Chapter 7: 7. New Master
As the meeting of the Jedi Council drew to a close, Mace Windu broke the silence to make a final request.
"With your permission, I would like to tell the Council one last thing," he said in a determined tone. Yoda narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Mace Windu curiously. "Say it, Master Windu. Listening, we all are, aren't we?"
Mace Windu took a deep breath and continued. "We have all noticed the rapid progress in the training of Kael Valen and Obi-Wan Kenobi. To make the most of Kael's potential, I would like to take him on as a Padawan." The council members looked at each other in surprise at these words.
Ki-Adi-Mundi raised her eyebrows and said, "The boy is too young, Mace. Do you think he is ready to be a Padawan?"
Everyone was sure of Kael's abilities, but they didn't like the idea of taking him as a Padawan.
If a Master Jedi could take Kael as his Padawan, he could forge a deep bond with someone who could become one of the most powerful Jedi of the future and gain a supporter for himself.
Plo Koon shook his head. "Kael's abilities are impressive, but such early responsibility may be too much for him. Shouldn't he have more training and guidance while he is still so young?"
Yoda said thoughtfully, "Young, Kael is. But great potential, he has. Think carefully and not waste time, we must."
Mace Windu continued determinedly. "I understand, but Kael's talents and ability to learn quickly are truly extraordinary. We can channel his potential in the best possible way. With my guidance, he can handle the responsibility. As you know, my last Padawan became a Jedi a long time ago. I think it is time for me to take on a new Padawan, and I think it would be better for young Kael to be the Padawan of a Jedi Master than a regular Jedi."
However, Plo Koon did not hesitate to express his doubts. "Mace, your abilities and guidance are unquestionable, but this boy may be too young to bear the responsibilities of a Padawan. Is it right to burden him with such a responsibility?"
Yoda nodded thoughtfully, "Hmmm, watch and guide, he should. Young, but promising, he is."
The other members of the council were also thoughtful, but Mace Windu's determination and faith in Kael slowly began to convince them. Those who were not convinced could find no rational reason to refuse. You can't just say, 'I want to take him as a Padawan. That would be absurd.
Encouraged by the looks of Mace Windu, Yoda and the others, he continued. "We can make the best use of Kael's talents and potential. I believe he will make a great contribution to the Jedi Order, and under my guidance he will grow in both training and discipline."
Yoda thought one last time and then nodded his head in agreement. "Very well, Master Windu. Watch and guide carefully, he must. But if this responsibility, he bears, careful, you must be."
Mace Windu, grateful for Yoda's agreement, said, "Thank you, Yoda. We will determine the best course for Kael's training."
The council members accepted Mace Windu's suggestion and adjourned the meeting. Some of them were unhappy, but they had to leave before they could say anything.
Yoda, though seemingly neutral, actually supported Windu in this decision.
Six months had passed, and Kael was undergoing intensive training under the guidance of Mace Windu. Kael had not seen his friend Obi-Wan and Master Qui-Gon Jinn in a long time.
Mace Windu not only gave Kael the lightsaber, but also Kael's training in the Force.
Under his guidance, Kael had begun to learn not only Form VI, but also Form VII, which he had not taught to everyone. Mace had greatly improved this technique for his own use and called this variation 'Vaapad'. The reason he normally did not teach this technique to anyone was because it involved the use of the dark side of the Force.
Although Kael learned the technique at an abnormal speed, he learned it more slowly than he should have because Master Windu preferred to teach him slowly. If he made a mistake, he could lead Kael closer to the dark path and damage his Force balance.
Mace Windu and Kael stood facing each other in a secret training area of the Temple. Mace Windu showed Kael the techniques for using the lightsaber. "Form VI, Niman, is a balanced technique for both offense and defense. " said Mace Windu.
"I understand, Master Windu," Kael said, watching his master closely.
Mace Windu made a series of quick attacks to test Kael's skills. Kael successfully parried the attacks, practicing the techniques his master had shown him. "Good work, Kael. Now we will move on to Form VII," Mace Windu said.
