Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 92: A God Rises

A tree rose before me as a screen emerged...

| Skill Points: 1000 |

|Skill Paths:

Path of Nature

Level 1: +60% Damage with Nature-based Abilities.

Level 2: +80% Damage, +10% Resistance to Nature-based Attacks.

Level 3: +100% Damage, Passive Health Regeneration in Natural Environments.

Level 4: Gain the ability to summon a Nature Spirit once per day.

Level 5: Gain Elemental Affinity—Become immune to natural poisons and weather effects.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Mind

Level 1: +60% Damage/Control over Psychic Abilities/Powers/Superpowers. [Purchased]

Level 2: +80% Effectiveness of Psychic Attacks, +10% Resistance to Mental Attacks. [Purchased]

Level 3: +100% Effectiveness, Minor Telekinetic Ability.

Level 4: Gain Mind Shield—Immunity to low-level mind control.

Level 5: Unlock True Telepathy—Able to communicate mentally over vast distances.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Trickster

Level 1: +110% Charisma Bonus, +60% Coerciveness. [Purchased]

Level 2: Gain the ability to craft perfect disguises. [Purchased]

Level 3: Gain a 10% chance to evade detection even when spotted.

Level 4: Mind Games—Minor probability manipulation in social situations.

Level 5: Reality Mirage—Once per day, create an illusion indistinguishable from reality. Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Einherjar

Level 1: +20% Damage Reduction, +20% Life Span, +20% Physical Statistics. [Purchased]

Level 2: Gain Battle Tenacity—Cannot be stunned or knocked unconscious in combat. [Purchased]

Level 3: +30% Strength, +30% Endurance.

Level 4: Warrior's Resilience—Heal minor wounds mid-battle.

Level 5: Ascendant Berserker—Unleash full physical potential once per day for a brief period.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Paragon

Level 1: +30% to All Attributes when Facing a Weaker Opponent. [Purchased]

Level 2: +50% Strength and Speed Against Opponents with 50% of Your Power. [Purchased]

Level 3: Unshakable Presence—Cannot be intimidated or demoralized.

Level 4: Heroic Will—Ignore pain and fatigue temporarily.

Level 5: Supreme Leader—Allies near you gain a +10% stat boost.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Revenant

Level 1: +10% Chance to Return from Death at 50% Power, +50% Damage when Near Death. [Purchased]

Level 2: Undying Will—Survive fatal blows if HP is above 10%.

Level 3: +100% Damage when Below 20% HP

Level 4: Spectral Endurance—Take 50% less damage while on the brink of death.

Level 5: Rebirth—Once per lifetime, return from death at full strength.

Skill Point Cost:(Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Titan

Level 1:+30% Increase in Size, +40% Physical Power, -10% Speed.

Level 2: Gain the ability to temporarily grow even larger.

Level 3: +50% Physical Resistance to Damage.

Level 4: Earthshaker—Your strikes create minor shockwaves.

Level 5: Titanic Form—Once per day, double in size and power for one minute

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Arcane

Level 1:+50% Effectiveness of Spells, -10% Physical Defense.

Level 2: Faster Mana Regeneration.

Level 3: Unlock a Minor Arcane Ward—Reduces incoming magic damage by 10%.

Level 4: Spell Mastery—Casting speed increased by 25%.

Level 5: Arcane Overload—Once per day, double the effectiveness of all spells for one minute.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Leviathan

Level 1: +30% Control Over Water, +50% Power in Oceanic Environments.

Level 2: Can breathe underwater indefinitely.

Level 3: Gain minor hydrokinesis—Control water in a limited radius.

Level 4: Tidal Fury—Increase water-based attack potency by 50%.

Level 5: Tempest Incarnate—Once per day, summon a localized storm.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Null

Level 1: +5% Chance to Negate an Enemy's Ability, +20% Resistance to All Magical Effects. Level 2: Passive Aura of Interference—Weakens enemy magic within a small radius.

