Chapter 94: Not a Car Theatre...
My hands interlaced with my women's as we walked down a street in my new reality hub. People walked past, our particular brand of beauty shocking many passers-by. Both my women had styled their hair in beautiful braids. Susan's was light braid that just passed behind her ear whilst the rest of her beautiful locks floated freely to her mid-back. Artoria, well, she couldn't break from tradition and simply placed her hair into a French braid that melded into an intricate bun of her golden-blonde silken hairs.
No make-up or other fake bullshit graced their features, making me swoon for them even harder as they both stayed as close to me as they could manage and still be able to walk. This contact made me have indecent thought, especially just after the session this morning, but that would have to wait till later.
"This place, has change a lot..." Susan commented on our surroundings, her lips widening just a touch at the grandeur of this space.
It was hard to truly grasp the changes that had occurred once this space had gone from hub to reality engine. Firstly, the reality engine was bound completely to my soul, residing as a seed within my physical body. This meant that my physical body outside was doing other things whilst my wives and the majority of my soul were here. If that wasn't enough, this space now lacked the NPCs that I had created... or should I say, it had them, but they were actual people now. Every person was now real and beyond that, the space itself was a real world. Smell, touch and all other senses were physically real to the soul now. Souls had somehow placed themselves within the NPCs and they all now lived in actual worlds.
So... As we walked through the Tokyo-Cyberpunk themed district of the 'hub' there was an actual grittiness to our steps. The pebbles on the ground could grind against the traction of our boots as friction pulled small fragments of said boots and scraped it thinly over the bitumen below. Smells of cooking percolated through the atmosphere whilst the sounds of distant thrumming engines and mechanics, that I had placed personally, rebounded off of vast steel and titanium skyscrapers that glowed with an ethereal but futuristic neon light source.
Players were still a thing in this space... the teleportation tunnels, as the locals called them, allowing the 'adventurers', as they too called the players, to travel to other realms and places. Speaking of players, most of them were astounded by the changes. People were streaming about it constantly and more importantly gloating about how they got on the trend first... Which attracted more people funnily enough.
I sighed my thoughts away. "Yes it has changed so much. I didn't think a reality engine meant something like this." Artoria squeezed my hand as Susan quickly purchased some kebabs. She passed them out evenly before taking a nibble from one herself, her cheeks swelling as she let out a small moan of pleasure.
"This is so good~!" She swiftly finished off the rest as she noted that I wasn't able to hold my own, a mistaken take that I had plotted for as I refused to use my telekinesis in the hopes she would feed me... And she had taken the bait perfectly.
"Love, open your mouth." I flashed a coy expression, my eyebrows waggling for a little until she pouted and let go of my hand, stopping our walk and then grabbing my cheeks. She pulled my mouth apart before stuffing one of the kebabs in my mouth. The meat slid off onto my tongue as umami and the taste of barbeque stimulated my hunger.
"Mmmm, that's good." I spoke around the food within my mouth, earning a small chuckle from Susan who began shaking her head softly; as if I was the silliest person she'd ever met, whilst Artoria rubbed circular patterns on the back of my hand as she didn't wish to let go.
I swallowed the food and flashed a toothy grin, my fangs lightly extending and detracting as I took Susan's hand once more, leaning down and kissing it in the same motion.
"Where are you taking us, my love?" Artoria was slightly more formal about it, but she had demolished the kebabs before either of us had and the faint blush on her cheeks told me how much she was enjoying this.
"!" I drawled out my worlds as I cheekily smiled at her, my tongue poking out like I had seen in anime; an embarrassing gesture but one I would only show to those I cared about.
(Susan's Perspective)
The day had become strange since our wife's appearance earlier in the day... Yes I considered her my wife, as I couldn't see myself with anyone else at this point. She had emerged with a vampire's fangs but the regality of a monarch... Her height had increased to the point that she was now a head taller than her and more than that she had gained something that made her heart race at the merest glance at her.
Although distracting, the feeling was also thrilling. It was as if I had abandoned all of my woes and stepped into a bright future with someone who truly loved me, for me... It didn't seem quite real sometimes, watching as she kissed my hand, her rose-petal coloured lips curving up into a mischievous smile that made me want to scoop her up and make love to her all night...
