Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A Cry in the Storm
The brilliant sun shone down upon and rested upon a caravan as they hurriedly moved to set up camps and tying down everything that could move, carts, horses, tents, boxes and barrels, using rope and stones to keep everything grounded. The horses neighed with unease as the men lightly pulled upon their reigns tying them up inside the small tents.
A restless pigly man shouted out every mistake and hurried off any stragglers, casting a stern glance and sometimes the *whiwsh* of a whip to make sure things were done according to his commands.
"Rameer! I want every horse tied up, every barrel, every box! If one of them goes missing I'll have all of you thrown to the dogs! Or maybe I'll just give you lot to the dothraki! I should've done that in the first place, instead of giving them my merchandise!" The man's face contorted into a striking resemblance of a swine as he yelled at his thin, elderly companion who knew better than to interrupt his master for his master was many things, cruel things, but not a man to waste his words with ill-action.
He moved through the clustered camp, barking at everyone he saw all the while heaving from the strenuous activity that he was clearly so unused to. All this however, seemed to stop as his eyes found a red haired woman walking towards the edge of the camp in a slow and mystified stride.
The man sprang towards her, much akin to a ball that bounced off a wall, as he rushed to her side "Liana! What are you doing here!? It's dangerous! Liera, Viggari! Where are you!? Those useless bitches!" He inquired, bellowing for her servants, fully intent on punishing them for their negligence.
The red haired girl seemed to be half-asleep as she looked towards the fat man and smiled kindly, an odd thing to be sure but it seemed to give the man some calmness as he smiled back at her and inquired in a much gentler tone "Liana my dear, what are you doing here? It's dangerous to be moving around in your condition" he glanced at her protruding belly.
"I just wanted to see it, just for a moment." The red-haired beauty replied with a smile that melted the man as he took her hands and gently kissed them. One might look at his kind smile and wonder if he had been replaced with an imposter, but it was nearly impossible for one to willingly take on the face of such an ugly man.
The two gazed into each other's eyes for a bit, their gaze broken by the rustle of two young girls rushing to their sides. The man's face twisted again and the two girls started to coil back at the coming assault that none could prevent except "I just wanted to take a look, I've never seen it before. I'll go back in a bit" the woman gently caressed his cheek, pulling the ugly face towards her again as the anger was washed from his face again.
"Alright, but go back in soon alright." The man reluctantly pulled away from the woman and left, not before glaring daggers at the two young girls who ran to Liana's side apologising. The woman simply gazed into the distance one last time before turning and leaving with the girls.
In the distance, fierce winds swept up the sand and dirt into a great wall of red and black that rose towards the sky. The sun would soon be darkened as the great storm raged forward, threatening to engulf the world into a suffocating darkness. Soon nothing could be heard except for the whistling of the wind and the thunder of the raining sand.
The violent whispers of the wind and rusting sounds of the air-borne earth carried a subtle yet unnatural sound, the sound of distant screams. The whole camp huddled inside their own tents, listening to the painful screams while praying to whatever god they could think of, praying for the life of their mistress and for the life of the child.
It seemed that the storm and the screams accompanying it would go on forever however it was just their own thoughts, for everything that had a beginning, has an end and the it did end, both the screams and the stormy winds, but before the silence could settle, the cries of life filled the camp, followed by the cries of joy and prayers of gratitude.
The entire camp rushed outside the main tent, waiting with smiles and hushed whispers. The curtains soon lifted as a fat man holding a bundle of blankets came outside, wearing the biggest smile that ever had the miss-fortune to grace his face. "It's a boy." he whispered, "the gods have blessed me with a son!" He yelled in joy as he lifted the bundle as high as he could, the men and women around him cheered and prayed and wished for blessings to their new young master.
The man brought down his son into a loving embrace, vowing to every god known and unknown to shower his son with every luxury and his lovely wife, the wife that gave him a son, with all the love he could muster and more. This was the happiest moment in all his life, so happy was he that he would bestow freedom to every slave under him that wanted it! After he got back home ofcourse, but for now he would indulge himself with the joys of fatherhood for he knew it was the start of a new journey for him.