Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 91: Revelry of Reality

I have been making a mistake with regards to point gains... Sorry... Freya earns points from sales (half of the price as points gained from that purchase), but also for every two hours a player plays her games... Essentially, I was underestimating the total of points she could be earning and low-balling it. As it stands, she would be gaining between 5 billion points and 39 billion points per week. I have fixed this issues within this chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience once again.


After bringing all of the mutants and force sensitives to the new city which I was tenuously calling Astralis Haven, I spent some time speaking with the HK droids. All of them were working overtime to organise everything, with massive automated farms for over 100,000,000 people activating and pumping out food as quickly as possible. Some points were invested into it, but the process didn't really need it as the environmental controls allowed for exacerbated generation cycles.

Meat was off the menu for now, but that would be solved as people began working to earn money. Not to mention the trade that would start occurring between Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Rockhampton with this new dominating city around Ayers Rock and my Star Destroyer. 

My work was interrupted however when Magneto walked into a meeting room on the Star Destroyer, my Spartans guarding him wearily as behind him a woman with perfectly blue skin looked me up and down.

"Freya? I suppose..." His voice was ragged and worn, the wound on his stomach hidden behind freshly cleaned clothes. Eyes that were far too cold for an older man bored into my own.

Chuckling I put down the data pad that I was using to make a new update for SWTOR, the pad itself turning into shadowy mist as my system consumed it back into itself.

"Yes, in the flesh. Now, your purpose? Magneto." His right eyelid twitched as his suddenly looked much older, a weight resided itself on his shoulder, I could tell. But none of that was important amidst the sheer pressure of personality that he attempted to place upon me, from a position of utter conviction. 

"Are you supporting our organisation?" The question lingered on the air, like a vulture that was just waiting for a freshly made corpse.

"I would wish that there would be no need for your organisation here. Force Sensitives, Mutants, Inhumans, Metahumans, all are brothers and sister to one another. Whilst they gain their powers from different places, all of them have suffered under oppression of those too afraid about losing power."

Mystique, the blue woman behind Magneto, blinked slowly. Looking at her aura I could see and feel clear signs of relief, of haggardness barely supressed beneath the surface, they had been fighting a war with barely any support for so long that they were crushing themselves.

Magneto's emotions were shielded to me; his helm back upon his head. I could not see his aura or even feel his emotions. That was fine though, I didn't need it for someone so simple.

"What about the humans you now rule over? Will they share this same perspective?"

I hummed at that... It was a tricky question. On one hand humans were heavily biased towards themselves, preferring their own species and races over others. On the other, they were heavily communal and wished to be part of a larger whole... Education would be essential in bridging these two sides and showing that these other 'species' were actually just evolutions of human and like them in most ways.

"Currently? No, they will not accept you all... The majority of them. But, with education, they can be brought around to it. This is why I made a city for you all in the middle of nowhere, self sustaining and peaceful."

He licked his lips slightly and narrowed his eyes, nodding his head after a while.

"I see, you intend to create a society which can coexist and live with all of our 'groups'."

"Certainly! Because I could technically be classified as a mutant." I opened my palm and gathered shadows into my hand whilst in the other hand I created a small drifting current of psychic energy that just ebbed and flowed around my hand.

Magento widened his eyes at my display before nodding, his next breath stable as a small smile creeped onto his face.

"Most unique..." He stared at my powers for a little while, transfixed in his inner thoughts, before breaking contact with them and looking into my eyes. I had done this in the past, this was him trying to sense my true goals.

"Is that all? Please, feel free to form your group once more if you think it is necessary... but here, I don't think it is needed. I will be watching and my people will be as well." Magneto merely stared at me before nodding deeply, walking out of the room with Mystique in tow. 

"Nice to meet you Freya. You are much better than my old friend..." The door closed as Cassian and Garrick followed the two out. His words lingering for several second in my mind before I shrugged and pulled out the tablet once more.

