," he said.
"You, you make a lot of sense. Speak plainly what do you want of us?" asked Mary wearily.
"I would like for us to become allies. You would help me with magical problems and in return, I'll help protect you when you need me and bring you magical tomes I find. If you have a sheet of paper, I can give you a sample of some of the magical knowledge I possess," said Finn.
Mary waved her hand, and a sheet of paper and pen flew over.
Finn drew a simple yet complex spell design that would serve as more than enough proof of his claims.
Sliding it over, Mary took a look, "This, this is incredible, the design is so simple, yet the way it's woven together... " losing herself in her thoughts as the others tried to catch a glimpse of what was drawn.
"The potential of this alone," she muttered, peeking up at him.
"Alright Finn, I don't know if I believe you fully, but this is more than enough for us to become allies," said Mary, folding it up and pocketing it, ignoring the other's curious glares.
When he left, they argued.
"You don't really believe him, do you? I bet he's the one who sent that group of vampires after us," Ana accused angrily.
Instead of answering, Mary took out the folded sheet and handed it over for them to view.
"Sending vamps at us is a strange way to make allies if true, but as far as I'm concerned no harm was done, and with this new alliance we can make massive profits if we play this right," Mary persuaded.
"You forget Cynthia," growled Lucia.
"I forget nothing!" Yelled Mary slamming her hand down, making them flinch, "I choose to look forward not back, and unless any have proof of his wrongdoings, this is our best chance to step up in the world. And if you need more than that wonder in your hands to convince you, we can test him against The Night Garden. Are we agreed?"
They hesitantly agreed.
10 Advanced Chapters can be found at my -