Level 3: Gain Arcane Nullification—Small chance to completely dispel incoming spells. Level 4: Anti-Magic Burst—Once per day, create a field that disables all magic briefly. Level 5: Absolute Null—Resist or negate a major magical effect once per week.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Warped

Level 1: +50% Damage in the Presence of a Chaotic or Anomalous Energy Source.

Level 2: +70% Damage, +10% Resistance to Reality Distortions.

Level 3: +90% Damage, Small Chance to Create Minor Anomalies Upon Attack.

Level 4: Warped Instinct—Occasionally predict and react to unstable reality shifts.

Level 5: Entropic Surge—Unleash a burst of chaotic energy, dealing unpredictable effects.Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Ghost

Level 1: +50% Evasion, +20% Resistance to Physical Attacks, -30% Presence Detection. Level 2: +70% Evasion, +30% Resistance, +10% Speed in Dim Environments.

Level 3: +90% Evasion, +50% Resistance, Passive Unphased (Occasionally slip through attacks).

Level 4: Phantom Veil—Become temporarily invisible after avoiding an attack.

Level 5: Spectral Form—Pass through solid objects and become immune to non-magical attacks.Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Celestial

Level 1: +50% Power to Holy/Light Abilities, +30% Resistance to Corruption.

Level 2: +70% Power, +50% Resistance, Gain a Minor Healing Aura.

Level 3: +90% Power, +70% Resistance, Divine Smite deals increased damage to evil entities.

Level 4: Celestial Radiance—Temporarily blind foes in your presence.

Level 5: Wings of Ascension—Gain flight and immunity to curses.Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP) 

Path of the Hellborn

Level 1: +50% Power to Demonic Abilities, +20% Fire Resistance, -10% Morality Bias.

Level 2: +70% Power, +30% Fire Resistance, Passive Heat Generation.

Level 3: +90% Power, +50% Fire Resistance, Immunity to Fear Effects.

Level 4: Infernal Pact—Summon a minor demonic entity once per day.

Level 5: Unholy Transformation—Temporarily take on a higher demonic form with enhanced power.Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Immortal

Level 1: +20% Reduction in Fatal Damage Taken, +5% Lifespan per Upgrade.

Level 2: +30% Reduction, +10% Lifespan, Small Chance to Resist Fatal Blows.

Level 3: +40% Reduction, +20% Lifespan, Passive Regeneration.

Level 4: Death's Defiance—Survive lethal blows once per week.

Level 5: True Immortality—Your soul can regenerate a new body over time.Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 3 SP, Lvl 2: 6 SP, Lvl 3: 9 SP, Lvl 4: 12 SP, Lvl 5: 15 SP)

Path of the Reaper

Level 1: +10% Instant Kill Chance on Enemies Below 15% Health, +40% Damage to Fearful Targets.

Level 2: +15% Instant Kill Chance, +50% Damage, Passive Aura of Dread.

Level 3: +20% Instant Kill Chance, +60% Damage, Resistance to Death Magic.

Level 4: Soul Harvest—Steal a portion of an enemy's life force upon a kill.

Level 5: Death's Embrace—You can temporarily assume a spectral form to finish off weakened enemies.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Vampire

Level 1: +10% Regeneration Speed, Enhanced Senses in Low Light

Level 2: +20% Damage, Ability to Drain Health from Victims with a Bite

Level 3: +30% Damage, Increased Regeneration, Can use Domination

Level 4: Night's Embrace—All darkness abilities +100% damage at night time

Level 5: Vampire's Bloodlust—Gain Massive Power Boost After Draining Health from an EnemySkill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)

Path of the Witch

Level 1: +10% Magic Damage, Minor Manipulation of Natural Forces (Wind, Earth, etc.)