'The Story of Revan should be added next, perhaps some rather interesting interactions with the world between worlds and the Sith Emperor?'

I jotted down my ideas and worked away at adapting my new update. Information and experience wove itself into me as my clones shut down for the day. My jutsu repertoire was expanding exponentially as several clones worked away at fire techniques and lightning. At this time I could blast fireballs out from my mouth and then summon a rain of fire if I so wished. Mixed with lightning abilities such as Chidori and lightning bolts I could create a fire-storm of epic proportions over a mile radius. It wasn't anywhere near Naruto or Sasuke at the end of their arcs, but I could at least contend with Hokage somewhat.

My magic studies however were completed... The Transmutation book and Enchantment magic perfected completely as I dedicated multiple clones to this effort. My system popped up as I consumed this knowledge. 

[Points: 321,269,003] (Author note: She spent 100,000,000P on farms and enhancements for them)


12 pack of Light Bulbs- (1P down from 2P)

 Computer Screen (5P down from 10P)

Anti-Demon Sword (100,000P down from 200,000P) 

2014 Destroyer (100,000P down from 900,000P)

Engagement Rings- Contractual-(5,000,000P)

Empire Builder System Upgrade (1,000,000,000P down from 5,000,000,000P) 

---BATTLEPASS, Journeyman Level---

* Own Two Fate-Style Servants * : 1 Experience Card [COMPLETED]

*Create Five more games* : 5,000,000,000 Points [COMPLETED]

* Level Up 20 Times* : 200 Billion USD [COMPLETED]

* Upgrade The 'HUB' into a Reality Engine* : 1 Godly Item

* Topple the Kabal of Corrupt Organisations* : 200 Skill points

*Lose Your Virginity* : A good time, Blessing Upgrade [COMPLETED]

*Merge the Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines* : Sage Mode Unlock, Mangekyo Evolution [COMPLETED]

* Have 1 Billion people play your game* : 10,000,000,000 Points, Augma from SAO [COMPLETED]

* Purposefully Master a Power, Ability, Energy Type or Super Power by yourself* : High-Servant combining any historical figure's mysteries [COMPLETED]

*Learn a Complete Magic System from Someone* : Psycho-Magical Energy Evolution [COMPLETED]


 I gained a new reward for mastering two forms of magic, the new Servant waiting for me to summon it forth... But I already had more people than I needed. High Servants were unneeded currently and wouldn't aid me much given Niccolo's presence, Artoria's and Twitch's steadfast support.

'System, is there a way to turn in this reward for point instead? Perhaps enough points to get a Reality Engine?'

{User has the option to forfeit this reward for a large amount of points... This would mean that the next tier of the Battle Pass will be increased to 'HELL' difficulty.}

'I-i don't know what to think of that... Will it mean that I need to introduce more games and powers to this multiverse?'

{Future Missions are currently unknowable. Possibility suggests that you would perhaps need to make many more games for the next tier.}

Frowning I contemplated it...

'Will I get enough points to buy the reality engine game hub?'


'DO IT!'

{Very Well... Negotiating with the cogitators...}

Minutes passed in silence whilst I watched three dots jump up and down within the panel of my system. The wait made me sick, but it was necessary, otherwise I wouldn't be able to purchase the Apprentice RE Gaming Hub for 100,000,000,000,000P

{The System Creator: &(!^&%*^ *ERROR*, has given you 100,000,000,000,000 Points to purchase this Reality Engine. In recompense, the missions you will be asked to complete next time will be doubled and their difficulty will skyrocket to a level never before seen by yourself and most previous users.}

'Purchase the Reality Engine.'

{Purchase has been made... Welcome to Godhood}

Reality flashed before my eyes as I witnessed my games turn into realities.



Odin sat on the throne as he and his wife discussed the petulant malarkey of their two sons. The boys had barely been sitting down for but a few days, maybe a week, before they set off on some grand quest of discovery.

