Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 97: Goddess Meets an Al Ghul

Sitting opposite me was a woman who was eerily familiar to me. Though her hair was different and she sported a rather prominent scar that ran from her eye to her lip, she had the exact same facial structure as a woman who was the head of a Mandalorian Clan in SWTOR.

Her posture was awkward, uncomfortable and her emotions were chaotic at best. At one moment concern, anxiety and fear slipped through... In the next she was curious beyond measure and swooning. These aspects were mostly ignored by me as I didn't want to intrude on someone's mind too far, otherwise I'd be just as bad as Xavier.

"So... You a goddess or something?"

I almost snickered at her constipated tone. This day was starting off on a unique note.

"Mhm! Norse God of Games, Entertainment, The Oceans, Fertility, Life and Warfare, Freya." She frowned at the long list of titles, her hands tightening somewhat as her gun lay in front of her on the wooden IKEA table.

"Then why am I able to... Never mind..." Raising my eyebrow a touch I watched her, breaking out into a smile as the vision of her using her life-form ability replayed at the same time I was looking at her.

"You wished to inquire how you were able to begin the process of copying some of my physiological traits, no?" Her entire face turned pale in horror, the chair below her scraping across the floor as she stood and started to walk backwards in fear.

"H-how!?" The question was whisper-shouted, her eyes locking onto mine as she put her right hand behind her back. Feeling that this would be a cool moment to test one of my runes out, I stood and walked straight into the table...

My body turned translucent whilst I retained all feeling through my body. Walking through solid matter I reached the other side and turned corporeal again. She simply stared at me with concern and trepidation, her hand leaping away from her back.

"Well, I could say: I AM A GODDESS..." My aura spiked after intoning a cringey line, "Or I could be honest and say i saw a vision of you using your ability." Shrugging I leaned back on the table and felt its support aid me in relaxing; my aura lessened in intensity.

Silence was maintained until she exhaled in frustration and looked at me plainly.

"I am guessing you want something from me."

"Nope! Just found that you were in trouble and decided to step in, say hello, fix the problem, then take off... That is, unless you want something from me...?"

Blinking slowly the woman grabbed the back of her neck and popped some pressure away.

"Look, you know about my 'ability'... I have barely any clue other than I start scanning something passively and a time pops up in my vision."

The information churned over in my head as something felt like it snapped into place.

"Oh? Sounds like a power centred around information gathering and then biological synthesis. You scanned some plants, but have you scanned any other creatures?"

"Fennec Foxes."

I smiled.

"So you have an increased tolerance to poisons and alcohol... Probably also the smell enhancement of a fox and of course some instincts. Do you gain only the good traits of the thing you scan, or is it everything?"

She grimaced slightly as she sat back down in her chair, our positions now weirdly adjacent to the table. 

"It is only positive things thus far. I scanned a fennec fox and found that I could smell better, see in the dark as if it were daytime and had better reflexes."

"Cool! Sounds like my ability, though I can't directly copy animals and stuff... I just evolve at an exponential rate." 

I just had to mention Apex Genesis as I wanted to walk closer to her and felt something within me pop again, snapping into place... 'Something is happening' My thoughts were cast aside as I simply teleported next to the woman who I had saved. She flinched and gaped at me, all whilst I tried not to shit myself.

'Okay, this Quirk is just utter bullshit now!'

"S-so we're the same?" Her voice was softer now. It was odd to feel her become so introverted, mixed with a flaring up of past trauma in the form of purple mist in her aura. Her expression also aided me in discerning that she was in need of help.

'If I don't help her she will crack and crumble under the pressure of her life...' The force flashed through my eyes and my soul as Yggdrasil swayed a touch, as if a breeze was pushing it just a touch.

"Yes. If you were sappy, you could say that we were destined to meet! Hahaha." She blushed deeply at my words, a tingle slamming down my spine as I considered if I had just started something that I didn't intend. The force had to be an asshole of course, showing me walking down the aisle with her and some blurry figures... Susan was there and so was Artoria, yet it all seemed so unfocussed. 

'Possible futures are ensuring that I can't know who will be with me... Ugh, this shit just keeps getting more complex...' I made sure to convey none of this to the woman, her admittedly gorgeous eyes glossing over somewhat.

'Her Ability???' 

I didn't even need to ask as she just started to magically glow, her aura billowing outwards as a thick onyx and dark purple. Unlike my cobalt and rose-pink aura hers seemed to draw the shadows in and flex them under her command.

"You just scanned me and copied my shadow control and fae-nature, didn't you?" She flinched as if I had shot in her direction. 


"Huuu, it's fine. It is not like you could copy all of my power since my powers are godly."

{Alpha Genesis has created an immunity from visual-based copying powers}

'Well, that is a bonus I guess... Though those are most likely very rare.'

"Th-thanks for not hating me..." Now those words concerned me. Was she so lonely that she was simply awkward and insecure, or was it something deeper.

"Why would I hate someone I just met and who is, by all appearances and nuances, quite attractive?" She blushed heavily at my words, deeper than even Susan and Artoria usually did. To be honest, I don't know where my confidence came from, but it was there, like a suave bastion of 'rizz-ology', or for the less modernly influenced, courting. Feeling around for the source I quickly came upon the rune of the trickster, which was flickering sporadically in shadow...

'This fucking thing seems to be laughing at me.'

"A-ah, t-thanks... Freya..."

"No need for thanks when I am just speaking truth... Shit, I apologise, what was your name again?"