Level 2: +20% Magic Damage, Can Cast Minor Hexes to Weaken Enemies

Level 3: +30% Magic Damage, Ability to Summon a Familiar for Assistance

Level 4: Witch's Cunning—Basic Immunity to Mind Control and Manipulation

Level 5: Curse of the Abyss—Binds a charm to the user, increasing the physical appearance of the user beyond whatever level they are at

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2 SP, Lvl 2: 4 SP, Lvl 3: 6 SP, Lvl 4: 8 SP, Lvl 5: 10 SP)|

With the swelling of points I purchased all of them. Light shone through the tree as roots pierced into me and vanished without leaving a scratch, my first paths now being completed as new ones unlocked. 

| Skill Points: 460 |

Fangs extended from my teeth as all of the tattoos on my body turned to salt, including my command seals. This salt then submerged into my skin before coagulating on my eyelids and on my lips, highlighting these areas a white so pure that it almost repelled every other colour around me. At the same time as I gained a make-over I noted black eyeliner, though it wasn't actually eyeliner, spreading below my eye, giving my fractal eyes a frame that felt mystical. Small scythe tattoos poked out of the 'eyeliner', the tattoos themselves looking two dimensional but acting third dimensional.

Two sets of wings spread from my back, one set pitch black, the other the same white that now draped itself over my eyelids. Rainbow energy slid over their exterior feathers whilst the distant cries of battle were heard by me... People were dying somewhere, fighting for the sake of Valhalla. This was when my eyes gained even more depth, the entire iris, pupil and sclera gaining a fourth dimensional depth to them as fractal three dimensional shapes flittered forwards and backwards in time within.

In my chest I felt my heart pump as it warped and changed. Magic filled it but also was vanquished from it, the two opposing forces clashing until the depth of the ocean's waves and wisdom poured in to fill the gaps... A dragon's heartbeat burst through my ears and mind, the coiling of a truly enormous serpent unfolding within my mind's eye amidst the cacophonous breaking of every bone, muscle and fibre within my body...

All of my form broke, yet it didn't hurt. Pain was for other species I felt deep inside of my soul as two earrings formed upon my ears, made purely from my own DNA. Shaped like crosses and consuming the previous passive trainers I had on my person, this new part of myself exploded throughout me... They were the cores of my Titan-self, the path giving me everything a Titan from creation would have had; strength wise and biologically speaking. 

With finality my body was reborn, completely spotless of all damage as my appearance morphed into perfection, the witch path turning my already enhanced looks into a truly divine masterpiece. Cobalt locks of hair fluttered around me despite there being no wind, nature adhering to my commands in a basic sense. Framing my entire body was golden light, the images of dice and cards splaying out behind me as my concept empowerments went from foreign powers to fully embraced domains.

First was the concept of Gaming and Game creation, which took form in my aura. The second was my Norse heritage and belief... Clothes formed on my body in green and golden light as a spark of some sort flickered to life within me, some strand of distant esoteric genetics entering into me, giving me a newfound physical power that went beyond the norm and surged with a deep bond that pulsed with someone on Earth.

Laurels of pure green and gold now sat upon my head as two simple horns of gold curled upwards, pointing towards the sky as if wanting to spear it.

|Higher Paths unlocked|

|Higher Path Options

Higher Path of the Arcane – The Arch-Magus of Infinity

Level 1: Magic no longer has a hard limit for you—cast freely.

Level 2: Spellcasting speed is tripled, and mana regeneration is drastically increased. Level 3: Arcane Manipulation allows you to restructure and rewrite spells.

Level 4: Reality-Shaper—You can impose your will upon the laws of magic.

Level 5: The Infinite Grimoire—Gain access to all magic that has ever existed within the universe you currently reside.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 200 SP, Lvl 2: 400 SP, Lvl 3: 600 SP, Lvl 4: 800 SP, Lvl 5: 1000 SP)

Higher Path of the Null – The End of All Things

Level 1: Total immunity to magic, energy, and supernatural forces.

Level 2: Passive nullification of enemy abilities within a moderate radius.

Level 3: Your attacks now erase energy and matter alike upon impact.

Level 4: Absolute Negation—You can deactivate an ability or spell permanently.