Heimdal had informed him not two days prior that his boys had made landfall in Midgard. They used an old root of Yggdrasil, the life tree, to traverse down there. Their goal was unknown currently, his ravens currently scouring this world to figure out who or what they may have been going there to see.

"Husband, you do not need to worry about them. They are grown men and need to stake a claim upon the nine realms..."

Odin turned to his wife, the lovely Frigga. She was as beautiful and as wise as the first day he had met her, perhaps more so now. If the sun was the thing that gave life to mortals, than she was the light that guided his life and brought peace to his old wounds.

"I understand, that urge. I just do not wish for them to be so lacking in faith that they cannot come forwards and ask me to go on an adventure." The woman cocked her head to the side and shook it back and forth.

"They don't lack faith husband, they merely wish to prove to you that what you once did, they too can do. That they too have foresight and a wish to aid the nine realms." He felt that some part of that sentence rung true, whilst the other half was flirtations with the truth.

"Thor does it so he may claim the throne in a 'manly' way... Loki, well, from what I understand of the boy, he wishes not to rule but only to learn magic and protect those he loves."

The two remained in silence before Frigga exhaled, a small grin collecting on her celestial face.

"Then both take purely after you... Though I will claim Loki's interest in magic as a part of my line."

Odin laughed at that, his levity filling the throne room as the guards remained perfectly still, used to their godking talking with his wife in-between petitions. 

"Yes my wife, I will openly state that Loki's prowess with magic is due to you and yours. I would claim however that Thor's stubborn streak does remind me of you sometimes." She laughed now, her fingers pinching the side of his arm before turning away in mock insult.

"I only act stubborn if you are being a lout."

"A lout you say? Who was the one to tell Loki about the roots of Yggdrasil?"

She blushed faintly as the godking smiled cheekily, almost like a young boy in love.

"Oh, stop it." She tried to wat him away but failed as he took her hands and leaned in, giving a tender kiss before moving back and setting himself comfortable on his throne.

"That is why you are my only love, Frigga." He sighed as she huffed, a smile cracking her façade. 

A pulse exploded through the Odin force as a new deity had been added to his pantheon. He stood up with immense power, his single good eye turning rainbow coloured as his sight went beyond what was normally his own. Rose petals murmured amongst the background noise his vision as strawberries and various other fruits grew in splendour. A woman with cobalt hair stood at the end of this path, two women standing by her side pregnant as she knelt before them and cooed her affections.


The vision changed. A battlefield that felt beyond time, beyond normal space emerged. At the end of this battlefield that same woman stood, a sword within her hands as all of the light within reality gathered into her grasp... Spears, Swords, Ranged weapons of advanced and primitive design lay scattered around the battlefield as this woman's single movement cleaved the image from his vision...


A hand held above countless worlds, the same woman now a puppet master. She held the strings out to an infinite amount of realms and worlds, nine of them eerily familiar to him. Each cord thickened and grew. Then all at once those cords became permanent and fed into her, her mouth cracking open in exultation.


He now stood at the stairs of realities never seen. A man with an energy sword hack at a man with a similar device. These two men fought in earnest before being struck down by that same woman, her face haggard as a power that he had only felt recently billowed out of her as if she were its representation. His lungs felt cold, his heart slowed its beating as she slowly walked up to him amidst his vision, her consciousness summoned for this single moment. 

"Hello Father."


He dropped back onto his throne, his wife rushing over to him in worry as her sorcery tickled over his skin like feathers. Sweat pooled at the top of his head and beaded in the tendrils of beard that sat upon his wizened face.

"HUSBAND!" Her voice though worried sounded like the distant songs of birds upon Asgard and the soothing crashing of water from its' waterfalls.

"I-i am fine... I just received a vision... is all..." His words came somewhat laboured as his mind replayed every vision, a connection once humble and discordant upon Midgard growing to a tumultuous tide.

"What did you see...?" Her words were more a whisper now than ever before as she looked simultaneously worried and curious at his state. 

"A new god has joined our pantheon. Freya."


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