Scratching her head a little she stood up and extended her hand, trepidation but resignation crossing her luscious features... 'I am going to definitely end up with her aren't I?'

"Yuna! Yuna al Ghul..."

"Well... Shit..."


Somewhere under New York...

Ned sat up from his bed, his entire body aching as purple bruises dully shone in the lamp-light beside his uncomfortable bed. Blinking he rubbed his eyes and felt sleep dust collect on his hand, the small pangs of pain from the glands below his eyes faded. 

"Ughhhh..." He groaned in pain as she shifted to the side of his newly given bed, his stay with the 'king' of the homeless in New York being worse than he expected.

"Come on kid, it ain't that bad, ya know?" A figure blurrily stepped into the room, his vision adjusting from sleep to wakeness. 

"Fuck you. In the morning? Really?" Ned spat his words with as much disdain as he could amass so early in the morning.

A chuckle echoed off of the confined space, the drone of conversation distantly smattering through long winding cement corridors and ante-chambers. As if to make matters worse, the main light in the room was flicked on and sent him into a mildly blinded state, yet again, having to adjust to the light level.

"Yep! Now get outa bed bozo, we got more trainin to do!" Ned didn't have the energy to complain much more and he was already starting to regret going to the subway entrance when he was fleeing the FBI. 

The man hauled him up to his feet, pushing him through the doorway to his room. He hadn't needed to dress at all, having slept in his clothes again, for the third time this week. His feet carried him forwards despite the bone gnashing lethargy he felt. It was akin to walking through molasses.

"Cheer up kid, we're teach-in yah to kill your enemy!" He grunt-laughed as several 'homeless' men walked past, their eyes tracking his movement before sliding off of him and focussing back the way he had came.

His eyes finally adjusted by the time they rounded a corner and entered onto a balcony overseeing an entire fighting pit. Reaching the metal railing that cordoned off the second level from a significant fall the sounds of rapid strikes and exhales boomed amidst the silence.

"Tsuu! Y-You're tiring out Yuri!" A punch zoomed out from the white man speaking, the opposing Asian man grimacing as he took the blow on his ribs.

"F-Fuck, man you're talking bullshit." The Asian man began a flurry of attacks that looked like Muay Thai and Kick Boxing combined. The White man seemed to tank most of the blows but had to step back as a kick threatened to stab into his solar plexus. 

"Whoo! You are getting better Yuri... It's just a shame that you haven't learnt how to fight against Taijutsu..." The white man stepped forwards and began to weave in-between strikes, deflecting them and re-directing their force so as to imbalance his opponent. Said opponent falling for the technique and stumbling forwards only to be struck with a downwards chop onto the back of his head, knocking him out.


Clapping resounded from the man watching just a few metres away. His clothing ruffled as he stepped forwards, his slight pudginess hidden below the rags of a person used to living underground. On his shoulder a small dove sat, its head rotating and looking around calmly, as if watching the entire display before it like some sort of TV show. Ned shook his head at that description, it made him think himself mad. 

"Wonderful work Carl, it seems we will have to teach Yuri here how to block Taijutsu strikes and the art of maintaining balance." The white man nodded with a smile, though he was respectful in how he gestured to the man.

The fighters were carried or left the arena themselves, the watchers sitting around waiting with glee and anticipation. Ned cringed at this display as he rubbed his right arm, where he had been struck by Yuri the day before.

"Ahum! Everyone, I have an announcement to make!" The ebony skinned man, the king of this court of darkness and insipid tunnel networks, proclaimed loudly.

"We... Are in business..." Murmurs flittered out on the still air of the chamber as the king slowly paced to hi right.

"John Wick... Has joined us all again."

Entire segments of the crowd cried out in outrage and shock. No anger was present, but it was as if someone had mentioned a celebrity or some form of popular author in a convention. Ned was utterly lost.

"The baba yaga! " His voice was forced to be spooky then, his hands raising as his fingers moved somewhat, depicting a scary ghost or something.

"You all know what this means. The bogey man, or more aptly, the man you send to kill, the ,fucking, bogey man... will stand at odds with the High Council." More and more whispers spread out amongst the crowd, many panicked but also gleeful. 

"His ire has taken focus... Upon a certain Russian family in New York. Timing, for John, as always, is poor... The martial law having yet to subside as Mutants and other such types fight authorities daily, makes his work complicated."

"Thus! All of you are to aid him, if he comes to you. We must indebt him to us, so we may cash in some day." Whooping noises and whistles blistered out into the still somewhat silent chamber.

"Well what are you-" His words cut out as a figure jumped from the nearby seating, ginger haired with bright green eyes. The figure looked all around, his uniform resembling some of the unsavoury sides of world war II. 

"That is all rather quaint... But I have topics of much more import to the entire group here."

The king glared at the intruding man, his hatred radiating off of him in droves.


"I do. Ah, sorry, where are my manners...?" He bowed mockingly towards the 'king'. 

"Klaus Mikaelson," He got out of his bow and strutted himself about, "it is a pleasure to meet you all. Now-"

"What my brother, is trying to convey, is our wish for you to return the boy known as Ned. We will not ask twice and he must be in perfect condition, otherwise...-" Klaus picked up from his brother's interruption.

"Your lives are all forfeit..."

Coldness took the atmosphere as guns were raised in their direction, both of them smiling widely as doors on other exits closed abruptly, three more figures emerging.

"Bon Appetit, I suppose." 

Slaughter took the underground king's halls.


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