Force in The Witcher

Chapter 8: 8. First Mission

A new day began at the Jedi Temple. The Jedi Council had received important information about a growing threat in the galaxy. The Council decided to assign Mace Windu and Kael to investigate the threat and bring the situation under control.

Originally they did not want to give them this assignment, but Yoda convinced them to do so because he wanted Kael to gain experience.

Kael was meditating in the training area of the temple when Mace Windu approached him. "Kael, are you ready? The Council has given us an important mission. This will be a great opportunity for you to use what you have learned," Mace Windu said in a determined tone.

Kael turned to his master and said, "I am ready, Master Windu. What is our mission?"

Kael was excited because he had not been out of the temple since he came into this world, but he did not show it.

Mace Windu summarized the situation for Kael. "There is a movement in a distant corner of the galaxy that we believe is connected to the dark side of the Sith. We must investigate and intervene if necessary. This mission will be an opportunity to use the Force and show off your lightsaber skills."

Windu thought they would be hunting a common Sith on this mission. There were no known Sith Lords in that era. From time to time a few weak Sith caused trouble.

Kael nodded with excitement and determination. "I am ready to fight the dark side of the Sith, Master. I will use my strength and skills to the best of my ability."

Mace Windu, appreciating Kael's determination, said, "Good. Let us leave immediately," he said.

But Kael was only eight years old, which was extremely young for a Padawan. Most padawans were only in basic training at that age. Kael's being sent on this mission brought with it the thought that he might be dangerous.

As preparations were being made for the mission, Qui-Gon Jinn intervened. "Mace, it is not right for Kael to be sent on a mission like this at such a young age. He is still a child. This mission could be dangerous for him," he said worriedly.

Windu listened to Qui-Gon's concerns and replied calmly. "I am not sending him alone, he will go with me. All I ask is that he follow me as I complete the mission."

After a moment of thought, Qui-Gon saw Mace Windu's determination and faith in Kael. "If you are so sure, you should keep an eye on him. We do not know the extent of the Sith's power there," he finally said.

Mace Windu thanked him, "Thank you, Qui-Gon, for your good intentions and advice. I will see to Kael's safety as best I can."


"Hey, Kael. I hear you're going on an important mission with Master Windu," Obi-Wan said in a slightly jealous tone.

Kael smiled, recognizing his friend's jealousy. "Yes, Obi-Wan. There's something in a far corner of the galaxy that we think is connected to the dark side of the Force. We're going to investigate," he said excitedly.

Obi-Wan turned to Kael and said, "Really? Isn't that wonderful, but a little dangerous? Besides, you're younger than me and you're going on such an important mission. I'll stay here and keep working," he said with some bitterness.

Kael understood his friend's feelings and tried to comfort him. "Obi-Wan, I miss working with you too, but this mission will be a chance to use what I've learned. And I'll tell you all about it when I get back. Who knows, maybe we'll be together on the next mission," he said friendly.

Obi-Wan relaxed a little at Kael's words. "I hope so, Kael. But be careful, okay? These missions can be very dangerous," he said worriedly.

Kael patted Obi-Wan's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Obi-Wan. Master Windu will be with me to guide me."

Obi-Wan smiled at Kael's reassuring words. "All right, Kael. I will be waiting for you. May the Force be with you."

Kael said goodbye to Obi-Wan and returned to Mace Windu. He was ready for the mission, and Obi-Wan's friendship gave him strength.

Mace Windu and Kael made the necessary preparations before leaving the Jedi Temple. Mace Windu thought of every detail to ensure Kael's safety.

Once the preparations for the mission were complete, the two made their way to the Jedi Temple hangar. There were many different types of ships in the hangar, but Mace Windu preferred his personal ship. "This ship has served us well on our missions, Kael. Are you ready?"

"I am ready, Master Windu," Kael replied, his eyes shining. The two boarded the ship and took their seats. Mace Windu activated the ship's controls and entered the necessary coordinates. The ship's engines started with a slight vibration.

The ship rose slowly out of the Jedi Temple hangar and left the atmosphere. Looking out of the ship's window, Kael couldn't suppress the excitement he felt as he passed through the stars. "Master, I have never seen so clearly how big the galaxy is," he said in awe.

Mace Windu smiled and said, "Yes, Kael. The galaxy is vast and there are many secrets to be discovered. But now we must focus on our mission," Mace Windu told Kael the details of the mission. "Dark Force energy has been detected on a planet in the farthest reaches of the galaxy. We will go there to observe the situation and take whatever action is necessary," he said.

"Can there not be people like us who can harness the power of both the light and the dark side?" Kael was curious to know the answer to that question. He himself had sometimes used the dark side of the Force in training, but the Jedi Council hadn't told him anything about it.

"There may be. If so, we will report it. If it's a Sith we meet, we'll deal with it." Windu didn't think he would ever meet someone who used both the light and dark sides of the Force. It was rare, but if he did, he wouldn't kill them.

"So, Master, I've been using the dark side in my training. Does the Jedi Council know about it?" Axel had always thought that only his master knew.

"It's not a problem because we train in the same place. They probably think I'm the one using the dark side of the Force." Windu continued to answer his young Padawan's questions as he looked out into the darkness of space.

After a long journey, the ship entered orbit around the target planet. Mace Windu prepared for landing and said, "Kael, we're coming in for a landing. Be ready," he said.

"I am ready, Master Windu," Kael said as he settled into his seat.

It was foggy as they arrived at the planet they were to visit for the mission, a planet of trees, water and life. The communities here were made up of extremely primitive creatures. They were extremely weak because they lived in tribes and fought with wooden weapons.

After disembarking, they took a look around. Windu had read reports about the planet before going there, so he knew enough about it.

They walked towards the place where the connection to the dark side of the Force was felt. "Be careful, Kael. This area can be dangerous," Mace Windu said, scanning the area with his eyes. I understand, Master. I will be alert," Kael said, carefully following his master's instructions.

A little further on, they came to an area where the fog was thinning. The Force was denser here than where they had just come from. A Force user must have been here recently. Windu led the way and Kael followed.

As they moved forward together, a dark figure appeared in front of them.

This figure had the aura of the dark side of the Force, so it was clearly the Sith they were looking for. Instead of fleeing, he had come to fight back.

Kael wanted to put his skills to the test, but he was a little scared because this would be his first real battle. Kael's lightsaber was a Padawan's and much weaker than a Jedi's.

Since Kael didn't have a real lightsaber yet, there was no way he could participate in this battle.

Mace Windu drew his lightsaber and said, "Watch me carefully, Padawan. Watch me carefully, Padawan." Mace Windu.

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