Blinking at the thought I began to blush. 'Why am I having so many of these thoughts today!? Get a hold of yourself Susan.' The name 'Susan' was still a pain for me, but it was also one that I cherished coming from the lips of the woman who had saved me from, 'him'.
"Surprise. I see, then let us go to this surprise." Artoria, the woman who I had spent little time with but had become a sister to me, she was unique. The woman wasn't nearly as attractive as Freya but there was something deep there, I swear I could feel the pulsing of love, or something, deep inside my heart. Every time I looked at her it thumped my chest and poked at my insides, like the tongue of Freya when she was feeling particularly active.
My interaction with her this morning had been intense and fresh for us. The first night where we had slept together, our actions were guided by Freya more than anything and the flow of the night took us on its currents. The feeling of her tongue intertwining with my own whilst Freya took care of both of us had been nauseatingly comfortable.
'I still want them both...'
My revelation was halted abruptly though by the simultaneous realization that I had started to wet my own underwear and that my wives suddenly stopped in front of a cyan building that glowed with varying pink neon holograms.
"~Tadahhhh~" Freya, the love of my life, spun to face the two of us as her hands moved back and forth, her form lightly leant forwards as her legs crossed one another. "Welcome to the aquarium of Tokyo-Hub!"
My eyes leapt at that, I hadn't ever been to an aquarium and honestly never saw myself going to one seeing as he disliked most of the animals in there. She had never gotten to understand why there was a fear present within him, but it was there and whenever she suggested going on a date to one, well, he'd turn it down. 'How did she know!?'
Panic did flutter through me, her gaze meeting me as her eyes gained a glassiness to them that betrayed her wife's sadness that this had triggered the memory of him again. I didn't want to remember him while with her, it just happened sometimes, when topics were brought up. 'I'm a horrible girlfriend... wife... aren't I...?' tears threatened to spill from the depths of my heart but I didn't want to hurt them both anymore.
Without warning I was wrapped in warmth as Artoria and Freya wrapped me up in an embracing hug. Both kissed me, one after another, as my wife and my girlfriend whispered sweet nothings into my ears. 'I-why couldn't I just hold out for one day...?' Sniffles began to wrack my nose as I felt all puffy from the water that now dripped freely from my eyes.
"Ah-I- what's wrong honey!? D-do you not want to go in? We can choose somewhere else, if you'd like?" Freya was worrying about her... She liked the feeling of being cared for, but hated how she was hurting the one who had saved her from herself.
"N-no! I-i do want to go... I've always wanted to go in... But he always denied me..." Anger flashed through her wife's eyes before it receded and I was swept into a singular all encompassing hug by her... Why were her hugs always affective?
"Then we will definitely go. I will not let this man linger on your thoughts anymore, you are mine and Artoria's forevermore, not his, he is gone. Come..." She dragged me by my hand, my heart leaping from my chest as Artoria pushed her forwards also. ' I, I want to forget him too...'
(Artoria's Perspective)
Never in all of my life had I seen a woman so dismayed and wounded by a former lover's actions. Nay, a former fiancé's immoral actions. Even on my original world and in my original timeline there were few who felt as deeply as this woman before me, who i pushed forwards to follow our lover, or, should I say... betrothed? My own thoughts were chaotic on the matter, the loneliness still lingering in the ebbs and flows of my own thoughts.
But digressing from myself... This woman was absolutely stunning, an obvious pick for a queen should one be able to clean away the scarring of her former relationship. Intelligence sheathed itself around her like a suit of armour, empathy billowed around it like a cloak of the finest silks and her inner strength poured from her eyes despite the tears that currently marred their surface. In all of my former life and my current life, I hadn't felt proud about much. Susan, was different, this relationship was different.
Every second I spent with my love Freya, or my love Susan, it was as if I were stuck in a perpetual dawn. The sun rising over fog-laden and darkness-swallowed hills and plains, shedding a permanent happiness though the lands that I called home, sweet Britannia. Their smiles were akin to the rainbows formed after the showers of rain that were so common there. Their hugs an embrace from divinity that I had gotten so used to as the wielder of Excalibur. My soul felt complete here. I would do anything for these two loves of mine... Even if it meant plunging this entire world into the same state that her previous had succumb to.
"I-i can walk myself..." Mine and Freya's queen mewled under my strong guidance, her eyes flickering back to me wistfully.