Kael's eyes lit up. Form VII, also known as Juyo, was very complex and powerful. He knew that Mace Windu did not teach this form to everyone.
What Kael didn't know was that his master had also taught him the improved version.
"Form VII is an aggressive and powerful technique. However, it is very important to maintain inner balance and peace when using this form. You must channel the Force in the right way without giving in to the dark side," Mace Windu said.
Kael took a deep breath and began to practice the techniques Mace Windu had shown him. The fast and aggressive movements of Form VII required Kael's full attention and energy.
Mace Windu watched Kael's every move carefully, making corrections when necessary, and after a while Kael was able to counter Mace Windu's attacks. "You are making good progress, Kael. But remember, it is very important to control your emotions when using this form," Mace Windu said.
Kael remembered his master's advice and said, "Yes, Master Windu. I will continue to control my emotions," he said.
Master Windu always trusted Kael's word, for Kael was a Padawan who kept every promise he made, even when it seemed easy.
Mace Windu patted Kael on the shoulder and said, "I am proud of you, Kael. Continue your training and keep improving."
Kael had made great strides under Mace Windu's guidance. His control of the Force increased, he mastered lightsaber techniques and began to learn Form VII. But along the way, he missed his friend Obi-Wan and his Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Kael always tried to ignore his longing, as part of his training he tried to control every emotion.
After six intense months under the guidance of Mace Windu, Kael had greatly improved his skills with the Force. Kael's progress was not limited to his physical abilities; he had also developed greatly mentally and emotionally. As part of Kael's training, Mace Windu had taught him the depths and uses of the Force.
Kael was able to harness the Force by harnessing his anger, and he was able to use some Force techniques that ordinary Jedi could not. At Master Windu's request, he kept these techniques secret so that no other Jedi could learn them.
A few weeks later, Mace Windu and Kael were training in a quiet and peaceful garden of the temple. Mace Windu had given Kael a series of challenging tasks to hone his telekinetic skills. "Lift these stones with the Force and move them slowly," Mace Windu said, pointing with his eyes to stones of various sizes.
The rocks Windu was pointing to were not ordinary rocks. They were small, heavy stones for Jedi training. Together they weighed over a ton.
Taking a deep breath, Kael focused and raised his hands slightly. One by one he lifted the stones into the air and tried to feel the Force. Starting with the smaller stones, he gradually began to move the larger ones. This improvement in his ability to use the Force was the result of his ability to find inner balance and focus.
As Mace Windu watched Kael's accomplishment, he said, "You have done well, Kael. Your telekinetic skills have improved greatly. Now work on a larger object.
Following Mace Windu's instructions, Kael attempted to levitate a larger boulder. Deepening his mental focus, he slowly lifted the large boulder into the air. Mace Windu nodded in satisfaction as he watched Kael accomplish this feat.
In fact, if Kael could feel anger when he used the Force, the weight he could lift would be greatly increased.
"Excellent, Kael. Now demonstrate your ability to push and pull objects with the Force," said Mace Windu.
Following Mace Windu's instructions, Kael began using the Force to push and pull various objects around him. Starting with small rocks, he gradually moved on to larger objects. This ability allowed Kael to be more effective in battle and training.
Kael's previous Force training had been on a single object, but now his training was to use the Force on multiple objects at once.
In another training session, Kael worked on meditation techniques under the guidance of Mace Windu. Mace Windu stressed to Kael the importance of finding mental clarity and inner peace. "Meditation is a fundamental skill for feeling and channeling the Force. Calm your mind and feel the Force," said Mace Windu.
Kael began to meditate and took a deep breath. Closing his eyes, he calmed his mind and focused on feeling the Force. As he meditated, Kael's mental clarity increased and his connection to the Force strengthened.
As Mace Windu watched Kael meditate, he said, "You are doing well, Kael. Mental clarity and inner peace are the keys to using the Force.
When Kael finished meditating, he lay down on the floor and looked up at the ceiling. This seemed simple, but it took a great deal of energy.
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