Level 5: Void Ascendant—You exist outside of reality, unaffected by its rules.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 2,000 SP, Lvl 2: 4,000 SP, Lvl 3: 6,000 SP, Lvl 4: 8,000 SP, Lvl 5: 10,000 SP)

Higher Path of the Ghost – The Void Stalker

Level 1: Permanently exist partially outside of reality, making you extremely hard to detect.

Level 2: Your movement ignores friction and terrain-based restrictions.

Level 3: Phantom Veil now grants total invisibility when standing still.

Level 4: Eclipsing Step—Allows for instant movement between two points in shadow. Level 5: True Spectral Ascendance—Exist simultaneously in multiple locations, attacking from multiple angles at once.

Skill Point Cost: (Lvl 1: 200 SP, Lvl 2: 400 SP, Lvl 3: 600 SP, Lvl 4: 800 SP, Lvl 5: 1000 SP) |

|More will unlock when you gain more points|

I willed for the first level of the Arch Magus, my laurels sparking in a flare of magic as several cobalt coloured leaves alit. My heart thrummed as mana poured in unceasingly, the feeling soothing and comfortable.

{User has ascended to Godhood within the Norse Pantheon. Odin has been informed of your rise... Now issuing a reward for the mission completed in the Battlepass; please complete the last mission as soon as possible.}

I groaned as I now looked through space, my entire body glowing a faint fae silver as the varying path-runes gathered in the black and white of my eyeshadow. Moving my eyes, though the need to was non-existent now; within this space, I watched as the system churned away and a firework display went off in front of me. Watching each of these colours cascade through the space that was my soul I felt something attach to me, a biological change that immediately burrowed through my the very core of my body and embedded itself deep within the heart of my new body.

{Godly Item/ Biological Empowerment, has attached to the user's body.}

{The Quirk: Apex Genesis, has bonded to your very being}

{Information- Apex Genesis is an evolution-based Quirk that enables the user to continuously adapt and grow in every aspect of their being—physical, mental, and environmental—by drawing on the principle of natural evolution. This Quirk allows the user to accelerate their own development, surpassing typical limits, and constantly evolving to become a more perfect version of themselves. Over time, they gain enhanced physical abilities, advanced cognitive skills, and an unparalleled resistance to environmental factors. Long-Term Growth: The longer the user survives and learns from their experiences, the more powerful they become, eventually reaching post-human levels of physical, mental, and sensory abilities.} 

(Author Note: Post-Human is a term that I am using to describe the limits beyond humans in any universe... Which also includes Gods and entities like Death.)

As soon as it attached fully i felt every power I had hum at its command as I immediately gained the ability to fully comprehend all of Reed's intelligence. The magic learnt from my clones immediately solidified as I now held my hand out and transmuted the very air in my hand into varying compounds that could be useful.

Chakra within my body exploded in potency as every second it summersaulted through my chakra points it grew larger and more robust. I could now cast hundreds of shadow clones... every hour, on the hour. The force felt closer than ever as the power sapped from the Dark Side was bonded into me, the essence of it merging with my black eyeliner and making my scythe tattoos glow a slightly ominous crimson-green. 

Finally was my psychic power which exploded to such a point that I gained total control over my mind's processes and felt a nigh-impenetrable shield surrounding it. Xavier felt like a bitch now...

I sighed out and simply took a step forwards, my body emerging into the apartment I called home. 

The sound of glass shattering resounded off of the Apartment's floor when Susan and Artoria both dropped their glasses of juice. My eyes flashed and I raised my hand, the entire breakage stopping and reversing as the juice cleaned itself of any pathogens or dirt and simply recollected within the cups.

Both now stood there, perplexed, as they felt their grip let go of the glasses yet not fall from their hands.

"Morning my lovely ladies!" I ran over to them and hugged them, my cheeks burying themselves in their breasts. 

'This is the life!'


I know there was a lot of skill stuff this chapter, but I didn't want to puss out on you all with the specifics... So there you go, you now know the paths she currently has access to.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and I wish you all continue to enjoy.


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