Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 96: Plans and Visions

Running my hands through my women's hair as we lay under the stars in the penthouse I thought over everything that had happened so far and how most of it was out of my control. Getting shot down by a SAM, having the force thrust upon the multiverse, getting told that my games would bring other universe's powers to this one... It was all so much. Yet, I couldn't do anything other than simply ride the waves.

That was the way of existence though. Struggle, pain, love and joy all mixed and intertwined to carve the tapestry that is reality. An easing of stress occurred within me as Susan tightened her hold on my side, Artoria draped over the top of me, snoring loudly. My thoughts cleared further, the quirk that had merely become passive working its miracles within my body every second.

Changes had been hard to notice at first, so minute that they could merely be considered boons of rising to the position of Goddess... No, they weren't small at all. My breathing which was still necessary, even for a Norse God, had become much more powerful. Oxygen entered into my lungs like a tide and I felt as if I could hold my breath for an eternity. Apex, as I am calling it, had rewoven and rewritten my DNA to enhance my day-to-day processes.

Breathing was now so fluid that I could easily forget that I was doing it. Walking on my date with my two loves had changed the way my muscles were structured, slowly enhancing the fibres to deal with long stretches of cardiovascular activity. Eating the sushi and other food last night had me now realising that I was gaining muscle instead of fat from it, Apex changing the process from fat generation to muscular growth. It had been spiny at first, a small fear flushing through my meanderings that I was becoming like All Might from My Hero Academia... But the size of my body hadn't changed, Apex was condensing my muscles, making them denser, stronger, and more refined, reshaping them into a more compact and feminine structure.

I had yet to test my current strength, but as it was I felt that i could flip several cars with the percentage bonuses from my Titan runes and the base stat upgrade Apex was giving me.

Those weren't the only things to change though... Chakra, Magic, The Force and Psychic Energy was being ground under the determined pseudo-consciousness of my godly quirk. As it was I had begun feeling stamina beyond normal. The Force shone brighter than normal and visions stirred at the edges of my vision, if I wasn't careful I could fall into them at any moment. My mind was now different, changed, I couldn't forget anything anymore.

From the smallest details of the Fallout franchise that I had made to be my own, to the precise details in the irises of Bruce Wayne as he asked me to support the Justice League. The smiles of my women, the moment I consumed the intelligence stats of Reed Richards and finally my meeting with Natasha Romanov. Beyond that I now fully had all of Reed's knowledge on science, engineering and mathematics at my fingertips.

Susan murmured in her sleep, her voice slightly panicked and worried. Looking down at her face on my left arm I kissed her on the lips gently, sending a wave of love and comfort into her dreams, reminding her that I was here. "You'll be okay honey, just imagine me there for you." The pain stricken face slowly receded behind a blissful expression.

'Things to do after they awake... Go back to New York and check in on the students of Xavier's school, get in contact with Bruce, speak to Peter, find Ned and...' A vision flashed of a specific apartment building on the Sunshine Coast.

Darkness coiled in the apartment as an evil slowly crept through it's shadowed corners. Chittering and screeching could faintly be heard in the background as the front doors opened, showing that same woman who had somehow copied the genetic capability of plants... Blood pooled at her wrists as she held a pitch black magnum, her gaze haggard and worn above the gothic clothing she wore.

Silver shone off the refractions of moonlight being caste through the windows of this apartment. Blood glimmered dangerously as the chittering enhanced to massive proportions... The gun rose and pointed toward whatever it was, which was apparently behind me.

"I told the league, to fuck off." *BANG*

A gunshot rang out as I came back to in my bed. I needed to go there now. Wincing at the position I was in and how my women would take it, I quickly purchases a pen and paper for a single point and left them each a note; telling them where I had gone.

There was a reason I was having visions of this woman. The force was weird in that way, Obi Wan's knowledge and Revan's screamed this at me as the visions became murkier and changed, my mind swimming in the muck that was the possibilities of the future. She was needed for something. Beyond that, she was intriguing to me. Her abilities had stumped me before, but now I could understand that she was just as broken as me; power-wise.

Disconnecting from my reality engine the entirety of my soul now connected to my main body fully, the memories of what I was doing falling to the wayside as I called out to the system.

"System, teleport me to the woman's apartment."

{Cost: 10,000P}

"Do it."



A woman entered her apartment with her pistol in hand. She had just gone to clean up some business in china town, the smell of Sulphur laying rancid around her thick black trench-coat as blood drizzled down her hands.

She had taken one too many wounds from the demons of the Hand tonight. A sigh escaped her mouth as she flicked the front door's lights on, her keys rattling as she placed them over a hook near the door.

Her bones ached and her muscles felt sore, though the enhancements she had gotten from her plants had helped her massively tonight. The power itself was still a mystery to her, but it was intoxicating in a way... To have so much potential power at your fingertips without restrictions... She shivered before drawing her attention away from her ventures.

Something felt wrong. Sulphur still filled her nostrils, but she could almost taste the cold in the air. It was hot in Queensland even in 'winter', it didn't get this cold unless something odd was at work.

