Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 98: Finally, we are Gaming again...

After visiting Yuna and giving her my contact info I teleported back home, using the new ability that my quirk had given me. I emerged in my office, stepping into my apartment there after. 

Susan and Artoria, my women, were sitting at the table completely tired out, our activities last night having been quite intense. Neither of them noticed me stalking up to them until I unleashed hundreds of kisses along their cheeks and on their lips, giggles consuming their moods as I sat down with them and chewed into bacon and eggs, cooked by Susan no doubt.

I spent the rest of the morning with them before they both took off. Susan was going on a girls' trip with Hayley who had apparently liked some of the stores in Canberra and invited my cute little wife to do some shopping. Giving her kisses she blushed her way out of the door. Artoria however, had other plans, she was going to meet up with Twitch who had been rather lonely considering we hadn't returned to New York yet. Yet again kisses were dispensed and she left with a fresh blush and a somewhat goofy smile.

And, that left me with fuck all to do, except toy with my games for the first time in what felt like ages!

Running over to my desk I cracked my knuckles and began inspecting my games, bug reports and multiple other aspects. Most of it was cleared, the reality engine auto-repairing any issues, but I still checked and personally amended some systems within SWTOR and even Fall Out. 

Checking out Fall Out in specific, I found that each player's, 'single player game', was technically a parallel universe to one another. It was completely intriguing! Studying the concept brought very little to me, but it was interesting to me. There was a feeling within me telling me that there was something to be learnt, but, I couldn't find that yet... So I moved on.

SWTOR was completely different. The 'game' had become a persistent universe that was influenced by the 'adventurers' or as they were known by me, gamers. All of the Star Wars Galaxy was now completely real within the engine and was changing based upon the character's personalities and the actions of the gamers. It now actually mimicked real life. 

There were issues though... As there always were... 

These issues were mainly the manufacturing systems available to the gamers. They were all basic and lacked finesse. Grinning at that, I booted up the game designer again and started to type away...

An hour later...  And now there was a ship creation system that mimicked character creation but for ships. Lightsabers now had an extensive design system that came with choices of Kyber Crystal. Blasters could be designed and patented, set for automatic production and sold to the major powers in the game. Droids flowed in the same direction, but were vastly different. Each field had its unique prerequisites and needed specific knowledge, which I tied into a new class of mission that I called life-missions. 

Life-missions also had stronghold blueprints and diplomatic benefits. These missions were centred around politics, combat and charisma. One mission in particular needed the person carrying out the life-mission to subdue an entire hive of bug-people on Alderaan. The rewards were a planetary shield blueprint, blaster design papers and the ability to hire 100 Alderaanian soldiers as a personal force. 

A grin slid onto my face as I watched my idea spread through the entire game as the Overmind proliferated the concept and matched them with hundreds of thousands of worlds and factions. One in particular was focussed in Mandalore and offered an entire armada of Mandalorian Star Vessels that could match The Republic and the Sith Empire. I knew Yuna Al Ghul would have fun with that.

My attention was drawn as a ping slapped onto the system, the senate session of the Republic called. Clicking on the pop-up I tuned into the broadcast of the meeting.

"We must call for a ceasefire on Taris!" The senator from Alderaan called out righteously as half the chamber erupted in applause and agreement, the other half booing and showing their discontent.

A disk-like podium zoomed up to meet the senator from Alderaan, a Togruta standing in the centre of said platform as they locked eyes with the imperious looking politician. 

"Nonsense! The world of Taris must be taken, if not for the fact that it was once a beacon of civilisation like Coruscant is today, then for the fact that it holds secrets that, should they be discovered by the Sith, could lead to a complete collapse of our momentum!" The female alien held her hands out as robes of the finest silk slid down her arms.

"If we were to withdraw all of our efforts would have been wasted!" Murmurs echoed cacophonously through the truly enormous chamber as hovering film droids recorded the reactions of hundreds of different senators. It seemed the Alderaanian senator disliked that he was being openly challenged, his expression oozing discontent. 

"What would you suggest of us then, Senator from Shili? That we throw more men and women into the meat grinder for some perceived advantage...!?" A lull came over the chamber as I noted a singular Jedi figure standing in the background, a smile sliding across his face.

'Smart bastard, you have the senator's under your control.'

"No! I would suggest that we instead call on mercenaries to aid our efforts. We can take the world should we offer a price to the Mandalorians or the Hutts."

At the mention of Mandalorians many senators spat vitriol, leading to the head of the senate slamming down his gavel and requesting order. Silence took the room once more.

"That- Could work... I call this motion into vote!"

The Jedi lifted himself from leaning on the wall and walked away, his gait rather calm and confident. 'Heh, some people are way too good manipulating things it seems.' Shaking my head I cut off the feed and started adding some specific elements of Star Wars to the engine.

First of all was the Father, Brother and Sister. They weren't actually characters yet inside of the game. Creating them was easy and relatively harmless as all they did was stay in their home, playing their parts in keeping Abeloth locked behind the massive force-shield dividing the galaxy.