"Of course, my love. Do not fret on the past, look to the future, It gets better if you do..." My words could of course be ignored, or in Susan's case attempted, it would take time however.
She blushed towards me, my lips pulling back into my mouth as I lightly bit down on the inside of my lips, looking away in embarrassment. Never had I felt this in Britannia... Even having Mordred as I did, was more of a stately affair than anything else. 'This, what was I supposed to do here!?' As a servant I shouldn't have been able to feel these things or dream of doing these things and yet Freya had allowed me the opportunity and saved me from eternal damnation upon an empty world. How was I supposed to react?
Freya slipped back between us and moved her hands to the small of our backs suddenly, her speed challenging for me to even notice. Although the mood had been soured somewhat, she still held that undaunted smile and confidence... It was exactly the same expression that made me swoon for her and join this relationship with them both. I had found my home finally.
"My Honeybuns, let's enjoy the day and forget about the past, yeah?"
The date went perfectly besides the small hiccup at the beginning. Susan and Artoria took to the tour like fish to water; the pun was intended.
Susan dashed around the place, marvelling at the dolphins as they played within the depths of their enclosure. She wouldn't stop speaking about how they operated as a group and played games in the ocean, her descriptions even going down into the sonar that they apparently had within their heads... It was really damned attractive to see her like that...
Artoria joined her in excitement as many of these exhibits showed animals that had never come close to Britannia before. In particular she was taken by the stingrays and jellyfish, their colours glimmering off of her golden eyes whilst her hands pressed against the glass. Susan joined her at this exhibit also, grabbing Artoria's hand whilst she knelt down and played with a stingray that pressed its little nose onto said glass.
I joined them both and lightly played with some of the settings to urge the stingray to come over and start swimming around playfully. My little ploy succeeded as they squealed in excitement and pulled me in as well, hugging me as we all watched these harmless creatures glide around their natural habitat in spirals.
"Woooow~" Artoria intoned cutely as a stingray glimmered in the light that penetrated the glass, fractal rainbow patterns smattering the edges of her face. Looking at her I gave her deep kiss, winking, before turning back to Susan who was listing interesting facts whilst following one of them with her eyes... She was enjoying it in her own way, haha.
"Look at this, just look at it!" Susan exclaimed, eyes wide with wonder as the stingray glided past. "That body is practically liquid! Those pectoral fins, more like wings, undulate so smoothly it's like it's flying underwater." A huge grin spread across her face as she pointed to another.
"See the eyes? Right on top. It can't even see what's beneath it, but that's what the electroreceptors on its snout are for, like built-in sonar!" She watched as it pirouetted downward, reacting to a smaller fish darting past at an insane pace.
The sudden movement startled the stingray, sending it swirling in a flurry of motion. "Look at that! That barb isn't for attack, just defence. It's all just... perfectly designed." She exhaled in captivation, only to jolt slightly as Artoria poked both of them and pointed toward the shark exhibit.
I was lucky that I had cut off all access to this building except for me and my women today... Otherwise the shark exhibit would most likely be surrounded by hundreds of people... Susan, just as much as Artoria, yanked me over to the large shark tank.
From tiger sharks to hammerhead sharks, this tank had every species known to man. All of the predators inside jittered and moved side to side as food was deposited from above, the creatures entering into a frenzy and fighting one another for the single source of food. Susan broke down each of their features again whilst Artoria simply watched her utterances with a calmness that made me love her even more.
My gaze was noticed however and she smiled brightly, kneeling down beside Susan as she pulled her closer and pointed out some features that Artoria quickly began nodding at. Happiness flooded through me at the sight of them both enjoying their time... This is what I wanted my life to be like, calm, full of love and enjoyable. All of this was possible because of games...
'God I love them so much!' Before I could fall into my thoughts Susan looked back and yanked me down, making me tumble next to her as she hugged me closer, talking about a small species of shark.
Peace fell over me as I submitted to her whims.
I have a poll in discord asking multiple things, but I thought I would put it here as well (Please leave a comment with you answers; it is multiple answer poll):
Out of all of these women, who would you prefer to be with Freya!?
1-Female Loki
2-Black Widow
4-Emma Frost
6-Poison Ivy
7-Super Girl
8-Talia Al Ghul
9-Bat Girl (Batman's Daughter -19years old)
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