'Fuck, I'm out of bewitched bullets.' She bit down on her lower lip as she rose her magnum, a Valknut etched into the handle and biting into her hand. Cold steel aimed down range as her arm panned through the room, her eyes narrowing to the shadows that roiled in the corners of darkness. 

Glancing over to the lights she grimaced. They were too far away and one of those same 'darknesses' clung to the wall below it. She pulled back the chamber and checked that she still had a bullet in the chamber before aiming it at the darkness that guarded the lights. Carefully she took a step forwards... A hiss blared through the room, feral and metaphysical as crimson eyestalks grew from the pools of onyx.

Gritting her teeth as sweat slowly began dripping from her forehead she took another step forwards. *HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS* A protracted hissing screamed out into the room as a single onyx pool leapt for her jugular, her pistol whipping around and grinding its inner-gears as a bullet exploded from the end of the barrel and implanted itself with ferocity. 

The sound of burning butter resounded as hundreds of hisses emerged. She went pale as blood dripped to the floor, her pistol shaking ever so slightly as she gripped it with all the determination of prey trying to survive a predator's stalk. Falling backwards on her ass she looked around in what light there was, watching as hundreds of ichor-rancid pools of evil grew eyes and looked at her with hatred.

"Mmmmm-master will be hhhhh-happy..."

"Yy-yes, a ddd-daemon hunter, ccc-caught at last!"

"A fine gggg-gift for our f-ffff-father."

She pulled her index finger down onto the trigger destroying three more shadows as sulphur began wafting through her entire apartment, the plants on the balcony withering as fell magics wove into their genetic structures.

"He-hhhhehehehehhhhehehehe! She ttt-tries sss-so hard sss-still..."

"Cccc-cute... I-ii-is it not?"

She grimaced at the demon calling her cute as she grasped into the pocket of her trench-coat for more bullets, finding nothing but an empty scrunched packet of lays chips. 

"Fuck!" She scooted back on her ass and reached for the door handle until she noted an inky blackness latching onto the metal handle, its form now covered in teeth and tentacles. "U-Uagh..." She resisted throwing up as she hunched in on herself, the gun clattering to the ground.

'Not like this... not like this...!' She rocked backwards and forwards as the creatures stalked ever closer to their downed prey.

"Sh-shhh-should we not, strip hhh-her?"

"F-father prefers to ssss-soil them hh-him-himself!"

Tears slowly began to gather in her eyes as unbeknownst to her the Valknut began to shimmer in rose-gold and green... The hue not too unlike a strawberry. 

"Sssh-shhh-shut it you two! C-ccc-can't you see she is frightened?"

"N-nnn-not making it to Valhalla ttt-tonight, a-are we?"

Looking down and rocking herself she was panicking as no one was there to help her. Like always she would be alone facing the demons, again she would be faced with death... All over again... except this time she won't be able to dive into the Lazarus pit.

The chittering ended suddenly, her eyes darting around at her feet before she stopped rocking back and forth. Slowly she met the darkness that was before her. All of them were stilled, silent, staring deeper within the apartment as a small vorpal sound billowed out from within.

"I-INTRUDERS!!!" Hundreds of shadows leapt from their walls and corners, jumping at the sound as the two talkative ones, sporting mouths, backed up towards her.

"Now, now... What do we have here? Some minor demons attempting to attack a goddess...? How uncouth!" A flash of strawberry and cobalt light cascaded from a doorway deeper in the hallway as ash blasted out with the light, embers still burning mid-air before fading out.

The woman grabbed her gun, pointing it at the inside of her apartment in desperation as she felt a warm pulsation from her right palm. Another blast of light cleansed more demons as she looked down at her pistol's symbol, watching as it was now blistering in cobalt-strawberry energy, lightning crackling down the barrel.

*HHHHSSSSSSSSSS* "Gg-ggg-gg-grab the hhh-hunter!?"

One of the mouths spoke in fear as the other two leapt at her. Looking down at the symbol she found words burning forth in the air. ~Pull my devil trigger... Do it...~ Feeling something the woman aimed her pistol at the incoming demons, their eyes rolling as scoffs exited their disgusting insectoid mouths.

"YY-you are oo-out of ammo!"


The energy lightly caressed her index finger in arcs of lightning as she pulled down.


A lightning bolt sundered from the end of the barrel and obliterated the two demons coming towards her as their mouth screeched out before fading into the nothingness between the material plane and their own hellish plane.

"W-w-what? Hhh-how!?"

A figure loomed behind the evil little gremlin entity, the entire hallway behind them filled with bright embers and cobalt light.

"Because fuck you, that's how." The figure activated a lightsaber through the head of the demon, the blade itself alight in white and black light, framing the face of a woman. The symbol on her gun bloomed into bright strawberry lightning sparks, roses and varying other flowers sprouting in electrical arcs from the metal of her pistol.

"Good morning. It's nice out isn't it?"

"HUH!? W-who are you...!?"


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