Why would I add this you ask? Well, why not? To be honest my entire venture with games wasn't just about power but the exploration of stories, plots, enjoyment and competition. What was a game without a basic story to it. Even chess had stories connected to real life...

After adding them I then started adding esoteric lore to the game. I based all of it off of legends material as the 'canon' that Disney pushed was utterly dogshit and voided most of the substance of their characters. Now that the franchise and games were mine, fucked if I was going to let all of that legend material fade into obscurity. This included the faster than light technology that could warp entire fleets to the other side of the galaxy and even some obscure tech that could create gravity fissures in space that drew vessels out of Hyperspace. Along with these was the creation of the Eternal Fleet and the massive update to the Sith Emperor Vitiate. His plans were now fully added to the game and would slowly start taking place as they did in the original game.

Revan was added additionally with his force-ghost flickering between numerous places around the galaxy. All of it was an echo, but if gamers/players ran into him they could possibly learn some form of force ability from him.

Another ping initiated, my finger tapping on it as I watched the Sith council meet, their conversation much more contentious and about furthering their exploration of Sith Holocrons. There was one weird member there however, his expression beyond stoic. I could sense no empathy and there was some sort of aura that felt familiar to me.

My eyes narrowed. 'Is this man part of the same group that attacked me?' As if in response to my question the force echoed out and grasped for the information, my mind filling with images of Susan's brother being hurt and possibly killed by a man that was younger looking than the one in front of me... Yet so closely resembling him that I felt my gut scream out that it was him.

The fake Dracula Alucard handled for me... He was there also and they were speaking about domination. The League of Assassins was mentioned. The force showed me the image of Susan's brother, Jonathan Storm, aiding the two attackers as a SAM missile launched from a platform, which he quickly started melting after the Jet in the sky exploded.

Anger consumed me and I immediately emerged within the council chambers of the Sith, all of them turning to me as the force warned them of an impending doom to be thrown at one of them.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS COUNCIL MEMBER-" I rose my hand and began force choking the little gnat that dared speak to me in such a manner as I strut forwards and stared down the man who had weaselled his way into her game and attacked her in the past.

"A-augh-kuh" Choking noises followed but I ignored them as the man i was staring at stood up, his eyes staring into my own as he pulled back his cape and showed his lightsabers. 

"Now, who do we have here? The game creator's character...? Perhaps you are this Freya I've been hearing about through my contacts?"

I flexed my fist and snapped the neck of the obnoxious shit who had dared to speak to me in the beginning. The sith slumped in the air and dropped as the rest of the Sith watched on, some in glee and others interest.

"Your death."

Rounding on him I shot out force lightning. His lightsaber rose and consumed the majority of the force power. He was naïve and didn't understand the force however, so I flicked my hands and started to strike him with the edges of my lightning, like Palpatine had managed to do when he was revealed my Mace Windu.

"Ahmmmm... Seriously? You think your pathetic lightning can kill me?" My soul cried out in hatred as my very force connection turned pure black. The eyes of my character turned into burning embers of a dying star as I walked forwards towards him.

"No. But it distracted you." He frowned and tried to log out, only to find himself stuck. His soul was stuck in his character's body. There was no way out.


"Fade into nothingness."

I was now right in front of him with my hand extended out, his eyes bursting with frustration and anger as the varying Sith members leaned in and watched this new power of an old comrade. 

My hand touched his forehead as I slowly commanded the system to purge his soul completely, frying his brain in real life whilst also deleting his soul from the body. This was all a part of the bug-cleansing section of the system... And thus he was dealt with like a bug, his entire form glitching out as he silently screamed in agony.


Heartbeats filled my ears as a flame began to smother the body, the soul of the man alighting in the flames of hell.


The air thickened with a heatless flame, a pressure that coiled around the soul like a vice. Darkness stretched endlessly, yet the red glow of a formless, writhing mass of malice loomed in the void, shifting and pulsing with cruel intent. Then, the shadows parted, and there he stood.

Flame, hatred, wrath, greed, hubris, anger and hell given form. Writhing tendrils of barely concealed power lashed out towards me before it struck a massive orange heat and began to burn.


"I do. And there is nothing you can do about it, scum." I tensed on my power and watched as the flames died out entirely, the connection between this man's soul and Mephisto snapping as my system completely wiped out the scum who had killed some of the Uchiha and hurt me and my own. 

"This is for the Jet, Vandal Savage. I'll never see you again, but, if you do manage to come back from whatever abyss I am sending you to, just remember, I will send you to an ever deeper pit... Where you will rot for all of existence."

The body glitched and faded as the very soul was burned away, his destination or existence a massive question mark in the entire scenario. 

{System warns host that Mephisto will now seek out the host. Said entity cannot effect you whilst within the bounds of your reality seed, caution is suggested however.}

'Thank you, system.'

I turned and teleported away, my awareness now phasing back into my body, at my desk. The day seemed just a little brighter through the windows now.


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